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Posts posted by Sweed59

  1. I'm new to CMx and playing a game where I have moved my German sniper team into place expecting a long view from the woods down a railroad track, and beyond, with trees on either side. Covering an area of expected approach.  As I set my waypoints I checked LOS to make sure he had vision. The track bed is slightly elevated but as the sniper approached LOS was there. Now he is in position but seems to want to take a prone position which places him too low to see down the tracks and I go from the "blue line" to a no sight message when checking with "target".  The team is not "hiding" it has only reached the final waypoint, but the spotter is prone looking through his binoculars and the sniper is prone with rifle ready looking through the scope.  Looks like if they were up on a knee the LOS would be there. I did set a target arc thinking if he knew what he was expected to cover he would put himself into position to see, but that had no effect. So...

    Will the sniper raise his head to get a view, or am I stuck with him never acquiring the LOS I expected to have? The only fix I can see would be to have him crawl up the embankment of the tracks but this would leave him exposed. 

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

  2. Thanks for asking this, I was wondering about it myself. Found a couple of youtube videos that were no help at all.  Just getting back into CM and not ready to PBEM yet, but was looking around on how this works so when I'm ready I'll know what I'm doing.    

  3. 7 hours ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    I agree. It's all a storm in a glass of water, isn't it? A more elegant solution would have been to give JoMac a warning, although I agree with Vacillator that he probably meant well.

    Anyhow, guys, that's how things are around here sometimes. We need people like you, Frank, so don't give up on us please. Start a new thread, mention that your work is FREE FOR ALL and let's concentrate on the future. I bet all this did draw the attention of a lot of people, so consider it to be free publicity. 😀

    I was going to post something similar to this. A warning to JoMac for what I would think would be a violation of forum rules?  At least most if not all boards I have belonged to do not allow any mention of compensation for mods, and rightly so.  Delete or modify the offending post to "deleted for violating forum rules" or something similar and leave the thread open. Maybe edit the original title of the thread with a preface to the original title, something like "User created mod:"  FWIW Frank did mention on the first page, as a response to a user's question that the mod was free of charge.  Frank's exact words, "You pay nothing 🙂". 

    To me leaving the thread as it was when locked leaves anyone that reads it wondering about the outcome. Was Frank looking for compensation or not? Elvis does state in this thread " I believed him then and I believe him now." which clarifies the issue here, but not in the locked thread. Perhaps a post stating the issue was looked into and the finding, ie "I looked into it and Frank was not seeking compensation" as an ending is much better than the way it reads now.  

    I do hope Frank reconsiders and sticks around.  

  4. 19 hours ago, Dynaman216 said:

    What all of those don't have that CM does is 3D WeGo with replay.  No other game seems to want to even attempt it.

    I'm lucky in that I've just returned to CM after a long absence and that was playing CMx1. CMx2 is all new to me so nothing feels old and won't for a very long time. 

    Though I have an interest in history and war games, I'm not a big time war gamer like many here so can't argue about "reality" in depth with the user/historians that post here and share their expertise. They write their posts, I read them and learn. 🙂

    What I do require to play a war game is a WeGo or Ugo/Igo system. I'll admit I didn't do a deep dive search of all new games before coming back to CM, but I think all of them I did look at were real time only.      

  5. Last played any CM many years ago with CMBB and CMBO.  Received some holiday sales offers and I was able to get BN at a great price on Epic Games (Steam key) and all of the DLC's  in a bundle a couple days later on a Steam deal. 

    Then Matrix had a great package deal for RT complete so I bought it there.  I thought it might be helpful to other new buyers to post my experience....  

    I wondered if I'd have any issues registering the game and DLC on Steam with the Matrix purchase. There was no issue at all. Base RT and DLC was in my user file immediately after purchase with Matrix serial numbers. In the same box was a link to obtain Steam keys. Clicked the links for each file and received different codes for each. Activation was as easy as going to Steam and adding the game/DLC. Started with base game and then each module with no issues.  The hardest part is Steam didn't allow me to copy paste in the codes, IE I had to type them in manually.  

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