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Posts posted by Simcoe

  1. On 12/10/2021 at 11:20 AM, Cpt_Winters said:

    Noticed nothing yet.  Although I've only recently started and still making my way on that first battle and finding it a tough one.  What sort of bugs are being reported?

    Take my post with a grain of salt. I just remember reading some threads saying machine guns are more powerful now than the author originally intended and certain things like a unit didn't show up here and there. I would either try it or do some more research on the forum if you want to be sure.

  2. On 12/10/2021 at 12:55 PM, Combatintman said:

    Not everybody says that.  I think with this book he'll be on safe ground - he served in the British Army during that era and almost certainly spent a fair amount of his career in 1 (BR) Corps roled units.  The scope of the book, judging from the notes, I also think will limit any 'disorganized' tendencies.  He was a prolific contributor to the British Army Review so, while he may not have written too many books I wouldn't see that as a concern.  Number of books is not a qualification - Al Ventner has written gallons of books but they are all painful reading - I only buy his stuff because he's one of the few people that writes about the Portuguese colonial conflicts.  I am seriously thinking of buying it.

    Thank you for letting me know. Those were the complaints I saw so I wanted to check here.

    I picked it up on Amazon. I can think of worse ways to spend $45!

  3. 15 hours ago, Monty's Mighty Moustache said:

    He asked for people to help voice the next instalment back in April/May time and I volunteered to help. I’ve heard nothing since so he can’t have finished the scripts yet. I assume RL got in the way or perhaps he did hit something that stops him continuing. 


    That's too bad. Unfortunately Combat Mission Youtube is a passion project and real life takes precedence.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Cpt_Winters said:

    Yes, I agree 100% Double Vision's videos are fantastic too.  Hope he posts some new content again soon.

    I'm currently trying out this campaign and have to admit I'm finding this first battle quite tough.  His video has helped although I had some subtle differences in my approach but have taken more casualties than I expected.

    I’m hoping Double is taking so long because the last couple videos had voice acting etc. 

    I heard the campaign may be bugged after a few patches. Have you noticed anything?

  5. 4 hours ago, BFCElvis said:

    Once you see the way different units behave with even small adjustments it blows the mind and makes me thankful that there are people, that know so much about this stuff, on the job. It's that kind of subtly that I think the OP may not have played enough to appreciate yet.


    This right here. I think it's hard to see the differences when first learning the game but after a while, you start noticing how much of a difference an extra BAR in an American squad can do for it's firepower or how different each variant of the M60 Patton plays out. 

    There is an absolute ton of variety and content in each module. 

  6. Some good points here but I had to LOL at Combat Mission playing the same between modules.

    You're telling me Fortress Italy and Red Thunder play the exact same? Or Cold War plays the same as Shock Force 2?

    Do you go on the Halo subreddit and make posts about Halo 1, 2 and 3 are the same? Or Counterstrike Global Offensive is the same as 1.6?

    Get out of here with your clown ass.



  7. I thought this was a really interesting mission that was worth discussing.

    I'm not sure of the author's intention but my interpretation is that this mission is all about forcing you to play to the strengths of an armored task force.

    Your first inclination (or atleast mine) was to avoid the scary open area on the left(see picture: red marks are enemy positions, blue are my advances and overwatch positions) and clear out the forest to the right, then create a base of fire from the tree line. 

    I tried this first and the AI triggers are excellent. Even using small teams to identify targets for the tanks lead to mounting casualties and and slowed down the entire operation. The Germans were constantly retreating and redeploying to ambush me again. This path also reduces the effectiveness of your machine guns and mortars which are half your platoon firepower!

    Instead, I used my opening artillery to pound the hill on the far back and sent a platoon to clear it out. For the other areas marked with blue arrows I softened the positions with mortar fire until I was sure there was no more resistance and moved in. This was about the time that I called in my massive artillery on the town and other observable German positions. After the artillery was empty my tanks could fell a building in a single shell if not already destroyed and the surrender came soon after the first troops entered the objective.

    Overall this scenario was one of those that hooks you for a week as you figure out the best way to crack it. 

    I might try more of these reviews if people think it makes for interesting discussion.


  8. What's everyone's tips that are universal to Combat Mission (and maybe some that aren't)?

    • It's better to use too much support fire on a smaller target than you think you need. Nothing feels worse than using too small of an artillery mission on an AT gun only to see it kill a tank later on. Same thing in urban combat. Better to level a single building than pepper a larger area.
    • Play to your strengths. If you're playing a mechanized force with few infantry units stick to open terrain where you have the advantage and avoid forests like the plague
    • Targeting arcs are your friend. It took me a long time to realize two guys in a good observation post can be the most powerful tools you have. Also, scouts that fire back are much easier to hit.
  9. 2 hours ago, Codreanu said:

    I really enjoy CMCW but I can see their point, the series is really difficult to learn and sometimes it's hard to deal with the jank and generally "old" feel of the games with not much actual innovation when a new game comes out. Did CMCW really add anything unique besides cluster munitions? On the other hand Battlefront keeps giving even 10 year old games engine updates and occasional patches which no other devs do which I'm sure takes up a ton of developer time. CMx2 feels like it's at the end of it's lifespan so I hope we do get a CMx3 that brings the game up to 2020s standards.

    I guess it depends on what you mean by new. If you mean models and terrain not much but if you consider game play CW is a massive difference from the other modern games. Both sides are equal in technology and the battles are much larger in scope and more mechanized. These aren't beatique task forces from Black Sea. These are WW2 scope battles with modern weaponry.

  10. 1 hour ago, slysniper said:

    its should be simple, arty should be allowed but there is just too many players that cannot handle playing against arty. Thus many house rules are too restrictive

    The rule started coming about because there were players that would use it and strike set up areas of their opponant which is totally gamey, thus a good reason for not wanting to allow it. But other than that, there is no reason it should not be allowed.


    I recall one battle where I preset my arty to land where I antisipated my opponant to be on turn 3 then did some tricks to make it happen.

    He moved right into the location anticipated, he screemed and whinned and said I cheated.  we started over and I still kicked his butt. 

    But the original move was not incorrect. he should have moved knowing and thinking about possible arty strikes. But as I said, most players do not want to have to play or think about what it takes to deal with it.

    So in general, they have made house rules that really hurt game play if you are playing with a country that has real slow arty times to call in and there is no way to use it in the initial stages of the attack.


    It is a area that players should discuss with each other. but you have my view on it. Other than targeting set up zones at the start of a battle, you cannot justify any other restriction as far as i am concerned for the attacker or the defender.

    I can understand that. I was talking more about single player scenarios like the first NYC campaign mission. Seems weird that both sides fire artillery at the same time during the first turn ever scenario.

  11. In the other modules first round artillery is usually reserved for the attacking party but it seems every Cold War scenario has the defenders firing artillery on the first turn and in meeting engagements it's the same thing.

    At first it came off as gamey because I can just sit in my deployment zone and wait out the turn knowing it's coming but is there a basis in real life for the constant opening Artillery? Did each side know when the other was deployed and ready for combat?

  12. 1 hour ago, Combatintman said:

    Airspace deconfliction ... Hot ROZs (decided not to Google that in order to keep the wife off my back) etc would be planned at formation level from memory.  With all that in place it would be (put simply) knowing that the ROZ was either 'hot' or 'cold' which I think would be either determined by the JTAC or communicated to the JTAC from the relevant formation.  In Afghanistan you could pretty much guarantee that there would be buckshee fast air allocated on the ATO to orbit for ECAS/ad hoc tasking in addition to anything that had been specifically committed to any given unit/operation.  So if they were needed they could just be whistled up and, as Afghanistan isn't that big, they wouldn't take long to rock up.  I recall on my first Afghanistan tour that the Danish recce squadron attached to Task Force Helmand got about 21,000lb of ordnance dropped from a B-52 onto some Talibs who were giving them bother on one of their trips up to Now Zad which was certainly not planned CAS.

    That's crazy. Any idea how many Taliban were there? Imagine the cost of that ordinance compared to the total cost of the AK's and flip flops the OPFOR had.

  13. 3 hours ago, chuckdyke said:

    Nope you have up to 15 minutes to play with in the beginning of every game. Say the average game is 1 hour it means the strike will take place at the 45th minute mark. Subsequent adjustments can make you postpone your strike at infinitum. Artillery you organize your echelon. Mortars at the front, (which can be used in direct fire mode) heavy stuff on your objectives. With all respect on Veteran you have a very unrealistic scenario. Like hunting for cows in the paddock. My opinion only. 

    Fair points but you seem to be talking about preplanned artillery while I'm discussing artillery called during the game and regarding the US in WW2. From my research, they called artillery early, often and it came very quickly. I think Veteran is a good depiction of that. In my opinion, it makes the game more fun regardless of the authenticity.

    That's what the choices are for right! Makes for fun discussion though.


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