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Posts posted by hundtand

  1. 1 hour ago, chuckdyke said:

    There is no oil in the middle east and there is no oil in the Caucasus. Why do people think WW2 was fought over? The Brits and the Germans fought each other in North Africa because they loved the warmer weather. 

    Never underestimate how a change in scenery, however brief, can have a positive impact on your day to day 🤗

  2. I left my 'thank you' in the other thread, please bear with me.

    If this is the right place for reporting bugs, I feel it's my duty to inform on someone... The quartermaster of C company seems to have stowed the wrong ammuniton into the trucks that left for FB Ladybird. There's no ammunition for the GPMGs. I suspect he, and the entire combat service support detachment of the division, might be working with the roundheads.

    (Seriously, though, it bears repeating. What an awesome job you guys have done!)

  3. Just picked the Marine's module up and this mod is an essential enhancement for it. Thank you for your time and effort, mjkerner!

    There's just one thing I can't figure out.... How do I mix in woodland MARPAT helmets / gear in with the default desert MARPAT? I tried pasting the desired helmet folder in and just deleting one or two replacement textures. Sadly all of my marines end up topped in green helmet covers.

  4. I had great fun with this campaign. Every single mission offered up, at least a handful, of those moments of tension that keeps me coming back to Combat Mission. Some missions seemed droll at first glance, but they all ended up offering great and immersive experiences. To top it all off, it all feels very grounded and realistic.

    The campaign also manages very well to tell a story. I think having all but two missions play out on the same map helps greatly with that. Strangely enough, watching pixeltruppen crest a ridge, becomes more interesting when that ridge has been crested before. When there's occassion for me to project my own memories of casualties inflicted by the enemy onto my pixellated platoons.

    Thanks for letting us play! I hope you got as much enjoyment out of making this campaign as I got from playing it.

    Spoiler follows, highlight to read: That RPG in the epilogue mission was a great touch.

  5. 26 minutes ago, slysniper said:


    Your argument is less convincing when you subvert it in the sentence that follows immediately after. Artillery and somewhat realistic reactions to its fire have to be considered pretty core components of a game centered around military tactics. So there are in fact bugs that, more or less, break the game for those who are inclined towards playing it in a certain way intended by the developer. 

    But as said, I don't particularly care about the bugs themselves. In part because I don't even own the games that are affected by them*. Hell, if they'd been clearly labeled on the tin, I might've bought the CMFI bundle already. Sadly they aren't and my only saving grace from unexpected frustration was stumbling into this thread and asking what ailed the game. The general lack of transparency is, simply put, very offputting to me as a prospective customer. It seems to me like the kind of aloof attitude that not even AAA developers can very well afford these days.

    I eagerly await the patches and for a few months to pass after their arrival. With this thread as a reference, it seems unwise to be sinking my claw-like toenails deeper into the product catalog much sooner than that. 


    (*Though I guess I've noticed some fairly minor wriggles in AI response to fire in CMSF:2. Like Canadians running away from the impact of their own LAW:s)

  6. One of the things that have been grating me is the fact that there's no indication on the website of these, more or less game breaking, bugs being present. By trying the demo of CMFI for instance I could easily be led to believe that things are functioning as they ought to be in the current version. When in reality, I could be waiting for a few months to have the game I paid $80 for to take the shape of what was advertised. That's the real kicker here, lack of information, not the very long delay to see the issues addressed. I wonder what happened to the notion expressed in the sales policy that an informed customer is a happy customer. 

  7. 20 hours ago, Dynaman216 said:

    The main one, for me, is perfectly fine troops leaving cover to stand in the open an action spot or two away when fired upon by Arty (and in my case a machine gun).  This was a result of tweaking some other code in the unit AI to handle some other item that I don't remember.


    Alright! I think I've noticed some variation of this in CMSF2 as well. Canadian troops seem prone to be scared out of cover by the impact of their own LAWs. In the example linked below, the impact point was admittedly a bit close but.... Still seems a touch silly.


  8. Could anyone give me a run-down of what the major bugs are, specifically? I’ve tried my hand at searching, but I haven’t been able to find anything conclusive.

    I’m itching to pull the trigger on CMFI. I’m hesitant, however, to treat myself to an experience that might be less radiant than the one CMSF2 has given me. 

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