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Posts posted by Trasher

  1. 5 hours ago, LongLeftFlank said:

    Sorry, trying not to troll here, but in RL can't men scramble out of the way of those devices pretty easily? I mean, a 280mm AVRE spigot mortar, sure, concussion alone would cause lethal hemorrhaging. But death by steamroller?

    I'm sure its fairly easy to avoid, especially because the Sherman only travels at 5mph with the flail in operation

  2. 11 hours ago, Mord said:

    It probably has to do with path finding issues and abstractions, tanks can't even crush infantry or anything else for that matter. It's probably a logistical nightmare coding wise when you have a couple hundred guys surrounded by vehicles all on the move. If you noticed, dead vehicles don't block vehicle traffic either. It's either a limitation of the engine or a design decision, either way it's not ideal. Unfortunately we still have to live with abstractions, just much, much less than the old days.

    I think you're right, and thankfully it really isn't important to the game, blocking traffic with destroyed vehicles however will hopefully be something we get to see one day.

  3. So this isn't really too important to the game but I ran a test in the editor and found that the mine flail on the Sherman tank doesnt kill infantry, and while this isn't game breaking (or even necessary) a mine flail should still kill any infantry it hits. Is there a game engine reason for this or is it purely a design decision?

  4. 7 minutes ago, Michael Emrys said:

    I find it just a little hard to call that unrealistic

    It is absolutely unrealistic, no army on the face of the earth trains soldiers to displace out of fighting positions, or to run around like headless chickens when they take indirect fire.

  5. 28 minutes ago, IanL said:

    I just don't agree that the issue is game breaking.

    I'll have to disagree, infantry become absolutely useless once they start taking indirect fire.


    2 hours ago, sburke said:

    Stop expecting they are gonna start a blog you can interact with to get more information that will never actually satisfy you and please stop asking Steve for dates.  Every time he posts one here I cringe cause I know it is only a matter of time before we end up right here.

    Its not hard to give us an update on the progress of the patch, even a simple "its taking longer than expected to fix" would be fine

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