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Everything posted by Haveatya

  1. This is why AC-130 normally has a 40mm Bofors but some of the new special ones sub it out for a faster firing 30mm, though these are less common.
  2. Here is a sneak peak at next generation Bradley hull Here is some info on the Bushmaster 3 and some proof of concept of it in a slightly modified conventional turret http://warfaretech.blogspot.com/2014/03/atk-bushmaster-iii-automatic-cannon.html And on topic, the Stryker Dragoon concept firing
  3. I'm glad the person I was talking to is a filthy casual. I was worried when he told me that. This system is much more potent.
  4. I can't remember where but I was talking to a rather informed individual and he said the 30mm has similar characteristics to the Apache's cannon. The likelihood of getting any more details are pretty slim so modeling it with those statistics would likely be fair. While there is an increase in weight, the addition of slat armor has already made the Stryker overweight for its initial role of high aerial mobility. Also it will still weigh less than the MGS which is transported alongside it conventionally.
  5. I'd rather have this thread stay on the Stryker Dragoon and not the "what-if" of politics. The new system adds 2 tons of weight. Spread across 8 wheels that is 4000/8 so 500 pounds of weight per wheel which is pretty minor. Also the MGS is of similar weight already so if anything it is just standardizing their terrain capabilities.
  6. Yes. The program is years ahead of schedule and has no downsides to the characteristics of the Stryker. As c3k said, it's unmanned and functions as just a heavier RCWS versus the contemporary mk.19 and .50s. Same thing with the javelin variant. Because the uparmor packages that are now standard, the Stryker is too heavy for its intended weight class and must be transported via the same means as conventional mechanized units. So adding some weight is perfectly fine and acceptable. Last time a military project has moved this fast was when the Abrams was getting tested and up gunned to then 120mm. The program is honestly exceptional.
  7. The United States army has begun putting these into testing and service a few months back and the upgrading seems to take pretty minimal time and effort. Would it be possible to get these introduced in Black Sea? With people pushing for the Armata because of its implementation, I believe putting in the the AT Dragoon and the 30mm Dragoon would bring motorized stryker units some additional firepower over the mk.19s and .50s on transport capable strykers now. I don't know how difficult it would be to implement these but perhaps they would be an excellent addition to a DLC for the game? Thoughts or concerns? https://www.armytimes.com/articles/army-receives-first-stryker-upgraded-with-30mm-cannon https://www.army.mil/article/177472/first_stryker_prototype_with_30mm_cannon_delivered_to_army http://breakingdefense.com/2016/10/army-rolls-out-upgunned-stryker-30m-autocannon-vs-russians/
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