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Posts posted by Ironcross12

  1. I just tried to play "Operation Eisenbahn" and i notist the troops are in normal wehrmacht uniforms.

    I dont know if the creator is still around but thought i would make a post as it seems like a good scenario and might need updating. 


  2. 17 hours ago, Rinaldi said:

    You may want to see if you can get a copy of Wolfgang Schneider's "Panzer Tactics" - a good read, with quite a bit of focus on small-unit stuff. Leans heavily on examples (the good, the bad and the ugly), primarily from the Eastern front. Presents the textbook 'ideal' (much like that video) that all armies sought to achieve, if rarely accomplished. 

    Thanks it looks good. I will get a copy.  

  3. Maybe I'm expecking to much from the players. I think some FB is a great game ive studied the war alot and I do like to play the Germanys more then US, UK, Russia.

    These games are not cheap i own CMBFN full pack, CMFB, CMRT. maybe the devs should of added alot more secnarios or add more after realease. They are the experts with the game engine. 

    I think the games would benifit from more small medium size secnarios. More defensive secnarios.

    I dont use the quick battle option much as i just did not think it worked very well.

  4. 4 hours ago, Combatintman said:

    Everyone who has a copy of the game has access to the tools, including yourself.

    Yeah i have used the editor in CM-BFN just to add more units on certian defensive scenarios to make them harder.

    But i dont have much knowledge on creating a full scenario. Maybe i feel the game is just lacking in contant and im looking for modding to fill the gap.


    3 hours ago, Bulletpoint said:

    I did two scenarios, and then I stopped. My personal experience was that while scenario making can be fun, it's also a ton of work. And while some of that work comes from testing and balancing, a lot of the workload is also due the editor not being very user-friendly. If BFC wants more people to do scenarios, making the editor easier to use would help.

    For example, adding basic functionality like an undo function would help lots. Or an ability to rename AI groups so you don't have to remember that group #3 are 1st platoon HQ, # 7 is AT guns, etc. And maybe change the system for selecting configurations of doors/windows/damage/textures for building walls.

    But I'm not thinking they will invest in changing the editor this late in the game's lifecycle.

    Yeah i bet it is alot of work having a mess around with the Editor my self it.

    It would be nice to have more defensive missions on the German side.

    2 hours ago, Ultradave said:

    A few of the usual suspects have been quite busy with R2V and FnR for a while. Probably with less time to just relax and dream up new scenarios. I know for myself, with play testing a bunch of scenarios, my energy level and time for just playing CM is much less.


    Yeah i know with modding games can take a lot of engery and then put you off playing the game.

    Hopfully we get it on steam and get new players and modders to add to the community

  5. On 5/2/2020 at 4:28 PM, Albert DuBalay said:

    From scenario "The Road to Wiltz".

    My troops arrived on the West Hill just seconds before the americans arrived. When they American troops showed up just behind the icy hedgerow at top of the hill they were greeted with a blast of Xmas bullets and Xmas shells. In minutes the three US assaults squads, their leader, the support machine gun team and the flamethrower team were images of the past whilst my 81mm mortar artillery barrage was torning apart the defending team on the East Hill as my other assault team on this side was cautiously progressing under the cover of the dark woods. Meanwhile my paratroops had met with the americans tentative to out flank my West Hill assault. The US tentative surprise counter attack was brutally stopped by their unpleasant encounter of my paratroopers and a support 105mm howitzer tank. The three US tanks also met rapidly their fate when the bravely showed up in front of my ambushed tanks. In less than 25 minutes all was packed with a minimum of casualtiesand 30 US survivors surrendering.

    A great scenario and a very pleasant stroll to town. This night we will sleep in town.

    Screenshot 2020-04-22 at 22.39.43.jpg

    Nice i’m looking forward to playing this as the Germans.

  6. On 5/1/2020 at 6:20 AM, theforger said:

    I bought the book off eBay for £450 a couple of years ago. A lot of money  but its not going to ever go back into reprint and I'd been tracking for along time. It covers the KG on a single day the 19th in great detail (36000 words). The photos and maps are large and clear. I don't regret the purchase and my family can sell on when I'm gone. I own vol2 and 3 which contains great source material too. The Devils Adjutant is my favourite read on the KG. Major Reynolds the author also features on a Youtube video driving around the La Gleize area with Jay Karamales 

    Thanks for the links to the youtube vids great find.

    Nice find with the book I had my eye on that book for a while. I own vol 2 and 3. 

    Battel of the Bulge Then and now, is a great book also


    Great thread Lt Bull.

  7. On 18/09/2016 at 1:51 AM, user1000 said:

    They are two different beasts there, why are you assuming they have similar armor? Enjoy getting taken out my those .50s! Only because you thought it was impossible iron. :lol:

    Yes two different tanks. Stug and Panther has side hanging plates so not bare like the pic you posted.

    I am one for learning i would like to see evidence of this happening in WW2.  

    seems the games broken then joke on me :/



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