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Posts posted by Endyamon

  1. As far as I know the only long range AA missile Russia has, is the r-37, which i don't how many they have in stock, since it's a pretty new missile. They have the old r-77 which should be less capable than the newer versions of the aim-120. There should be the new R-77-1 version which it's used with the su-57, but honestly, after the "mighty" t-14 armata, i have my doubts that these new missiles will ever be producted in good numbers (or even producted at all)

  2. 18 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

    Two. The second hit refinery in Tatarstan. Declared speed of E-300 is 150 km/h. Shahed-136 has 150-170 km/h. Russian AD hasn't total control - if our drone manage to overcome Russian borders with AD systems it will reach a target in the depth of Russia with big probability, because further is free space mostly. 

    Then, I hope for the best. I will have  a little holidays in these days, and I hope to read more about these kind of strikes when I'm back😎

  3. 22 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

    Updated picture of UKR long-range drones with new model A-22 Foxbat, striking targets in Tatarstan Repuplic in 1200 km


    And here is allegedly new extra-long range drone E-300 Enterprise of our "AeroDrone" company. It capable to carry 300 kg of HE and has a range 3100 km. Though it's unknown how much HE it can deliver on such range. This drone was presented in first time aboput year ago and developer have been searching a factory to manufacturing presumably in Poland. Maybe all tests already completed and soon we can see it in action


    Wouldn't these drones like the Foxbat and the E-300 be too big and slow not to be seen well before hitting a target? I mean, days ago, one of them exploded in Russia, but would they be really good to use frequently?

  4. 1 hour ago, Zeleban said:

    I was wondering one thing. Even if magically, all western companies start to send all materias to Russia, how can Russia use these tecnologies at best, considering they sent almost all skilled men to the front? Also assembly all tanks, apcs, ecc, how can they manned them, if they are short of (good) soldiers? I don't think giving a t-90m to 3 soldiers that barely knows how to start it, can make huge difference.
    I'm just curios, I'm not an expert :)

  5. 51 minutes ago, Vanir Ausf B said:

    Current US production is around 350,000. Russian production is estimated to be near 2 million


    I was wondering one thing: Everywhere they talk about how many artillery shells Russia can produce or already have, but I wonder if they can also buy/obtain/build enough artillery systems to fire all these shells. I'm not an expert about military stuff, but I think artillery tubes can deteriorate quite quickly if used a lot. Has anyone any idea of how many of these new hardwares can Russia field each month?

  6. 28 minutes ago, panzermartin said:

    I overcome your slightly racist remark of lazy southerners that is so 2010s (in fact South works more hours than the North nowadays , just have a look at the holidays and the few hours shops are opened each day. I was in Hague and I was shocked to see something like 12 to 3 and 3-5) here we are open 12 hours straight. 

    But to answer your question, middle class has been hit hard In all Europe. Prices have gone up in everything , electricity has gone up, France and Belgium are paralyzed because of the pension limit increase among others, public health is compromised. In my country they are moving forward with privatization of water that will lead to skyrocketed prices and probably less quality. We recently had a deadly train accident due to privatization of trains and profits but with not enough investment in the state owned infrastructure. Europe was not built on US money alone but from hard work of war torn europeans and post war immigrants that also set the base of the most generous social system of the globe, that is now in danger. 


    I cannot be a racist with southern countries, because I live in one of them :)
    I'm a middle class, but I was lucky that with my job, I travelled a bit. Wherever I went, people were simply working more and talking less about these privileges. Probably we simply (and luckily) have our bellies full and now because we can't eat the dessert, we think that now we are poor like 3rd world countries. There are many problems for sure, but I cannot see the true privileges thrown away.

    Anyway, let's stop speaking about this, it's quite ot :)

  7. 36 minutes ago, panzermartin said:

    I really hope you are right. You are probably are...

    But we can go on a larger conventional war on multiple fronts for years before turning nuclear(if ever) . And that will ensure that all the gains we in the West have achieved through decades of social struggles, our freedoms, our standard of living, will go down the drain sacrificed for the "greater cause". That will make the elites very happy. Just look what is happening in Europe right now with major strikes, and people being slowly deprived of post war privileges...

    This war is very strange, the way we are willingly sucked into it in an age we had forgotten how to hold a gun in Europe. Maybe it's all about Putin's megalomania maybe not. 


    I would like to know which post war "privileges" we have been deprived of. Nothing changed in Italy even with Meloni (where everyone inside and outside Italy was saying she would have been Mussolini 2.0). What I'm seeing here in Italy and I think in all latin/mediterranean countries, is the lack of will to work. The post WWII privileges were the money given to Europe by USA and the will to work and build everything again for the best. So a part from the lost privilege of getting money from the USA (or big country), now I see no privileges lost.

  8. 5 minutes ago, panzermartin said:

    So a US drone can patrol next to Russian borders, coordinate artillery/troops to kill russian soldiers , coordinate missiles to sink russian warships or bomb russian bases, coordinate US citizens fighting russians on the ground but hey piss some fuel on a unmanned flying object and it is an international crisis. Ok... 

    Well, Russia started the war, not the USA, plus it was in international waters...

  9. 1 minute ago, SteelRain said:

    Not necessarily. The early T-72's came without smoke launchers. This would fit the assumption that the Russian reserve of T-72 tanks is almost depleted.

    Here is an early T-72 without smoke launchers.


    Yes, I didn't think of the old t-72. I'm used to see smoke launchers everywhere nowadays. I agree with you :)

    But the most important thing is that the russian tank is dead, no matter the type😎

  10. 7 minutes ago, SteelRain said:

    In my opinion this is some kind of early T-72 without ERA stuck in reverse gear. The bore evacuators on both T-62 and T-72 tanks are roughly at the same spot. The presence of what looks to be a luna search light on the right hand side of the barrel would support my assumption as it sits in the distinctive spot since the introduction of the T-64.
    The gunner moved the turret to the 7 or 8 o'clock posotion propably to allow the driver to escape. Sideskirts and the sudden violent cock of scheme are also more in line with a T-72.

    I've upressed a screencapture with Photoshop.


    In my humble opinion, it's a t-62. I see no smoke launcher on the turret. They should be located at the front of it

  11. 19 minutes ago, Huba said:

    I'll add one more thing: ATACMS goddammit! Or at least ER-GMLRS or equivalent. Apart from the Crimean bridge, there is a number of targets along the very Azov shore that UA can't hit now, including the railroad bridges on the Crimea - Melitopol line. Extend their PGM range by 50km and the situation down south changes dramatically.

    In other news, Italy is doing the exact opposite of what was expected after the last elections:


    Honestly, were there really people thinking that Meloni would have "betrayed" the west/Nato? :)
    Just before/after (I can't remember) the italian vote, I wrote that Meloni and her party are everything but Putin's friends. Those were Berlusconi and Salvini (who took a lot of money from Vlad). Meloni didn't have anything to do with Russia, and as I wrote, she and her party still fight the communism, and in the italian population point of view, Russia is still a communist state (like if the URSS never disappeared at all).
    Whaterver foreign politician/journalists will say, with Meloni, Italy will never "betray" Nato or any sort of military intervention :)

  12. 30 minutes ago, poesel said:

    That depends a lot on in what shape Russia comes out of this. Those autocratic/fascist elements always looked towards the big brother in Moscow. And Moscow supported them politically or financially to cause disruption.

    If Russia stays roughly in the same shape, her influence will stay, too. If Russia breaks apart or turns into a rainbow (fat chance), that support will go away and with it much of the power of those elements. But loosing this war will cost Russia a lot of political standing, and it will be a much poorer nation with less leverage.

    The unholy Polish/Hungarian alliance seems to be a thing of the past, which is a relief for the EU. Hungary just voted, so we will be stuck with Orban for the time being. But Poland votes next year IIRC.
    France just voted and dodged the bullet. Germany voted before the war, but the influence of our local fascists was and is waning. No chance in the foreseeable future.
    Italy votes soonish and there is a very strong right wing party. Let's see how that turns out.

    About Italy, you don't have to worry about right wing party. All the polls indicate that Fratelli d'Italia (far right) will get most of the votes. I would add "luckily" because the head of the party (Meloni) believes in Nato and wants to continue to support Ukraine. The 2 problems were Berlusconi and Salvini, since the first was a dear friend of Putin and the latter was financed by Russia, but they will be already happy if they will get a 20% together, which means they will decide nothing :)

    You can also view the "far right party" as an enemy of communism, which in many minds, is still represended by Russia. You can fight communism by sending aid to Ukraine :)


  13. Sorry for the little off-topic

    I was only wondering why in all video where RU tanks are destroyed, those tanks are (most of the time) alone, sitting there with zero crew members around or infantry. Does anyone knows why? I mean, I'm not an amateur, but not an expert at all in "war videogames", but I find these situations of lone tanks really dumb. Is there any chance that those thanks are abandoned? I mean, I know that RU army is really really dumb, but I find amazing if they are really SO doumb😅

  14. 3 hours ago, BlackMoria said:

    The most madding aspect of this war to me is the delusion the Russian nationalists/imperialists/knuckle draggers have that they still can "win" this war, despite all evidence across a wide spectrum on a wide range of metrics that it simply isn't going to happen.  Russian isn't a great power anymore - it has not met that definition pre-Feb 24 and even less so now.  That is got to be some fantastic 100 proof hooch that is being served up in tanker trucks that is being swilled in the power structures of Russia to continue to believe that all their stated objectives will be met by their beaten to crap army.  Completely ignore that the expected 3 day op and a parade in Kiev is now 4+ months in.  And everything is 'going to plan' we keep hearing from Kremlin talking heads.  It is like they are snorting lines of coke off of a stripper's ass and then getting in front of a camera and proclaiming everything is going as planned and victory is just around the corner....yeah, right <eye roll>.

    Except that dream is a nightmare now.  Except they don't see it or accept it.  And the dying on all sides just goes on and on.


    Maybe a little "off topic", but as you can read in this italian article, many "italian experts" still believe that Russian has tons and tons of weapons to use, while whole Europe soon will have no more weapons to send. The title literally says "Europe has run out of weapons to support Kiev. Russia still has reserves to sell. Enlarged NATO? A pretext is given to Moscow"

    A part from this "expert", the fact that this newspaper is anti-american and anti-nato can be a problem, since this newspaper is financed by a party that is in the italian parliament and has some ministers of the current government.


  15. 3 minutes ago, Fernando said:

    Hungary was a defeated power in World War I. Almost half of the Hungarian-speaking population ended up in the hands of other countries (such as Romania or Yugoslavia) due to the Trianon treaty. Hungary has always wanted to recover those Hungarian-speaking territories, some of them really unjustly lost, which has always been a source of potential tensions with many of its neighbors except Austria.

    Yes, the "sad" part is that the "boss" was Austria. Hungary didn't have the right to have an army, so all soldiers had to fight for Austria. The Habsburgs declared war, they lost the war and the only country who was torn apart was Hungary.

    Anyway, let's go back to speak about war :)

  16. 53 minutes ago, _Morpheus_ said:

    Hungary for years gave Hungary passports to the ukrainians in Zakarpattia and talked about `special rights` for this region. From 2014 `special rights`, it's sensitive topic for Ukraine... I hope you understand why. Ukraine executed a lot of military drills on Zakarpattia to warn Hungary that Ukraine will protect the region.
    I don't remember `good` relationship with Hungary since long time.

    The minorities are forbidden to speak hungarian in Ukraine, and there are many cases of rapes and general discrimination.
    Nobody `forbade` anybody in Ukraine to speak other language. Of course you could find some idiots who will be pissed off about that, but this could happen in any other country.


    Well, it's not that minority in general are 100% though. Anyway, I'm just an italian guy, so I cannot judge from here. No nation/party/side is always 100% right. Probably some things are true, some are not. I just report what she told me and what she showed me on youtube :)

    I donated money to the ukrainian red cross and also bought some bundles or games on Steam to help Ukraine. I just want this war to end and that all these tensions in Europe will end :)

  17. 14 minutes ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    Agreed, but let's not forget Hungary has only been in contact with democracy since a couple of decades. They are bound to make mistakes. Same for the other so-called Visegrad countries. That's one important reason why Eastern Europe musn't be allowed to become dominant in the EU.

    My gf in hungarian. I had time to speak with her about this whole situation in Hungary. Basically, what people fails to understand (me included before talking about it) is that Hungary and Ukraine had alwasy had tensions about ther territories. She showed me video on youtube where hungarian minorities in Ukraine were treated mostly like jews were treated by germans during WWII. The minorities are forbidden to speak hungarian in Ukraine, and there are many cases of rapes and general discrimination. Some years ago also Ukraine threated Hungarian to start a war to regain some hungarian territory that Ukrain thought it was theirs. Also Orban as she told me, was the least harmful leader (or party) than the others. He is a ****, but less than the others.

    What I don't understand is why Orban didn't speak publicy about these issues with Ukraine, instead he only went against EU only talking about gas and oil that are needed for Hungary

    And hungarians people are helping ukrainians as much as they can, so I hope after this war, both sides will be able to become more friendly and "european" :)

  18. 36 minutes ago, Huba said:


    On the other hand, here's an article from Politico suggesting that French/ German/ Italian counterweight is forming against US led block, that aims for ceasefire and returning to "business as usual" ASAP, instead of seeing Ukraine to a proper victory. The goal here would be preserving the existing order to a bigger possible degree, instead of embracing the unknown of defeated and humiliated Russia and (truly) victorious Ukraine.


    Italian prime minister Draghi is 100% supporting Ukraine, the "problem" is half of the goverment. Half of it is composed by right wing people that did many things with Putin (Salvini and Berlusconi) and by true "communist" who still think that communism exists and Russia is  right to kill those Nazi ukrainians. Plus above this, everyone is against Nato and even most against USA, since it's the most evil country in the world. I keep hearing that it was only Russia that beated Hitler and Germany in WWII, that explains a lot about italian mentality...

  19. Just now, Haiduk said:

    Hm... Single bridge through Dniestr was demolished in the first day of war. Where this convoy can drive? Probably this is distorted news about new column in Kharkiv oblast

    oh, no one here spoke about that bridge🤣
    I told you that Italian news are bad. Now you understand why😅
    Thanks to you Haiduk and to all the members of this forum. You are all amazing in providing true analysis and informations about this war😁

  20. Ciao / Hello :)

    Does anybody have news about the 12km long convoy that left Transnistria some days ago?. Here in Italy all news spoke about it like if it was a game-changer for the war (Italian news and "military experts" like to insist that Russia in a super power able to defeat Ukraine...). So, does anyone know something?
    Forza Ucraina :)

    Grazie :)

  21. Hi all :)
    I've been following this awesome thread since the beginning. Thanks to you I was able to "reassure" my family/friends that this war will not last long and Russia will lose. It was hard to convince all of them, because here in Italy, there is the "might" of Russian army and all news speak in favour of Russia anyway. I was wondering one thing however, does anyone knows what happened to the russian army in
    Transnistria? Today I read (on italian news paper) that a 12km long convoy was leaving that region, to "strike" Ukraine. Is there any good info about it?

    Grazie :)

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