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Posts posted by CCIP

  1. 4 hours ago, Abbasid111 said:

    I haven't seen it for a while but I thought the 1993 German "Stalingrad" was pretty good. 

    Hands down, IMHO, the best WW2 film is Das Boote. 

    I liked that Stalingrad as well! (There is an older German movie by the same title as well, from I think the 60s, which I would still like to see). The 1993 Stalingrad is good if you're into the German "anti-war war films" (of which Das Boot is definitely the finest example) - it definitely ranks up there as probably the most depressing war film I've ever seen. And Das Boot is not exactly a happy-ending movie either...

    Sort of on the topic - I just bumped into a youtube recommendation, an Estonian film from last year called "1944". It is apparently about the Estonian SS fighting the Russians. Doesn't look too bad: 

    Has anyone seen this one?

  2. 3 hours ago, Sublime said:

    The bulge sucked. For modern suckiness and biggest letdown ever i elect Enemy At The Gates. Hollywood romance schlock.  Countless errors, to the point the beginning of the movie shows a full scale city battle happening by the end you dont even hear background shelling and gunfire. Also the sniper duel at the end. Yeah cuz snipers were known to get up and fire from the shoulder whilst standing in the open. Standing in the open? In Stalingrad? Suicide you say! Not in Enemy at the Gates..

    Its a shame the novel it was based on was a fun read.

    While I'm definitely a big Enemy at the Gates hater, I think Michael Bay's Pearl Harbor would give it a run for its money! With Enemy at the Gates, I can at least watch it while griping about everything it gets wrong, and how un-Russian all the Russians in it are, etc. With Pearl Harbor, I can only groan at how awful everything about it is!
    And U-571 is another movie that deserves to be in the same category.

    It's a shame that historical war movies aren't really made anymore. Bulge sorely needs one.


  3. Thank you both for these! I think it might have been a version of the HQS sound mod, but a different one that wasn't packed as .brz and had some optional files.

    I really like the sounds in that set, CMFDR, I will certainly give them a go! The main thing I was looking for is a bit of variety of background sounds so I can switch them every once in a while - for some scenarios, you really want them to sound right (D-Day being just an example).

    Thanks again :)

  4. Hi folks, long-time lurker here!

    I am trying to locate a certain sound mod I had for CMBN/CMRT/etc., but I cannot remember what it was called, who it was by, and where I got it. So far, none of the ones at the Repository or CMMODS seem to match.

    It had a variety of things, mostly environment/weapon/explosion sounds, and it also had a set of options/extras folders. Among them, there was a set of different background sounds, including versions for "daytime combat" which were quiet, light, heavy fighting, and also a "D-Day" variation for maximum intensity of fighting sounds in the background. It's this set of files I'm specifically looking for.

    Any clues or help is very appreciated!

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