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Posts posted by 4Horsemen

  1. you can try the map yourself, I posted the name of it.

       the distance is not that far 200m +, but I never moved my vehicles until I had infantry contact.  And if you move the camera around there is no way in real life these guys should be able to see each other ( I know its a game and things are the way they are, but it gave the realistic emersion quite a hit for me ).

      Anyway, I encourage anyone to try the map and see if they have the same results.


      I must say though, I played the game through, was a lot of fun once I ignored the LOS detail.  And the end of the match was tooth and nail and raised the bar for strategic compromise for me.  A hell cat took out my Tiger last min and smoked to retreat after the engagement, I flanked with a  SPW 251/9 (ausf.D) in a hot position.  Got the first round off with a direct hit and was enough to make the crew bail.. with 4-5 min left on the clock.  Game ended in a tie as the whole enemy fled the cap zone except for one MG who was hiding on the edge of the zone after he fled his original position.

      Bitter sweet but nice to see the AI throwing a wrench in the mix.

  2. Hi,

     Ive started a QB on the Tiny Forest Map (400x512) 112a1.btt and I'm getting enemy spots and contacts half way across the map (from the top of the hill at my start location ((attacker)) to the berm of the objective ((village)) through the forest even thought there is clearly no real LOS through the trees and branches.  Is this an issue or am I not understanding something about the LOS here?

  3. Yup me too having problems with trees stopping/absorbing more 75mm rounds (and bigger ) then any of the tanks ive shot at (that consist or 3 inches of steel armor and more )

      I have noticed the big arty rounds destroy tress that are directly hit ( no real AOE ) but there is still more of a forest left after and emergency arty hail storm then I think there should be.

      I think tanks and AT guns should rip through tress and even hit close targets beyond ( or even chance to redirect (or deflect) bullets causing accidental hit locations ... perhaps even accidental FF if present ).  And I mean if they take some damage before they are completely destroyed from the rounds.

     And the large howitzer hailstorms should be capable of opening up a forest area quite a bit. exposing once hidden troops or at least reducing the bonuses where the forest was pummeled.

      this is just MOP...  I love this game and WW2 history, but im not aware of what the real consequences of the aforementioned situations would inflict

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