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Pat O

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Posts posted by Pat O

  1. While I find it disturbing that I can find these open source on the web might as well put them to good use. I can tell you that the SBCt ( Stryker Brigade Combat Team) manuals are the legitimate ones Strongly suggest any serious CMSF or CMBS player really take a look at the SBCT Company manual. I have noticed the missions involving Strykers tend to get you blown up alot if you try and use the ICV like an IFV. Conventional Army Mission for Strykers is to work supported by heavy mech or lots of arty in Urban terrains against limited armor. the Most dangerous thing in a Stryker is the Dismounts. It is just a Taxi. But here is the link



  2.  Non Game experience. Thermals are great when your looking for badguys in non standard equipment. Fighting another developed army though you really have to get that PID. Unsure if the developers did this on accident but it can be real hard to tell the difference with tons of similar equipment out there. When training with or against folks in the miles game that were at the same techno level it was a real bit**. so I think it adds a bit of realism to the feel of being a unit commander moving chess pieces. Just my two cents. Great question though and likewise great answers from the previous posters.

  3.  Just wanted to say hello. I just purchased the game and am very excited to have a game that is so complex. Reading through the forums I can see that this is a very serious community with great information. 


    i am myself a combat Infantry veteran and purple heart recipient. I was a member of the Army's very first stryker battalion 1-23 INF during the experimental phase and deployed with them twice to Iraq. I had ICV 0004 so I am pleased to see a game that allows me to use that old tactical noodle again. Looking forward to learning from you guys and being a part of this community.

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