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Posts posted by AlexD

  1. Won handilly?  How?! :)

    I mean map is small, flank attack is completely impossible,front duels-its a disaster. So..I really have no idea what I need to do. 

    Alrillery barrage is unavalaible, smoke screen for coming closer is impossible, 11 smoke mines-its a bad joke. One Il-2 cant finish all these hundreds of tonns of German armour. So how?? :)


  2. It is an abstraction to account for wire phone lines. As with any abstraction it is not perfect and allows comms when a wire line is unlikely but there ya go. Unless and until they decide to model wire laying it will not change. I have never seen that mentioned by BFC.

    Yeah Panther fronts are scay tough. Those 85s are damn scary and they will penitrate. With a panther they just need a bit of an angle. If the Panther has elevation over the T 34 then it will be well protected but if the T34 has elevation over the Panther the story shifts. 


    Phone lines. So its purposefully in game, yeah? Its a feature which-looks-like-bug. But I didnt see this in feature list in any manuals fo RT. And why Allies havent this ..phones in previous BN, its absolutely new feature yet?


    In this mission I have equal level of elevation in tank duels. Germans on the hill, soviets is on the opposite forest hill. And here is absolutely no perspectives to win in frontal attack. I already lost almost all of my T-34-85, and half of Su-76, and it attack is even not happend. Its all been cases of static tank duels. DAMN duels, no more! I need have to whole Armour Corpse to advance againt 3-4 Panthers and one King tiger, not less...Guess in harsh reality after several shells hits may cause engine damage from HUGE concussions, at least. But here..oh okay, nothing is perfect.

    Anyway thanks for answer :)



  3. Hello, I have few questions after some gaming experience in RT.

    1. Soviet commanders without radio and any links with anyone who this radio have, easy can call an artillery barrage. Its a telepathy or bug which not fixed yet?

    2.T-34-85 is absolutely useless against Panther in frontal fight. No any chances to penetrating frontal armour of Panthers on distance near kilometre or so? I have alot of hits doing by my T-34-85's in mission Myth of Invincibility. And all ricochete, ricochete...even no ONE armour spailing. 76-mm ZIS-3 AP shells is ABSOLUTELY useless also, I need to mention.  85-mm guns on T-34-85 was been is specially designed to destroy heavy German tanks on the real battlefield distances.But here it looks useless. What distance I need to have for certain defeat of Panther in front, 200 m? 50 m? Or its completely impossible?

  4. Hello, I played not so far ago in H2h game, Russians vs Ukraine, and during this game my tanks and bmp-s equipped with electro-optical jamming system Shtora got 3 missiles, Barrier, Kombat, and perhaps one ATGM Fagot. In all this cases this EO jamming system is fail, rockets is hit my armour with catastrophical results. Can I ask if someone know, what is the approximate probability of triggering infrared illuminator on Shtora in such situations(in CM:BS, not in reality), after launching rocket in my side? Is this 50 % or even lower? When Laser Warning is received, Is this system does not have absolute probability to activate, as it should be? So why so plenty cases of fails is happend ,bad-tec-luck or what? Some techical desctiptions of system Shtora provide about 80 percent of the shooting down missiles with laser homing.

  5. Hello!  I want to try some H2H scenario in Shock Force where syrians is fightning against syrians.Maybe this can touch the theme of actual civil war in Syria, where radikal islamists is fight against government forces. On the repository is hundreds of scenarios, maybe someone can advise some special on this theme?

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