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Posts posted by Banex

  1. The Bundle is up to date,after the patch and upgrade.If i remember the title was going to be a series of mods and BF took it's maker and project onboard and turned it into a game in it's own right.The V2 version was excellent anyway and was the first version of that particular engine into the bargain before CMBN.The next module,if it happens will probably be the one that takes it to V3.Now i'm guessing though.The bundle on it's own though is still very much playable.


    It's an age old argument that came with CMFI and the new engine also,people complaining about paying the extra for upgrading the other titles.BF has always said each version of the engine is still playable in it's own right,wether you want the goodies the new versions offer is entirely down down to yourself.They are not a patch,they are new versions of the game.

  2. The Stuarts do have HE rounds as well,they should be enough to deal with foxholes,with only a small gun compared to the Shermans,it's not as effective but should do the job.Trenches are another matter though,i would bring arty for those.Canister is mainly used for troops in the open.


    As far as falling back,if you have the enemy supressed,they are going nowhere.Ease off for a turn and let the Stuarts do their own thing,once they see a head popping up,they'll use the canister or HE alright.

  3. That's what the 'fast' command should be for. Just like when crossing a road and not wanting to stop because of suppression.

    Try moving too quickly through a minefield and you will be lucky if any of your guys make it out of it.Caught in a minefield,without engineers,hit the slow button and go back the way you came in.If it's the only way to go again slow or a risky move forward.At least on slow,they ll crawl and not set of so many mines.Time consuming yes but more chance of your guys staying alive.

  4. Have to say out of the CMx1 titles CMBB was my favourite so hopefully there will be more for Red Thunder.One thing Red Thunder did do was make me read up on Operation Bagration a bit more.This campaign was the one that broke the Germans back in the East,once and for all.So maybe not as well known but this one was the one that sealed the deal.So i can see that's why BF went with it.The opening of Barbarossa on the other hand was rather one sided and from a game play point of view might have not been so endearing to allied players.BF would have probably needed a whole new set of models also,thus having to spend more time on it.


    Personally,i'm happy with Red Thunder more modules will be icing on the cake.Like the battles in Russia itself,CMBB scenarios were endless within the modding community.Hopefully this series will get the same love.CM Afghanistan could have been a great title,shame it was a tad broken and didn't receive the looking after it needed.Mind you Black Sea has eclipsed that now anyway.


    If you're a WW2 Geek and addicted to CM,the period shouldn't really matter.As for getting more sales,a majority of the gaming community are into the eye candy games with their pretty graphics so CM wouldn't cut it with them,whatever the period.CM has never been graphically perfect but then again it doesn't have to be,it's the game play that counts,and on that CM is the best in the genre.Enough said.

  5. Really loved Shockforce and replayed the scenarios and campaigns numerous times but something slightly different would be a breath of fresh air but then again if the engine was just updated,i would be equally happy.I was surprised BF went modern with the first CMx2 title and not WW2 so was very disappointed.Once i got into the game and it's modules,it became a total gem for me.So it would be great if only the engine was just updated.

  6. Womble is spot on with what he says about the arty call in.If i start to see my arty is wasted i usually cancel it at the first opportunity.Mind you if you play Wego,as i do,it can be a really frustrating minute seeing all that ammo go to waste,especially if it was limited in the first place and the FO gets called everything,even though in reality it's all my fault.

  7. Thanks Slim,sounds like good advice.I'll try putting my forces on hide and then just use the aircraft as soon as they are available.Maybe that has been my problem trying to use them like i use arty,as well as being too close,even though i thought my guys should have been okay.Never had a problem with CAS in Shockforce either.Thanks again for the tips.

  8. Mortars or arty are the only way to deal with AT guns in the game.Even with infantry close up to AT guns,it can take a few turns before the crew are disposed of.I don't know about AT guns being a bit more deadly but i think everything is a bit more brutal with the game engine now,especially infantry fire fights.It's excellent.

  9. Okay that's it for me with aircraft in the WW2 modules.The second time in a scenario where i've been 45 mins into a game,used an FO to call in CAS and get my guys blown to hell and they're no where near the target area.Yup it happens in real life but when you've only got a couple of platoons in a scenario,that's a game over especially in a campaign scenario.Mind you none of my arty fell anywhere it's intended target either.Maybe my FO forgot his glasses.


    I've no problem with arty misses it happens but those damned aircraft.Not saying anythings wrong with the game either.Delighted with version 3 of the engine and delighted to be back playing the game again after my rig blew last year.Just with the size of some scenarios,aircraft friendly fire can be a game breaker.So basically with aircraft you can either use them in the beginning of a scenario where without scouting properly you might hit nothing or reciting a 'Hail Mary' when you have called them in and hear them coming.


    'Guys come back,they're our planes'

    'Yeah that's the problem and that's why we're out of here.Good luck taking that hill on your own Commander'

  10. CMSF was totally broken on release but several patches later and then with the modules that followed,the game engine was stabilized and it ended up being a cracking title.Since then the later titles have never had game breaking bugs or been unplayable,not in single player mode anyway.My point-keep the modules and titles coming,the bugs will come out in the wash eventually.

  11. Just a quick question for any modders.Are there any mods available or is anyone making a mod for the weapon and vehicle icons in the UI.Great module and have all available mods for this title so far,just lacking the weapons icons.........and as always a salute to the whole modding community who really round off the CMx2 series.

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