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Posts posted by Jiggathebauce

  1. If trump were to become president again, I wouldn't be surprised if at some point we have a thread talking about how hot Europe is going to get - because the MAGA regime will shift to cold war against 'satanic woke europe', withdraw from NATO, and threaten to INVADE Ukraine and help our Russian allies in Christendom

  2. 1 hour ago, panzermartin said:

    Agreed 👍

    Yeah it's puzzling they fight each other, since they are both white and believe in white supremacy and are probably fans of Nazi Germany too but these are groups that never went too deep with their reasoning I guess. 

    When I argue with Ukraine skeptic leftists who aren't full bore vatnik, I like to encourage them to think of the war as partially rightwing infighting, and to see the elimination of both sides' fash elements as a positive. 

    I think it's only logical that these groups are against each other in the end, because they're death cults ultimately based on domination, mythical belief in the superiority of their specific in-group, and never ending conflict. If your belief is that brave men are only those who die in battle, how could peace ever be an option? Victory is not only unachievable, but to be avoided- no more conquest and no more manhood. 


  3. 1 hour ago, sfhand said:


    4. The tripping point here is unprovoked and without rational justification. To answer your questions about the treaties see: Minsk 1 and Minsk 2. The German chancellor was caught on tape admitting Minsk 2 was entered into to buy time for Ukraine to build up an army revealing that the diplomatic actions undertaken to protect the ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine from continued attacks, and allow for autonomy to prevent a civil war in Ukraine, were duplicitous and served to buy time in the preparation for war against the east's ethnically Russian population.

    Couple this with the fact the CIA, US foreign policy establishment, and intelligence services, along with Senators McCain, Klobuchar, and Graham, were operating in Ukraine in a realized effort to overthrow the democratically elected president of the Ukraine, who still had a year on his term. After the goon squad was done overthrowing the president they went east to kill all who opposed the coup. Russia responded to this by militarily supporting the ethnic Russians.

    These are my current understandings of the situation back then. Of course I am open to changing my opinion should compelling information come to my attention, but as it stands the Russians acted rationally, way more rationally than the US and its allies did when invading Iraq. So, grading on a curve...

    And yes, one man's goon squad are another mans freedom fighters, who just incidentally overthrew a democratically elected government.

    Be well Baneman, it's good to see you still around. All my best to you brother.

    The maidan movement was not a us goon squad, it was a popular uprising against a guy who was previously thrown out already once before, the first time he was president.  For great background on all of this that would challenge your narrative watch the following video and the rest of the series



  4. Speaking of blaming the CIA, as battlefront's resident worker democracy advocate I am sad to report that certain tendencies on social media are buying a narrative:

    -That ISIS is a cia proxy,

    -That like Beleg noted, the US warning is seen as confirmation of that,

    -And that further evidence of them being puppets is that ISIS is not attacking Israel at the moment.


    There are truly embarrassing people who identify with the movements.



  5. On 3/13/2024 at 2:18 PM, LeBlaque said:

    HOOOOKAY!!  Here we are!  THREE months later.  And what do we hear from BF and AMD?




    Uh, gentlemen... it is STILL broken.

    ...and most egregious?  I read the year 2024 things to come thread and not ONE reference to AMD issues.  That is right, not ONE.  But us "complainers" were referred to copiously in the second thread!



    I genuinely don't get why that second update was even necessary, it was a big nothing. They waited several months to release an update that was literally just 'actually no, we aren't gonna tell you the rest we are working on'

  6. 4 minutes ago, danfrodo said:

    Actually, I thought Maciej's post led me to remember an interesting point: one of the things Ukrainians are fighting for is to be a prosperous western-style economy.  Not that western economies don't have oligarch/trust/monopoly issues, but beats the heck out of RU style economy.


  7. 55 minutes ago, Maciej Zwolinski said:

    Tissues are bourgeois inventions, comrade. Since the last 5-year plan all tissue and toilet paper factories have been retooled to make sandpaper. And better make a good stock of it while it lasts, comrade. Next year they are all switching to coarser grain.

    PS. True story from actual experience of living under "real socialism". Two things they could never produce in sufficient numbers was toilet paper and rope for baling hay. 

    And now you've switched to full on red baiting because you have no answer to my criticisms of an American general. If you want to continue this conversation about who has access to goods and services, you're always welcome in my direct messages where you can talk till you're blue in the face about how nice it is to have consumer goods.made by people who will never have access to them. Now get on topic.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Maciej Zwolinski said:

    Come on, he posted an interesting quote which happened to be said by George Patton and not celebration of George Patton. 

    Is Patton now cancelled to the effect that all his quotes are thoughtcrime? I did not get the latest memo from the Ministry of Truth, apologies.

    Amazing how valid criticism from one person is a full on cancellation of your favorite general by the proletariat.  Here's a tissue, comrade.

  9. Don't really see the point of the Patton quote posting. Far right people love to post another quote of his that "we fought the wrong enemy", implying that he would rather have allied with the nazis. Guy was a piece of work. In his own words, quoted in Peter Harts The Last Battle, during the American offensive in 1918, Patton thought he killed an American soldier who was shell  shocked, hitting him over the head. Somehow this anecdotal admission of possible manslaughter/murder has been completely forgotten despite the scandal in WW2 when Patton simply slapped a soldier.  This wasn't the only time Patton would inflict violence against soldiers of his own country who fought in the first war, he helped put down with force the Bonus Army that marched to DC to get the benefits they were owed. 

    Patton was no hero and isn't worth celebrating.

  10. 1 hour ago, The_MonkeyKing said:

    republican house already telling us how they going to smash the bill


    They just got done swatting down a border bill that had everything they were asking for, because Trump needs that issue to run on to scare older white folks who live nowhere near a good Mexican restaurant. He has no other issue to really campaign for. 

    The US mis leadership class, if willing to just allow a two bit conman to become dictator, proves that this system and those that defend it deserve every heap of scorn that radicals put on them.  

    I'm not going to accept American Putinism, even if they win the election. I will not comply and I hope most of the civil service and military defies him and his thugs, openly and directly.



  11. 1 hour ago, Ultradave said:


    And the biggest danger that I see is that because of legislation Congress passed, a president cannot remove the US from NATO without the 2/3 consent of the Senate (an impossible hurdle to overcome, IMO), he could effectively render US participation in NATO non-existent. He could, by himself, remove all troops from Europe, or anywhere else. He could refuse to support with arms or troops a NATO ally under attack. He could, as he signaled just recently, invite Russia to do "whatever they Hell they want". He could send home our representatives to NATO's organizational structure and not replace them. He could gut the State Department. ALL of these things are functions of the Executive Branch, under the President's control. All he has to do is give orders for any of that, without Congress being involved.


    Congress only other recourse should a president not honor NATO obligations would be a formal declaration of war against the aggressor. That is in Congress's control. But then, what would a president do, if he didn't agree with the declaration? I think, theoretically, he could just ignore it. If Congress passed bills and a president ignored them, the president could be impeached. But we see how that went, with a closely divided Congress.


    If he ignores a congressional declaration of war like that, it's treason 


    Section 3.

    Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.


    The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.

  12. 35 minutes ago, kimbosbread said:

    Yeah things are getting “interesting”.

    Biden’s team made an epic mistake in tacking left post-election. 

    What exactly did he tack left on?no one on the left gives a sh#t about build back better or the infrastructure stuff as it doesn't go near far enough. He's continued to build the trump wall, he's continued to try to shore up border security (who tanked that so that trump has something to run on, again?),  he's been supporting Israel, he did F all for healthcare and he maybe got a little bit of student loan debt forgiven. Roe got overturned on his watch and the Republicans dogs have caught the car on that one. 

    The fact is, Everyone left of Obama hates Biden and almost everything he's done, meanwhile he's made us(like usual) irrelevant, just look at the pathetic results of anyone else trying to primary him.  The LIBERALS(NOT LEFTISTS) are almost uniformly on the Biden train. Meanwhile trump can't even get the whole Republican party behind him anywhere he has primaried.  Look at his ratios versus Biden's in the primaries - Trump wishes he had Biden's primary numbers behind him. 


    I don't know what news you are consuming, but I'm with Beau of the Fifth Column on this, the Republicans can't do a primary without Trump, but they cant win a general election with him.  Jesus, I sound like a liberal. 


  13. On 2/10/2024 at 1:20 AM, Zeleban said:


    Not only Gerashchenko. Margarita Simonyan, one of the main Russian propagandists, complains that Tucker Carlson did not start a conversation with Putin about conservative values (after all, this is the main idea of Carlson’s viewers). Thus, even loyal Putin propagandists criticize this interview.

    Be that as it may, even Carlson himself said that he was not yet ready to comment on this interview. Which indicates his negative impression.

    Didn't tucker give Putin an opening to discuss his religiosity, asking him if he saw gods presence in world events, and to the disappointment of religious rightwingers in the west, he said no?

  14. 3 minutes ago, NamEndedAllen said:

    It’s most frequently used by frightened old white people who cannot properly shout, “Yo mama!” insults.

    It's just the latest iteration of calling something politically correct, which was always just another way of saying something is too liberal.  In another decade they will call it something else.


    Seems to me the armed forces can't be too picky about who joins, although ironically the wider demographics they need to recruit don't want to join sometimes precisely BECAUSE they don't want to be singled out by white conservatives who think they don't belong.

  15. 18 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

    . The same, as western media rised hysteria about hundreds and thousands killed in Gaza hospital, which turned out a fake, but in the time, when many people read headlines only this is enough. 

    26,000 dead and counting, dozens of hospitals and safe zones bombed, but go off about one fake. 

  16. 1 hour ago, dan/california said:


    Until a new factory comes on line somewhere, and one side or the other suddenly has ten, or a hundred times as many of the little monsters. Never mind that the new one would probably be better monsters...

    Long thread about just how awful life is for the mobiks, things that can't go on forever, don't.

    Someone is clearly following these around by satellite, and they just keep getting tagged as soon as they come too close to the front. I wonder how you get the "privilege" of crewing one?

    This guy isn't dead yet, but he doesn't exactly look overjoyed with life..

    While I don't doubt that Russian conditions are appalling as described, I do want to point out that anything from Radio Free Europe(or Radio Free Asia, for that matter) should be taken with a grain of salt and independently corroborated. It's literally government media, CIA if I'm not mistaken.

  17. On 1/9/2023 at 5:08 PM, Simcoe said:

    I tried it a while back but I hate the Tom Clancy style backstories. "Chad Hardcock was captain of the football team, cured cancer and banged the prom queen all while being the best tank commander in US history". Not to mention the Soviets invading in 1989 is an utter farce. 

    With all that said, is it worth picking up again?

    Team yankee took place in 85', as does the tabletop game based on it by the OTHER Battlefront company 

  18. 1 hour ago, TheVulture said:

    My one experience on the Mexican border was weird. I'm from the UK, and was travelling to Mexico for a few days for work, but landing at Tucson, Arizona and being picked up by a driver. This was 2001. Having heard all the stuff in the 90's about the Us-Mexican border and all the efforts to stop illegal crossings, I was rather surprised that we just drove down to some quiet border town, and through in to Mexico without stopping. I don't think the border post was even manned. On the way back I thing there was a guard there, but he just kind of glanced up as we drove past.

    Came across a roadblock checking identities about 20 miles back inside the US, which I guess was some kind of border patrol, but I don't think they looked at my passport either ('cos I didn't look Mexican?)

    Apropos of nothing in particular, but the gap between the rhetoric I was hearing and my experience amused me.

    That's entirely out of keeping with my experience, especially Laredo, yes getting into Mexico is fairly chill but getting back into the US is a very time consuming wait where the CBP engages in security theater and treating everyone like a potential criminal, particularly if you are latin american. both sides of the border increasingly militarized during the Calderon Presidency when the Mexican government went hard against the cartels. Got to see a lot of Mexican soldiers, federal police with machine gun checkpoints and German rifles. 


    I genuinely despise the crossing back into the US.

  19. 2 hours ago, kimbosbread said:

    Off topic re US border: The democrats are being handed a gift here by their republicans where they can materially change their border stance to something more reasonable (ie anything not wide open is literally facism) long before the election. The Republicans are either too stupid to wait to spring this until say mid-summer, and/or the situation at the border is that bad (it is).

    As someone who DOES basically think the border not being open is close to fascist, you're patently and categorically mischaracterizing the Dems and the state of the border. As someone who has regularly traveled back and forth across it, I haven't the slightest idea what you mean. There's so much law enforcement and much of Republican policy from trump and every previous deportation  happy administration is intact. Biden could put HIMARS and land mines on the border and Republicans would ask why he won't start a special military operation in Juarez.

  20. 1 hour ago, Battlefront.com said:

     in other ways.

    Even better news, part of the package included a fairly low profile provision that prevents a President from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO:


    Our NATO allies can all sleep sounder knowing this is now law.  I know I will!


    Wasn't this already something done in the wake of the trump administration leaving office?

  21. 2 hours ago, LeBlaque said:

    Okay, okay, so let me just summarize some things here:

    - AMD cards have been notoriously fickle with CM-- products for years.  They've been largely BUSTED since early Spring '22 until the most recent version:  except they are busted in large battles (I have confirmed working/not working as described)

    -AMD 7000+ users cannot roll-back drivers, so they are SOL until a "full fix."

    - Nvidia cards (I just recently found out) are also kinda busted on large battles, with 'deteriorating' drivers relative to OpenGL.

    -Rumor from other members is OpenGL programming from BF is "less than ideal?" potentially contributing to these issues.

    So in summary, how is this okay?  How is it that regardless of numerous posts to both AMD and BF no one is really willing to offer an explanation, a full solution, hope for the future, etc?  I'm tired of the excuse of "niche product" --- I get it -- but 18 MONTHS without a solution for games that are still being SOLD on multiple sites?  This is NOT a legacy product!!  If the game is not working on AMD, Nvidia, etc. SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE TO PERMANENTLY RESOLVE THIS!!

    As Sgt. Rock says, 'nuff said.

     Completely agree, this is unacceptable. I'm not buying a single CM product until this is resolved, why pay for a non legacy product that doesn't work on modern drivers for 6-8 months at a time? Armored brigade 2 might be the better option if this doesn't change by the time that releases. 

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