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  1. I understand your point, and that it is something impossible to work out while in RTS mode. It will happen, as there is no way to be everywere at all times. Anyway, with a correct control of the situation (I mean proper use of pausing) you can react immediately against events that otherwise (using turns) would have made you to wait 30, 40 secs or more to react accordingly. But that could be the only adventage of RTS, and also cause extreme micromanaging which could eventually bog down the game...
  2. Very interesting, will try that out. Thank you.
  3. Yes, plus to be able to react as things happen... eventhough I´m totally new to RTS
  4. As an old war boardgamer, and maybe because some prejudice of mine, (perhaps with no reason at all) I always involuntarily felt it would not be the way to play CM as an RTS... Put as an expression: "- CM? the best and most hardcore tactical war game ever concived played RTS? You are kidding don´t you? Leave that to, I don´t know... CoH (Company of heroes), MoW (Men of War)..." No offense for those games, they may be good, is just they are not as deep and realistic as CM... But last night I gave it a try, and it was fun. Mostly by not having to wait to give 50+ orders to see the outcome (using pausing a lot, of course). So, the question is, do you play/enjoy CM mostly RTS/Turn Based? A concise why would be nice too... Thx Edit: btw is not my first post, I forgot my previous password and re-registered.
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