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Posts posted by chohan85

  1. Also, don't forget CMRT to make your dilema harder. Of all the ww2 games CMRT is the most polished IMO, and has the added feature of being able to load infantry on to tanks. If modern is your thing, then I would go with CMBS over CMSF since it has more features, and the Russians have a lot better toys than the Syrians.


    i have CMBS ... :D 



    What, you mean like the KG Engel campaign, that was updated just this week? Yeah, so much for them not being updated.  :rolleyes:


    that is for CMBN of fortress italy?

  2. I don't recommend this. If you can only afford one with all the modules, upgrades, etc., then just get one (for now). Buying the bundles will save you money in the long run vs buying them piece by piece, and you will be able to play PBEMs with the one you chose.


    makes sense..in that cause its just CMFI + GL for me then ...

  3. well i will go for the CMFI+GL initially and then the upgrade.. .. only reason is that the bocage terrain looks scary to me (after seeing videos and playing the demo)... and if i get addicted to it (like you all say) i will save in next few months and then get CMBN or bocage if thats out...


    thanks people for your guidance.. 


    the only other option i see is to get the base game for them both initially and then slowly (when i get the money) buy  the modules one by one... yes i know it will be costly in a longer run but atleast i will have both games at the same time to play... 

  4. Hi Chohan,  you may also want to clarify whether you just mean 'more content' as part of the commercial package, or additionally the user-created scenarios and campaigns on the repository...


    I am in somewhat similar position, though I am still working my way through all the demoes (including BS)


    from content i meant missions and pretty much that.. quick battle missions, maps and campaign.... units will be more offcourse .. but the play time that is.. i havent done any user created content thought (i have combat mission black ea already)



    BN has more content. It's been out longer.


    I really would recommend seeing if you can stretch to the full BN-CW-MG bundle, though. Even more content, more units (there's German and CW stuff in CW that's not in MG).


    going for all three modules is very difficult for me as i already am stretching my budget with $90.. for some reason i dont like the common wealth countries so i wont be playing them :P (unless the CW module gives more US and german units)

  5. Hello


    i have to make a purchase between the following two games.


    CMBN+ Market garden ($90)

    CMFI+gustave line ($75 with the v 3.0 upgrade)


    now what i am confused about is simply this.


    which one has more content? 


    from content i mean more missions and campaigns??


    Also are there airborne units in fortress italy? like 101 and 82? 



  6. Shock force is missing several features. Mostly small things but you'll notice them if you are used to, say, CMBS; editor options, commands, few animations, fewer ground types, lack of AI triggers, no shaders etc. That said CMSF with its modules has a huge amount of units, variety and gameplay. (just consider this, in CMBS you get one M1 Abrams variant, in CMSF and marines module you get, what 6, 7 variants?)

    Apart the evident lack of shaders you won't get a much different graphic experience, the models are just a bit worse than CMBS, but you won't notice it.  


    Playing the base game plus the modules you'll feel the improvement of map and missions layouts, which will get better and better; the NATO module sports the best maps/missions/campaigns of the series, according to many. (in my opinion the british campaign was also a masterpiece).

    Besides, there's a number of available mods (check BFC repository), one big mod even lets you play in a temperate environment simulating what CMBS does today; not to mention additional campaigns, missions etc.


    Anyway, talks at 0 when there's the demo to be checked, and it's the biggest demo in combat mission franchise:




    thanks..will download the demo tomorrow from my workplace.. 

  7. guys come on..i am not here to start an argument on what they do or what they dont do.. i just wanted to know.. and got my answer.. tbh i amore than happy with what i got..i will save money and buy itlater on..so no harm done here atleast..


    Combat mission shock force is worth getting??


    secondly for some reason i cannot access battlefront website from home (forums only) but i can access it from my workplace..so i will see it on monday

  8. CMBN bundle is $75 instead of the $90 full price. I do not understand people asking about sales when you can see the discounts right there on the purchase page. Unless you're asking them to raise their prices just so they can occasionally reduce them again.


    because that is pretty much what every other game company is doing?? releasing a game at X price..then few months down the road putting it down with % of discount (which is lower)... i havent seen battlefront games going down from its said price in a decent number of months.


    secondly not everyone can affoard $55 games to buy every single month so that is why people wait for steam, gog, origin, uplay sales.. so that the game can come down to half price and they can buy it. i hope its cleared now.


    When you see games like DCS and close combat doing doing it then why not battlefront? 


    sure its a company policy.. then i wonder how much regular sales are coming in at this time..how much is the community/players increasing... 


    sorry but i dont find anything wrong with putting games up for sales for short time frame. 

  9. There's also the possibility to buy one title or title+its modules per time. A new player could start from 1943 and CMFI, then its module, then CMN + British, then Market Garden, to get up to CMRT. Also, you could pick CMSF + modules if you like asymmetric warfare and/or desert setting, or CMBS if you like very modern warfare and temperate setting. There's a lot of game time there.


    i already have Black sea.


    next one in line was normandy and market garden (but i cannot buy this as a bundle) so i got confused..reason is that fortress italy and its module is cheaper than normandy+market garden :(


    and then they showed battle of bulge..so i am in a more bad spot now :P

  10. I get ya, bro, but, how much have you enjoyed Black Sea? Do you foresee it being a game that can hold your interest for a lonnnnnggg time? These releases are worth it man.


    super annoying, frustrating and full of rage :D yet i love the game and play it again. yes the release are worth it. its just that the price kills me atleast at times (i had to buy normandy, market garde, fortress of italy and the bulge)


    so you can understand how much money till will be on these alone.. its hard to spend that much cause a $100 dollars when converted to my countrys currency is quite a lot money

  11. Hello


    i have been following the games store for quite some time now and not once i have seen them putting any of the games on sales. yes i know it says that you get X amount of discount ($55, 35 etc) but the thing is that the price for the games or its modules have been like this for quite some time. (atleast from the time i have been following)


    Now for CM black sea and Red thunder it makes complete sense to me that they are new games so putting them up at much lower price/ large sale does not make much sense. But what about the other CM games or its modules?


    sure you are making games for a niche market but is their any particular reason not to put games on bigger discount for more people to buy? 


    steam sales is one thing.. DCS does sales every now and then (they had one recently, non steam that is), origin puts games on sales..so why dont battlefront does it?


    PS. i have to buy few games but cannot do it looking at the price tags, thats why i asked :P ...also was curious 

  12. I'm not commenting on BFC's marketing policy, but you do know that the CW expansion has more than just CW forces in it, don't you? It has wider SS and Luftwaffe formations as well. Not all the German gear available in Normandy is available to them without CW. It might even be that JgdPzV isn't available in June-August without CW; I can't confirm that, since I'm not going to go through an install process on your behalf, which would be necessary since I have all three modules and there are no "came with CW" identifiers (which would be useful for setting up games between players with different combinations of modules, though BFC seem to sidestepping that necessity by planning to make it possible to play against stuff from modules you don't have, if your opponent does).


    hmm...well the main reason to have MG only was due to having the airbone formations in it. i am not much of a fan of the british airborne units but those german formations looks interesting.. i guess i will have to wait another month, save money and then get them..thanks

  13. I think you'll find that the Ferdinand weren't in the NWE theatre. They fought in the East and Italy, and weren't in the geographical area BN-CW-MG covers in June-Sep '44 (if ever). Looking in the Scenario Editor, the JagdPanther is available. In every month.


    fair enough so i will be able to play with the Jagdpanther..cool


    anything about the first question? cause i have to buy normandy and market garden.. but buying separately is expensive :(

  14. Hello


    Q1. why is there no CMBN + market garden combined moduel?? i can see the base game with common wealth module but no market garden and base game module (i want to buy this but buying separately is costly and i have no interest in playing commonwealth forces)


    Q2. why are their no big / late war tank destroyers like ferdi or jagpanther in the game? whats the reason for it? i mean the ferdi is in fortress italy one which is a year earlier to the events of normandy and if i am not wrong both ferdi and jadgpanther did fight in the normandy/ market garden time frame.



    so what gives? 

  15. Some elaboration and enlargement on points already answered:


    Welcome to the forums, and an infinite well of combined arms tactical sim game goodness!


    I recommend starting off in turn-based mode, often called "WeGo", while you learn what handles to pull to make the game work. As you say, trying to figure out what's going on while the bullets are flying real time can be even more daunting. With turn-based you get as much time as you feel you need to carefully consider the options available to you and find out how to execute them. And you get to watch a replay of things you'd miss playing real-time, so you can learn more about the effects of what you're telling your pixelTruppen to do.


    During the setup phase, you too can plot support missions anywhere on the map, same as the AI. You don't need to be able to spot the target area. You and the AI always work under the same rules; indeed, the AI has more restrictions than you (it can't use Target Area, its ability to use Target Arcs is very restricted, for example). Just try it during the setup phase: any unit will be able to call any of the support assets that it is eligible to use and which is eligible to be controlled by that spotter to any point that asset can reach. As has been said, this is considered to be "pre-planned" bombardment, with ranging in done carefully beforehand so no setup time or spotting rounds are necessary. You can also achieve the same sort of effect over a limited area later in the game by using "Target Reference Points". It's probably worth noting that calling preplanned strikes on your opponent's setup area can in some circumstances be considered unsportsmanlike: often the attacker's setup area is unrealistically crowded, and a heavy bombardment in turn one before they can disperse would pretty much end the game. When you graduate to playing vs another human, it's worth discussing with them any conditions they expect to be applied.



    Previous posters have mentioned Target Arcs (TAs). Those are the primary means of enforcing fire discipline on your troops. It can be a good idea to start your setup by shift-dragging a box over your entire force and giving them all a short (say 100m) circular (by holding shift down when you click to set the range) arc. It is important to understand that TAs (and Armour Target Arcs, ATAs) are explicitly limitations on where your units will fire. They don't, in and of themselves, confer any spotting or aiming benefits, and it takes a serious threat for a unit to consider firing at a target that isn't in the area covered by the TA. They just tell your troops "Don't fire on anything further away than this, or outside of this arc." They do also imply a "Face" command, so your infantry will orient themselves in that direction when considering where to take cover and firing positions, and your turretted AFVs will rotate their turret to the midpoint of the arc they're given. This tends to mean more eyes and vision systems are pointed in the general direction of the axis of the arc.


    Hide has also been mentioned. While it has its uses, it isn't something that you should just slap on any unit you don't want seen. It prioritises staying unseen over everything else, and your troops will spend more time "Hiding" than "Spotting", so the number of "eyeball-spotting cycles" will be greatly reduced for an element that is Hiding. They will be reluctant to open fire even on very nearby enemies, if they do spot them, which can be very unhealthy. Most of the time, the inherent behaviour of your pTruppen is to seek the best-covered firing positions that allow them to engage targets in the rough direction they're facing while remaining as concealed as possible. Static infantry in good concealment are already difficult to see with the unaided eye; most of the time, Hide isn't necessary, and a restricted Target Arc will take care of fire discipline.


    Hide does have its uses, though. Just don't think you want or need to hit Hide at the end of every movement order.



    Thanks thanks thanks


    this cleared a good number of things for me :)



    You might also want to build your elite SF out of "Specialist teams" to get the right concentration of high powered/sophisticated systems, demolitions expertise and such, depending on which branch of which nation's SF you're trying to represent. But a Delta team on the CM battlefield is kinda operating out of its intended role...


    will try that.. anyone made a uniform mod to make them look like SF units? just curious

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