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Posts posted by L0ckAndL0ad

  1. Does living in Crimea and making missions for CMBS qualify for military service?  :D How about playing in large autonomous Arma community while using RL based TTPs?   :P

    Haven't served, but it's nice to see that there are other Russians here, and large amount of them have actually served. Pity haven't gotten to that fact earlier this year. Well, I hope we'd get some time to catch up on that later.

  2. The number of Steam accounts is currently around 65 million, with a daily peak of nearly 8 million online at a single moment. The difference in exposure would be immense.

    Say whaaat? That's like 1.4x Ukraine's population. Or 1.51x actually, excluding Crimea :)


    But here in lies the problem: exposure to more people is not what Steve is objecting to. So, if people keep railing that BF is ignoring a large market they are missing the main point. It is the inability to control the way *his* product is sold the concerns *his* business. So, if he takes the leap and the loss of control hurts their profit margin and the magic of more exposure does not make up the difference then he loses *his* lively hood. As far as I can tell two things need to be satisfied for Steve to reconsider (of course that is up to him not me):

    Oh, sorry, don't be mistaken, I'm not trying to get involved in the community's effort of getting Steve to reconsider anything. :) It's just that this one "argument" is not really an argument IMO,  so I thought I could express my opinion about it here. Actually, it got me thinking more. The friend who told me about CM, did so accidentally, and long after he himself find out about the game. He easily could have just NOT told me about the game, and I wouldn't be here in the first place. So what I personally like about Steam is that it always shows me what my friends are playing, what they review, what screenshots they post, etc. And all in one place. So that also obviously helps to spread the word.

  4. “Wargaming appeals to a select few. It will not change by being exposed to more people. All it will do is expose more people to a game they don’t want.”


    Pfffffft. I've learned about CM just few years ago. From a friend from my gaming community. Not from BFC site. The more people out there know about the existence of CM, the better. Steam is not only a store, but also a 8 million+ (or what is it now?) gaming community that spreads the word around. That's beside the usual marketing that also does that. Don't want the exposure? Whatever. But this is nonsense, not an argument.

  5. You're missing the point, guys. Steam is not just about the developers. Steam is about players. Ease of access. How many of you know someone who's got problems accessing BFC main site? I personally know at least 5 guys, including (frequently) myself. And when talking about download speeds, I'm pretty sure there's even no need to compare Steam Cloud speed capabilities to smaller providers. So those who primarily benefit from having a certain game in Steam are players. Developer's gains from using Steam is a completely different story.


    Coming to Steam is a great risk. Anyone can write reviews about your game, which most certainly will impact your sales. At the same time, it's a good opportunity for indie developers. Including very small ones. Like, this game over here, which is being made by only one person if I recall correctly: http://store.steampowered.com/app/250520/And there are many many other examples like that.


    I, personally, would've welcomed CM arrival to Steam. But trying to convince them about going there? You can't force love :)


    ps: FYI, there are non-DRM Steam games out there. KSP is an example.

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