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Jack Ration

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Posts posted by Jack Ration

  1. Next to my Squad Leader box is White Death! ... and I have the HOI3 series!

    You are obviously passionate about your gaming and designing. A game that you cannot lose is not worth playing! It is the risk of defeat that holds your interest and the fickle hand of the gaming gods (the double one or double six rolls of the dice!) that provide the amusement and frustration!

    Enjoy your gaming!

  2. Hi Examiner2,

    I'm just about to start my first CM:BN Cwlth PBEM with the "We Band of Brothers" group - see GAJ signature block. Check their "how to join" info. Goto the cmx2 section of their site, select one of the posters who is a full member, then email them with the requested info. I'm sure one of the guys will arrange something for you.

    Good luck,

  3. Hi John,

    Thanks for your fulsome reply. A few notes from my perspective.

    Top = north

    South half of map - ami advance from right (East)


    Central blue arrow - most obvious line of ami advance

    Upper arrow - advance to building complex D through the field

    Lower arrow - advance through fields to south of the road

    Barkmann has the most obvious line of advance covered, so not much to think of there!

    South of the Road.

    A - If the Ami tanks adv through the field to the south of the forest, without infantry support, an obvious ambush site. I pushed a scout team forward, with a short target arc, to give advance warning of a push down this side. Behind the scouts the remainder of the squad for the panzerfaust attack, set target arcs appropriately.

    B - Building Complex. The most important area to hold is the terrain behind (west) of the complex. The mission is to defend Barkmann's right. In the location of B (behind the house) I placed a Panzerschrek team facing west. They had some success shooting Sherman's in the rear. You also need to stop the Ami's breaching the bocage as it open's up your infantry forces along the hedge to the north of the road.

    C- I placed a scout team here in case the Ami's sent forces down this area.

    D- Building Complex North of Road. Sent scout's into the buildings to report on proceedings to the east. (short target arc). Although nice to hold not an important priority.

    E - In area E I had a Panzershrek team in a reverse slope position. They performed well, although move them after firing a couple of times, the AI will target them!

    F - Initially I had a shrek team here but had to move them north later.

    The remaining infantry I moved behind hedges. As long as you succeed in defending (anti-tank) the area west of the south bldg complex Barkmann can happily ping away with a little support from the teams to his left.

    North of Map


    A - At A is the top of a ridge. I placed a scout team here to provide info on what is happening to the east. Behind the scouts (reverse slope position) was a schrek team. Maybe not the best spot for the schrek. Should pull them back to B and for the scouts to run fast once the Amis come!

    B - I placed a scout team on the top of the hill. Once again info gatherers.

    C - Panzerfaust teams

    D - Shrek team to defend victory loc and rear of bldg complex.

    Ends up being a vicious battle in this area. Much more dicey than Barkmann's corner.

    Against the AI the plan works okay. AI did not use the mortar or infantry very effectively. I'm sure a human opponent would be more of a challenge.

    Hope this is of some interest.

    Vet or Warrior? forget which

  4. New to CM (BN Cwlth first purchase). Just finished the "Barkmann" battle, so understand what you have just played. An interesting part of the learning curve is assessing your initial setup. I know after playing I would change some aspects (hopefully for the better!) of my original plan. Almost never recover from a poor initial defensive setup.

    If you were to play Barkmann again how would you setup?

  5. Thanks for the encouragement and forebodings!

    At min 49 things are looking pretty grim. It seems anyone involved with spotting for the arty has gotten the chop. With the benefit of hindsight I guess I should have put a short target arc on them to stop them from firing and giving away their position. I presume if I hide them they will lose the arty spotting capability.

    Given the paucity and quality of the allies I'm guessing that a carefully executed arty plan is the key to defending in the scenario.

    A bazooka team had an excellent shot at a tiger from 60m, to the rear, and panicked instead!

    Probably my best performing asset is the mortar teams.

    Placed an anti-tank gun in the crop on the left. Had a good opportunity, took one shot - missed, then panicked.

    Obviously need to treat these troops with kid-gloves.

    Needless to say it is back to the drawing boards and put my arty spotters on a short target arc so they do not fire and give away their position.

    What do observers do? I thought they would be arty spotters but that comes up as denied.

  6. Relatively new to CM, with BN-Cwlth (V2.01) my first purchase. After working through the tutorial and some of the Single Missions, I read this thread and thought I would give the Scot Cor a go.

    Bunkers in Mission 1 - I destroyed both with attacks to the side. Managed to scrape together a Tactical Victory.

    Mission 2 - Could only manage a draw.

    Mission 3 - In progress. Rather overwhelming at first. Not used to the size of the map, etc. Quite a challenge for the beginner setting up. Although the terrain looks relatively flat, there are enough undulations and bocage to limit LOS. Makes placing the AT guns a challenge.

    So an interesting challenge on the learning curve for this game.

  7. Re Ron's Comment

    Only new to the game but I think Ron's comments were worth noting. Spotting should be improved if all units are within c2 range. Something that is easier said than done.

    Agree with the general consensus on defence, it does seem more challenging. Obviously screening forces are required so the enemy does not get an early fix on your defensive positions. How to do this with mutual support is probably the question (mobility?).

    All fine and good but even Bil was willing to risk his KW on lone scout missions.

  8. Hi,

    Checking out CM:BN Cwlth. First contact with the CM series of games. The encyclopaedia is interesting but I thought it would have been useful to include the effective and maximum ranges of the various weapons. Understand that some of the non-vehicle weapons have the max range indicated.

    Has anyone put together a document or link that has more info on weapon ranges? (particularly effective and maximum). Obviously useful information when setting up a defensive position.


    PS Just found Marco Bergman's Vehicle and Weapons mod - excellent idea!

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