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Everything posted by DVDBOATRIGHT

  1. Thank you private for saving a little bit of my sanity.
  2. Thank you for your assessment of my skills, as a matter of fact I have beaten it ,all be it a minor victory only. And the mg unit placement was based on advice from this forum. Have you read the original post? I have progressed from V2.12 to V3.11 while playing this scenario and the difficulty has increased quite a bit. for example Seemed to work in 2.12 now units get shot to pieces quickly by the eagle eyed mg or one shot from a mortar, I dread to think if it was the Panzershreck Doable in 2.12 after that an mg from across the river can hit the left hand edge of the cross roads. Also in the right hand lane in 2.12 an mg from across the river could get you when you cross the gap after 2.12 lining up on the left of the lane further back from the gap can get you hit too. All my tries have been from a saved game made under 2.12 so the plan has not changed.
  3. Problem is the AI controlled units do this in 360 arc out to any range. They can spray through a small hole in a hedge and then spin around and spray any other small area 270 degrees away. It is easy for an algorithm to 'pixel bitch' every possible los, a human not so much. It is funny that individual team members of computer control units seem to place them self perfectly, yet the same can not be said for team members of player controlled units. The unit was not being fired at so it wasn't cowering and I had set the facing directly at the german mg and no team members had their faces pressed against a tree trunk. When I started the faffing around the german mg was busy tearing up another unit through a gap in the leaves of the bocage. When it finished with that unit it did a 180 and in less than second spotted and fired one burst killing half the US mg team.
  4. Procedure goes something like this. Move to bocage, the light on grey simple appears above the gerrman mg. Then I try to trace los., no deal, pink line. Then the same german mg opens up and tears the US mg a new one.
  5. Has Razorback Ridge been changed in 3.11? An MG now rakes the left hand side of the crossroads from across the river and an MG has appeared with the Panzerschreck on the right hand path. Also why can't US MGs not sight and fire through bocage when sitting behind it while German MGS can quite happily fire from there and set back from the bocage.
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