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Posts posted by DougPhresh

  1. A few years ago where some bones came out for FI, there was discussion about possible roadmap.

    iirc, a pack containing Commandos and partisans was mentioned as being a possibility after R2V, as well as adding the RSI, Italian Co-Belligerents and fleshing out the existing Italian roster to add dismounted Breda Model 35, Solothurn and Cannone da 90/53 as a module. Is this still possible? 

    I would gladly pay for a pack with partisans, commandos and goumiers and would certainly pay for a module expanding the Italians from '43-45

    e: I had no idea that an Italian Co-Belligerent unit liberated Venice. They made pretty significant contributions to the Allied cause.

  2. On 7/28/2019 at 6:18 AM, Erwin said:

    In the missions the inf start heavily loaded with ammo - approx 500 rounds per man IIRC (normal RL combat load is about 300 rounds pp IIRC) - so no need to ACQUIRE at the start.  However that also means that the need for ammo conservation is low/non-existent.  In one large 2 hour mission am about 30 minutes from the end and I can only recall having to give one squad some ammo just cos it was easy to do while they were mounted but not really cos they needed it urgently.

    Speaking from the Canadian Army in Afghanistan - I was with the guns and pulling security for a PRT but 10 x 30rd magazines is more or less accurate. I'm sure that during Medusa or among units who were out looking for a fight they might have carried more.

  3. On 6/12/2019 at 1:54 PM, IanL said:

    I guess the answer is "probably because that's how the CF typically apportion their ammo". Very likely a question for the Canadian forces or someone who served in 2008.

    The ammo load outs for various formations are usually taken from some documentation or first hand reports. Occasionally they have to make educated guesses. Anyone that has sources for different ammo load outs can report them.

    I was serving at that time, in Afghanistan. We didn't carry Carl Gs when/where I was but a tonne of LAWs to bust grape huts. I'll ask around.

    Also 8 man section is absolute. Sometimes we were shorthanded, but most often not. Is the LAV commander considered a dismount?

  4. We've all seen threads go rapidly downhill, so I was wondering if we could get general guidelines on:

    • Clean Wehrmacht
    • Clean SS
    • Holocaust Denial
    •  Major Warcrimes denial
    • Nazi/Imperial Japanese apologia

    I like this place and the community that has formed around it. I know, as most of you do that military history is itself  often contentious and WW2 history in particular attracts certain types of people. I'd rather not have this go the way of the axishistory forums where whenever I want to look up a unit history I have to read past David Irving quotes at best, and outright Nazi propaganda at worst.

    I don't think this is an issue of "political correctness" I'd just rather not read about how unfair Nuremberg was when someone's Opa was fighting for Volk und Vaterland.

  5. Has military history gotten so bad that we've moved on from Clean Wehrmacht revisionism to Clean SS?

    Forget about the Eastern Front for a second, their crimes there are too numerous to count. 2 SS Panzer was late arriving to action in Normandy because they stopped to massacre entire villages. Anyone thinking of defending the SS should read Ordinary Men.

    As for what soldiers knew and thought, the British secretly recorded them in POW camps. Far from "not knowing" and "believing in defending home and hearth" their recordings show them casually discussing war crimes, the extermination of the Jews, rape and murder. It caused a sensation in Germany when published because it shows all of those lies for what they are. Soldaten

  6. 10 hours ago, ikalugin said:

    To be honest through going for the 120mm gun-mortars (Nona derivatives) we are getting the 152mm class bang down to battalion level if this wasn't already done by allocating full sized, if old (2S3) 152mm guns.

    An interesting fact - the 2S3 152mm gun has the performance of the ML-20, which was considered сorps-army level asset when it was developed.

    Without reigniting the BTG discussion, you can lavishly equip units with organic fires on a small scale but that wouldn't be sustainable for generating a larger force.


  7. I saw it and will be picking it up. The titles they've had on the modern Russian military have been top notch and really dispel a lot of the pro-NATO narrative that I think is clouding the reality.

    Everyone who has gone to war with Russia (and lost) always talks about how they have a pitiful, outdated military with obsolete doctrine. I think maybe since the Gulf War NATO has believed our own hype. Georgia and Ukraine should have been wake up calls. It's not 1992 anymore.

  8. 5 hours ago, JulianJ said:

    105mm arty towed by a tiny truck that obviously couldn't carry many rounds.

    A 155mm round is about 100lbs compared to the 30ish lbs of a 105mm. In the early 2000's a lot of NATO planners assumed artillery would be standardized to 155mm but operational experience has shown that cheap, light, mobile guns are valuable. I'd rather have a 105mm on call than a 155mm tied up supporting other units. More tubes are generally better than fewer state of the art tubes with precision rounds.  I think the Russian way of war is on the right track in that regard.

    See also the return of 60, 81 and 120mm mortars to NATO after all those theorists thought precision CAS would replace organic fires.

    When I joined the military as a field artilleryman, even at the school staff were bemoaning the End of Artillery because everybody was reading about how armed UAVs, small diameter bombs on CAS, land-based CIWS, Hell even tactical lasers had made artillery obsolete. I think NATO thinkers get tied up in the latest and greatest until the next conflict. Look at all the loony ideas before Vietnam, or even throughout the 70's and 80's.

  9. If anything, I would expect more fires to come down on the Ukrainians since there'd be no pretense of deniability.

    Just speaking from time in Starychi, the Ukrainians are a step up from the ANA/ANP but they aren't a NATO military and it shows. Coming under Russian division fires would be a test for a Western unit. I don't know how many tubes would be supporting an end run on Kyiv, but I think Russian artillery would break the back of any unit not very deeply dug in. Anything moving by road, for sure.

  10. I was in Starychi, and PPCLI, RCR, Vandoos like everyone else wear the standard CADPAT.

    http://www.combatcamera.forces.gc.ca/en/photo-search.page#ipa_pastEvent=OPUNIFIER&etitle=Operation Unifier&ftitle=Opération Unifier

    e: except the CSOR guys, who wear multicam.


    In terms of patches, it depends on unit to unit. Some sergeant majors will smoke you for wearing a patch, some commands encourage it.

  11. It's also the cover for Cladio Pavone's The Civil War, the best history of Italian Resistance published in English.


    I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in the last 2 years of the war in Italy. (Including Devs thinking about RSI, partisans, co-belligerents ;) )

    However if you want to read something with 650 fewer pages, Osprey has a more approachable title out

    World War II Partisan Warfare in Italy


  12. I've been playing the Dutch campaign as well as scenarios and QBs with them. I really like their equipment and organization, and they get high quality troops most of the time. I especially like having a GPMG in the rifle sections rather than a LMG. However, I am having a damn hard time separating Syrian infantry from their BTRs and BMPs. I know that is why there are MRATs and Gills organic to Dutch units, I'm just not sure how to best use them.

    Any tips from someone who has done well with the Dutch?

  13. I guess more broadly my issue is that none of the scenarios would have that equipment.

    I think the BN vehicle pack is great, and the AVRE, Crocodile and Crab are fantastic editions to the game, but unless you really like QBs or playing online, you aren't going to see them.

    Which isn't to say they should stop making the packs, I think they've rolled those assets into the other series and also the battle pack for BN, but it does mean the pack on its own isn't the best way to add content IMO.


    In short: What if there were Syrian MTLBs in the TOE? You would never see them unless you picked them for a QB or your opponent also had the pack and chose to bring them to a game.

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