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Posts posted by JMDECC

  1. 4 hours ago, Centurian52 said:

    I'm not so sure. I'm too much of a stickler for technical accuracy to be terribly interested in most of these sorts of mods. 

    I'll likely make an exception if anyone wants to make an Argentinian Army mod for the Canadian infantry in CMCW once BAOR is released, which would enable some Falklands War scenarios. But I'm willing to make an exception there because Canadian infantry are such a near-perfect match for Argentinian infantry. Both use ten man squads with FAL-based service rifles supported by 2 FAL-based automatic rifles. There is a slight difference in that the Canadian squad (or section) is organized, just as it was in WW2, into a 7-man rifle group (which includes the section leader) and a 3-man gun group, with both of the C2 automatic rifles in the gun group. The Argentinian squad is organized into 2 asymmetric fireteams, one 4-man team and one 5-man team with one FM FAP automatic rifle on each team, plus the squad leader. That shouldn't be a problem so long as no one splits their "Argentinian" squads. The overall firepower of a Canadian section should be identical to the overall firepower of an Argentinian squad. No mod is necessary for the British forces for Falklands War scenarios, since they're already British forces.

    This is 100% on my modding radar once BOAR releases...all told it should be pretty easy to put together.

  2. On 1/16/2024 at 8:40 PM, Rob2020 said:

    As a long-time player of CM1, years ago, I've only dabbled with the demos for CMA and CMBS, so take this comment with a grain of salt, but why all the rage for the 1980's? I wouldn't mind going back to the 1950's-1970's.

    For me, I think from an immersion standpoint, 1983-1984 would be the sweet spot simply because I can rationalize a conflict actually breaking out due to the Soviets perceived threat that came with Able Archer as well as the aftermath of the downing of Korean Airlines flight 007. 


    As you move backwards on the timeline, there was less emphasis placed on standing militaries and more on nuclear arsenals. The pentomic structure immediately comes to mind. There was still some cool equipment at the time, but the focus was more on dropping bombs and destroying large areas then it was on combined arms warfare, which is what we're all here for.


    The mid to late 1980s saw some significant equipment changes in NATO forces. A few things that come to mind:

    -Standardization of the M1 Abrams, M2 Bradley, LAV-25 and HMMWV 

    -Introduction and standardization of the Challenger and Warrior IFV

    -Upgrades to the Marder IFV (I believe the 1A2 variant was introduced in 83' and the 1A3 in 88')

    -Introduction of the Jagaur 2

    -Introduction of the BMP3, BMD-2, Tunguska and BTR-80

    -British small arms transition from the 7.62 L1A1 to the 5.56 SA80/L85A1 family 

    -Canadian small arms transition from the 7.62 C1A1 to the 5.56 C7 family 


    Some equipment that is on the 'rare' side in the current lineup we have becomes more prolific as the years go on and production ramps up.


    This was also a period of time where the national identity of militaries began to take shape:


    -The US military continued its implementation of the PASGT system.

    -The US military transitioned from the MERDC vehicle pattern to NATO 3 color woodland. Some other NATO members did the same, ex: West Germany

    -The British military transitioned from Pattern 68 uniforms to Pattern 84, as well as the replacement of Pattern 58 webbing to the PLCE webbing

    -The Danish military adoption of the M84 pattern

    -Some Soviet forces, primarily the VDV I believe, began the adoption of the VSR/TTsKO pattern


    Of course some of the more visual changes are nothing more than eye candy, but I still think it would be neat to implement either way.


    You can also make the argument that NATO equipment proved far superior to what the Soviets were able to field as the 1980s wore on, but that doesn't change the disparity in forces sizes between NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Yes the upgunned M1A1 started to be introduced in 1985 and had lots of bells and whistles that weren't commonplace with and out-tech'd Soviet armor, but for what the Soviets lacked in quality they certainly made up for in quantity. Harvey Black's fictional series 'The Red/Black/Blue Effect' comes to mind where NATO forces are constantly swarmed by Soviet forces and are repeatedly pushed back until they can from a stable line of defense. Having this implemented in CM would not only be interesting but also produce unique challenges regardless of which side you play as.

  3. I know BOAR is of course the current focus and the future is uncertain. If more expansions are to come after BAOR, what is the likelihood of the timeline being extended beyond 1982?

    I would really love in the future to see the game pushed out to 1985. 1983-1985 really opens the door for some Able Archer-gone-wrong scenarios. In a perfect world, seeing the timeline stretch all the way to 1989 would be the dream and would leave open such a vast stretch of time for all sorts of campaigns and scenarios, but I also recognize that leaping that far ahead pushes us closer to match ups like we already see in CMSF, as far as the typical East vs. West equipment is concerned. 

  4. On 1/6/2024 at 2:34 PM, Battlefront.com said:

    For the vehicles and forces, no plans to release them in their current form.  However, they will be useful for any future Modern era wargames we might make.  That will speed up development of whatever that might be, which is at least something!

    As I said, we're not giving up on Modern era warfare.  It's just that Russia and Ukraine in the same game is not viable until this war is long over.


    I wonder if we will get something more fiction based, like the forces that are in CMPE? That would actually be neat, at least from a creative standpoint. Although as others have said in various locations, China vs. Taiwan would be welcome.


    Steve, if I remember right, I think I read once that CMSF was one of (if not the) best selling titles (and please correct me if I'm wrong) - any chance we'll ever see more expansions added there?

  5. 22 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

    I did bring this up in the CMBS forum at some point, but I haven't made a large formal announcement yet.  I'll edit my initial post in this thread to give the bad news... it's scrapped.  It's just not something we feel comfortable doing and Slitherine is 100% of the same 

    Incredibly disappointing. 


    Not even a chance of getting some bits and bobs as a vehicle or battle pack?

  6. On 10/9/2021 at 11:09 PM, Phantom Captain said:

    Can I make a request?  I am loving your dirty version of both the German and British unis.  If you have the time can you do a dirty version of the US ACU?  Just a thought!

    Sure! I think the only reason I didn't do this in the first place was because I was using a multicam uniform instead of ACUs. I was thinking about doing a "dirty" and then an "extremely dirty" version.


    I don't know when I will get to this as I have been a bit swamped with IRL stuff as of late, but I'll try and get cracking on it for you as soon as I can. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    TBH I find that concept morally repugnant.....It's about as appealing to me as playing the Khmer Rouge.  :mellow:

    Oh I agree completely. But still interested in what that would look like. The realist in me recognizes that they would likely just be rearmed with US and Commonwealth equipment and maybe pressed into their own formations. But I like to let the imagination run here and there. 


    I would also love to see Norway added as an additional front. There would be some awesome infantry centric battles in rough terrain that would be a change of pace compared to the mechanized slug fests we're seeing a lot of now. Not that I don't love those as it is, but one can never have too much variety!

  8. 59 minutes ago, Artkin said:

    1985 and then 1947, right ?

    1945 (because Unthinkable and assets already there) and then 1962 for me. And if we want to get really outlandish I would love a few one off years to cover 67, 74, etc. But as much of Europe as we can squeeze in first, then an expansion of years to cover up to 85. Hey, one can dream, right? 


    Re: 1945,the whole idea of the Allies essentially rearming the defeated Wehrmacht to fight against the Soviets is so morbidly fascinating to me. Especially what it would look like from a pure equipment / organizational capacity. 

  9. 2 hours ago, BarendJanNL said:

    Would it be possible to import this map into CM:SF2 and just run some quick battles on it?

    It would be great to have some company/battallion level action on a larger map, so proper room for recon, manoeuvre and fires


    Yes you should be able to, just drop into Quick Battle Maps folder. I will warn you that if you are playing against AI, there is an AI plan for RED but I really am not very good at implementing them effectively so I can't be sure how enjoyable it will be. If anyone wants to take a stab at setting up plans I would be eternally grateful.

    2 hours ago, MOS:96B2P said:

    :D  Nice!! @JMDECC good job. +1.  

    I notice it has an airfield.  If I ever get the time maybe something similar to Urgent Fury in Grenada............ 

    There is an international airport near Paraiso. I would loooooooooove an Urgent Fury scenario! 

  10. 2 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    If you are still after inspiration for Iranian armour, how about trying to dress a T-90SA up as the (largely fictional) Khorramshahr tank?


    The real thing was (probably) only a single prototype built in cooperation with Ukraine, it's a T-80/84 turret on a T-72S hull.....Kind of cool looking though.  B)

    Here is one of the only two only other images that I've seen of it, in a distinctly less appealing camo-scheme:


    You can find the other here:


    Scroll down until you spot the same nauseating camo!  :rolleyes:

    I was really hoping that individual tank parts had their own .mdr files, ex: one for the body, one for the turret, but was disappointed. Some interesting combinations could be achieved if that was a viable method. I'm not completely sure how far I can go with visual mods on vehicles but I am certainly going to experiment. For instance, I noticed that the Iranian Zulfiqar-3 tank looks very much like a Leopard 2.


    I haven't completely given up on camo schemes yet but getting them to look OK is what is difficult. Making sure that lines match up correctly across different portions of the model for uniformity is time consuming but with enough patience I might take another crack at it. Second pic reminds me very much of a faded British camo scheme. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Erwin said:

    Wow - that's an amazing achievement.  Congrats on simply getting it done and released without making tons of posts publicizing what you were doing.  Thank you!

    PS:  You may want to consider adding a readme with the info you gave in your initial post.

    Presumably the Russian uniforms will work in CMBS(?)


    No, as it stands currently the Russians only serve as a replacement for the Syrian Army. Given the War in Georgia taking place in a similar time period to that of which CMSF is set, there are good reference photos available of Russian troops during that time period. With the Euroscape mod being available for DL, I figured an era-appropriate Russian force would fit well to mix things up a bit. 

  12. A few additional screenshots to show some of the other unit variations...



    Brits in DPM 



    Brits in DPM 2



    Canadians in Mixed TW/AR



    Dutch DPM



    USMC in Woodland MARPAT


    There was also an issue I caught with the USMC files that were fixed; the dropbox link has been updated with the new files. 


    If anyone else thinks the MARPAT pattern is too large let me know. I have been messing around with the sizing on it and I am not sure if I like it as is or not. 

  13. 16 hours ago, 37mm said:

    Great work... I fashioned some "rudimentary" Flecktarn uniforms for (the modern era of) H&E but was fairly confident others would come through with better work eventually.

    I've been looking for a VSR/Flora mod for years too.

    If you would like to use the flecktarn files for H&E by all means please do. 


    I am not sure if you have photoshop or not, but I should have included the VSR & flora pattern templates as .psd files. Its a little unorganized as far as layers go but it should be there. If you want to use said patterns for anything please feel free to do so! Right now I only have the conscripts set for VSR uniforms but you could change it up for the whole faction if you wanted. 

  14. Sorry gents, not sure why my first round of pictures still isn't working for everyone. Here they are again using a different file site:









    East Corazol



    Hotel Plaza






    Oretego Again









    Birds Eye






    Editor A



    Editor B


    Hopefully these work this time!

  15. Not sure how much of an interest there will be, but I decided to share some faction mods I have made over the last month or so in case anyone wanted to use them. Not everything is completed in full, but are near a state of completion that I am happy with. I may make some tweaks/adjustments as time goes on, or if any major issues pop up. 


    The above drop box link contains individual downloads for the following:


    -British Woodland DPM Uniforms

    -British Mixed Uniforms (Several variants of mixed S95 Woodland/Desert DPM Uniforms) 


    -Canadian Woodland CADPAT TW Uniforms

    -Canadian Mixed Uniforms (Several variants of mixed CADPAT TW/AR Uniforms)


    -Dutch Woodland DPM Uniforms 


    -German Woodland Flecktarn Uniforms


    -Russian Faction ca. 2008 (or as close as I could get it) modeled after the war in Georgia. Conscript units wear mixed VSR/Flora uniforms, whereas regulars are primarily in Flora. Weapons have been visually changed in some instances, ex: AKM swapped for AK-74 model. Helmets are updated to the SSh-68.


    -Iranian Faction modeled after resource pictures I could find online. Units are wearing Iranian DPM. Load Bearing equipment is featured in a US DCU pattern that I frequently saw Iranian troops wearing online. AK family has been replaced with G3 rifles. PKM has been (mostly) replaced by the MG3. All vehicles have been painted a uniform sand/desert tan color. I was going to try and replicate some vehicle patterns I found online but I was never really satisfied with how they came out. After thinking about it, I may leave them untouched, as it paints them in a more generic light and doesn't force them to specifically be Iranian; they could be any kind of make-believe faction you can think of. 


    -Regarding the Brits, Canadians, Dutch and Germans there are two sets for each camo type (woodland/mixed): one set that is clean and one set that is dirty. That way you can pick and choose which you would prefer. 

    -In relation to the above, you only need to choose one of the options (Clean OR Dirty, not both) for each faction and drop that folder into your 'Z' folder to use. 

    -Regarding the Russians, US Army & USMC, I did not alter the vehicle colors. There are a few mods (Euroscape) that come to mind that will give the vehicles more of a European paintjob. I would download those currently to complete the overall look.

    -Most folders in each download will have a section titled "PSD". These are the photoshop file types that I used while editing. If you have photoshop or a program that can accept .PSD files you can open them up and make any changes you'd like. 

    Known Issues: 

    -Russian Faction currently does not exhibit any changes to the SF units. I have a few ideas here for what I want to do in the future but this will require some more experimentation. 

    -Iranian MG3's that are setup via tripod are currently sunken into the ground. Have not been able to figure this one out yet.

    -Iranian G3 rifles that replace the grenadier rifles do not have an underslung grenade launcher. Pretend they're just shooting rifle grenades!

    -Any instance where a weapon swap has been performed (AKM to G3 for instance) is purely cosmetic. The G3 will still use the same ammo type from whatever rifle it is replacing; equally so, the magazine sizes will also stay the same. There is nothing that can be done about this on my end. 

    -The Editor Logo for the Iranian Faction correctly displays the Iranian Flag button, but the text still reads "Syrian Army".

    -The Editor Logo for the Russian Faction displays both the Syrian Flag and the text reads "Syrian Army".

    -Some of the weapon icons in the squad overview have black backgrounds, I forgot to alpha channel these out and only just noticed today. Not game breaking by any means but I will see about fixing it up later on if/when I make further adjustments. 

    -The Russian faction is still currently using Arabic voices. 


     British Troops in Mixed DPM 



    German Troops in Flecktarn



    Canadian Troops in CADPAT TW



    Russian Conscripts in VSR/Flora



    Russian Regulars in Flora



    Iranian Conscripts



    Iranian Regulars



    More Iranian Regulars w/BMP-1


    Huge thank you to mjkerner who, about this time last year, walked me through how to begin changing/editing the base game files. Modding has brought me just as much enjoyment as playing the game and I would not have been able to do it without him. 


    Again, hopefully these will be useful to someone and help mix things up a bit. That's all I have for now!

  16. I had a similar issues a few years ago with an Nvidia card. What it turned out to be was CM was, for some reason, trying to run the game on the CPUs integrated graphics card instead of the GPU. Had to switch the settings around to specifically run CM using the GPU. Problem solved. I don't know if this is the case for you or not as those dedicated cards have come a long way in the last several years, but it may be worth checking. 

  17. 22 hours ago, Erwin said:

    Thank you...  Is this to go in Quick Battle Maps folder or...?

    Erwin, it is possible to play quick battle but admittedly the AI plans are not particularly great. Definitely recommend playing H2H. If you do play against AI, you would need to play as blufor. There is no plan currently in place for redfor. 

  18. https://www.dropbox.com/s/h4blsbydvnlm04p/South Sahrani Beta 5.btt?dl=0


    Here we are  guys. Had some issues where the original "beta 4" file got corrupted and I had to back track and start over. There are some poorly setup zones and objectives currently which I may work on at a later point. But everything else is completed at least in a usable manner. Please feel free to make any changes that you feel necessary, no need to be concerned with modifying anything. Hope everyone enjoys. 

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