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Brent Pollock (WBRP)

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Posts posted by Brent Pollock (WBRP)

  1. Cross posting from the CMAK forum because we might be seeing a problem in the CMBB OPERATION To the Volga. Has anyone else noticed whether weather has an impact on the continued availability of air support during operations? Our concern is that one battle of non-clear weather (or night) might prevent the air support from showing up for ensuing daytime battles that have clear weather. If so, then Operations should always have air support built into the reinforcements. The manual seems tacit on this.


  2. We're running CMBB Operation To The Volga so the German side has At Start air support in their OoB. The first battle was Rain, so of course the Luftwaffe did not put in an appearance. In the second battle, it now is clear, but after 13 turns we have had no sign of the German air support. Did the first battle's weather knock it right out of the operation? 

  3. So, Catacol, did this work? My friend and I find that if you simply Alt+Tab out, then back in, it is already noticeably faster.


    I will try this suggested fix and see how it goes...nope, no better than simply Alt+Tab out-then-in. Also, it seemed to reset to ALL PROCESSORS after it was closed, then reopened.

  4. [cross-posting from the Tech forum, where it seems to have garnered no response]

    I need one of the tech team to contact me so I know how to send them the 36.9 Mb PBEM file.


    In a v1.12 PBEM game of Biazzo Ridge, one of my 3-man MMG teams is firing from the one man who has become a casualty. The other two have the MMG and are well away from him by at least 100 m. I noticed at about the 23:07 mark that their MMG fire was emanating from the casualty location while the rifle fire was coming from the assistant's position. So, either the MMG fire graphics are screwed up or the MMG gunner is not shown in the correct location.


    Team ID is

    3rd MMG Team

    Machinegun Platoon


    They are in the NW (left side) of my line.

  5. 1. Never going to happen. Has been asked for/about before and BFC have pointed out that trackmarks would defeat any Fog of War ( ie. knowing where your opponents tanks/vehicles are ) without major changes ( if even possible at all ).

    You can already do this if they drive over a fence or wall and destroy it. You even get the sound effect to let you know something's been crushed and this alerts you to start snooping for terrain changes.

  6. An important (current) issue with dense urban scenarios is that it is hard to place the camera to see the action. Walls get in the way very easily and LOS of units can be "erratic" as one may be able to see a target easily, but the game system has trouble allowing one to target something that seems in plain sight.

    Amen. My rig also seems to have trouble with levels above 2 or 3 - starts to look like Hitchcock's Vertigo. Clicking on a unit in a church tower is very disorienting.

  7. The three voice file bugbears that persist in CMX2 from CMX1:

    1. Canadian troops using US voice files (the Southern drawls are the most egregious...I would love to be able to turn those off);

    2. a unit down to one man still mutters to himself (my favourite being when he tells himself to "have some noise discipline");

    3. you can hear enemy troops wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too far away if you just get the map position near them.

  8. Sorry - I did not mean to suggest that the technical issue was not resolved nor that I had any trouble. I was just trying to keep CM Helper threads front and centre for anyone in the midst of making the H2HH to CM Helper transition, like I am currently. For instance, your initial post has the URL, which is handy. I found the thread while trying to search out how to get going on it.

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