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Posts posted by Penry

  1. Briefing


    So, it looks like I'm up against the Italians with backup from the Panzergrenadiers and some STuGs. It won't all be plain sailing then - I had expected a fight against poorly trained Italians only! I've no idea what a R35 tank is, I'd better do some homework this evening!


    Looking at the VPs, I think I will focus on the two bridges and farm. If things go well I will try for one or both barns too.

    Interesting reinforcement pattern too. Sounds like 2nd Platoon will arrive on the other side of the river in 5 minutes, then 3rd Platoon 15 minutes after them. Add in some halftracks inbetween 2nd and 3rd Platoon, and some tanks to follow them up and things should get pretty intense midway through the scenario.

    I've a fair ammount of support available. I'll probably use these to soften up the three central VLs before following up with my ground forces.

  2. Greetings gentlemen! My good gaming buddy BigDork has finally persuaded me to cross over the muddy ditch from our cosy corner of the net and post over here at BFC with you hard core CM lovers!

    We've been having a series of Normandy battles over the last few months, but with the release of GL I finally moved south to sunnier climes. Not one to test the waters out with a solo mission or two, I jumped straight in at the deep end and found myself attacking down this wide open valley flanked by two forested hills. It's certainly different to the tightly bocaged fields that I'm used to, as my casualty rate is clearly demonstrating!

    My experience with CM2 is pretty limited. I played the BN tutorials then got stuck into H2H with a bloke over at The Blitz. He went quiet, so BigDork and I started tearing into each other over at our Civ forum. It's a pretty quiet place that we like to hang out at, and feedback has be quite limited from our fellow Civ friends, so I thought it high time that I went in search of more experienced input. Be gentle please, I'm greener than the proverbial freshman LT! ;)

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