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Everything posted by verb

  1. At least 2 co-op vs the AI would be most welcome. I can see all the problems of the lobby system or people quitting games so if people tire of a more robust co-op, it could potentially be a waste of time and money for the developers. However, having 2 vs the AI would open up a lot of possibilities. I would be more inclined to play larger scenarios if my friend was able to take a company or a few platoons. Plus, when playing a scenario yesterday, 2 italian light tanks overran my fortification line causing havoc but with a lone bazooka man (last one from his squad) leaving a bunker, he managed to knock out both tanks within 2 minutes. I was so excited and there was much fist pumping but my wife sitting on the couch behind me just kept on reading her magazine as expected. Having a friend run half the battle with me would give me an outlet to share in the fun of this game. I hardly want to hoot and holler via Skype to my friend when I'm playing against him and knock out his tanks that way. That just seems rude.
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