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Everything posted by greywulf58

  1. I am sure a similar post to this one has already been posted but here goes. These are modules that should be considered, some more seriously than others, for the CMSF series. Israel....what is a good Mideastern conflict without them. A definite need for this game. What about a retro Cold War Era game.....Soviet Union/Warsaw Pact vs. US/NATO....call it Fulda Gap or other appropriate title. As above but with current weapon systems. Yes I know that many of the those systems are already in the game but there are many new Russian weapon systems that aren't. Viet Nam....ehhh, maybe not. PBR and river monitors might be fun to play with though. Korea....with current weapon systems for both North and South Korea as well as the US. Just food for thought. Chris.
  2. Paul. I couldn't agree with you more. It is great to creep up on a ridge line at night with a recon team and spot your enemy before he spots you. Even better if you have some kick-ass artillery assets to lay down a devastating barrage. I pretty much leveled the fortress in the CMSF demo game with offboard 155 arty and Tornado strikes. Very impressive.
  3. As mentioned in an earlier post of mine, I've been playing war games for almost 40 years now. I won't repeat what I said in that post. What I like about games (simulations) like Combat Mission is that it brought back memories of my days playing PanzerBlitz or Panzer Leader, the "Beer & Pretzel" games. Unlike those games, with the computer game you don't have to worry about finding a place to set up the game, you can leave it set up for as long as you like, and you don't have to worry about loosing components of it (well, if you back up the games that is). You also don't have to read a set of rules the length of a good novel...rules like ASL (however reading the manual does help). When I started playing CMBO years ago I couldn't get over how fun it was. Sure, the graphics weren't what they are today but they were, are, and will always be one of my all time favorite games, no matter what game type. What I like about the new Combat Mission series is the module. Some may not like them as much as some others but I feel this is the route to take with a war game such as this. Just hoping it continues. Chris.
  4. Thanks guys. I am really having fun with the game. Its been a very long time since a game actually made me flinch and/or say "Where the f**k did that round come from." This game makes you really think, as I said and if you don't think your units will die a very sudden death. I can't wait to play it PBEM or online with someone. That would be the best way to enjoy this game....more simulation than game. Again, thanks.
  5. I keep reading in the mods readme files that I need to put the extracted files in my "Z" folder. I have looked and no such animal exists. Do I make this folder? If so, where should it be located. Once there, then what? Does the program recognize this new folder and the mod files. Dazed and confused, prone to wandering. Any help would be appreciated. Chris.
  6. My wife, bless her heart, bought me the download version of Combat Mission ShockForce and the NATO module last night. Now I've been playing Combat Mission since the debut of first games way back when. I've also been playing the new CM Battle for Normandy and ShockForce Afghanistan demos (some PBEM with an old wargame friend of mine). I decided I'd try ShockForce first and then decide whether to buy the other titles later on (I will, just a matter of scraping together the money). This game (simulation) has come a very long way since the days of the stick-figure infantry with their wooden toy guns (hey, they were still damn good games). I am an avid fan of World War II games (all kind) and have been since the early 1970s. My first computer wargame was the old SSI Ambush game which I played on an Atari 800. I just wanted to say thank you to all those involved in the Combat Mission series (old and new). You have brought many hours of fun to many armchair commanders and I hope you will continue to do so in the future. Chris.
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