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Posts posted by ConfusedBuyer

  1. Hope this isn't off-topic and whatnot...seemed like the "Normandy" forum is the best place to post this news. Instead of eBaying unearthed militaria, two French guys actually sought out the surviving family of the U.S. PVT who'd lost his tag in the field....


    It'd be great if wargames got more RPG elements into it. In fact, I believe that the next mass market hit will do just that. I don't mean dragons and damsels in distress, of course, but neither do I mean simply more tactical AI or more realistic graphics. I mean whole careers and whole characters, so that each Private So-and-So has an actual history...say a part of the wargame, after each and every action (battle -- that is, game), requires the player to type out letters to the next of kin...that kind of stuff.

    I think this kind of a wargame would really elevate the genre to an art, with real emotional appeal. And I think wargames can be much more educational, in a "non-encyclopedic" (that is, "academic") way, too. But yeah, it'll take a budget that rivals but the most modest Hollywood production.

    Oh well. Surprised Spielberg and Hanks haven't gone this route already, actually...bringing (much more) story to wargaming.

    Anyway, these two Frenchmen returning the dog tags...made me think it'd be a fitting conclusion to the kind of idealized wargaming experience I envision.

    Damn, is computer programming really that hard to learn?? (I know; of course it is.)

  2. I remember some Peng thing back in the ol' Big Time Software forums and am surprised to see this guy's still so popular. Who's Peng and what's he mean to the Combat Mission community???

    I'm serious. I see this Peng stuff all the time, it seems, even though I only pop into these forums every three years or so (basically with each new release of a Combat Mission engine!) and I always see some kind of Peng challenge thread or something...so what's the deal?? TIA

  3. Hi again, Deputy;

    Looks like you and me are the only ones playing this game! Thanks for all your help. Anyway, I like this title well enough and plan on purchasing it next month (yeah, thirty bucks is something I gotta budget for in this economy!!)...would still love to see where all these links and posts are at, that Arzok was referring to.....

  4. Hi,

    I got a Dirt3 promo with the Sapphire Radeon that's in my new system. But it requires me to install this "Steam" thinggy. What's everyone's opinion of it?

    I mean, harmless, or a pain? From what I've gathered, it's not spyware or anything but I figured I should also ask here since Battlefront has got games on Steam, too.

    I'd love to be able to keep my new system "clean," and don't know if Dirt3 is worth installing some other software just to have it for free. All advice appreciated!

  5. Link?:confused:

    Me too...(:confused:)

    Are the Axis powers playable, then?

    And I only see all of seven threads in this entire forum. Really shocked that there's apparently not much more interest!

    I'll be getting this title soon enough once I get through the demo and learn gameplay mechanics...so far, in a half hour of play, I like what I see but I need a manual to really try things out....

  6. Oh wow, thanks again, Deputy. I really hate it when companies don't fix their sh!t but...hmm...if you don't buy it, then they claim no one wants wargames -- but if you buy it, then they will claim no one cares about little bugs here and there!

    Oh well...hope I don't experience any problems...I'm only returning to wargaming after Combat Mission: Barbarossa from like four-five years ago so Theatre of War 2: Kursk 1943 seems impressive!

  7. Am I the only one who's really P.O.'ed with the Flash thingamajig on this site for reading manuals online??

    Small images that won't "blow up" no matter how many times you zoom your browser, so you have to go click on them for a server call to pull up a marginally larger image -- which in turn can't be "cycled through" so in order to get to the next page you've got to click out, then click to leaf to that next page, then click on the image again to get a marginally larger version, none of which makes for easy reading for the eyes!!

    I just don't see why it's not kept simple with a .pdf for download like a normal company. No, the tutorial game doesn't explain everything -- in fact, a lot is understandably left out. But how can I adequately try out the demo if I don't know how to work the game??

    Seriously, your Flash setup right now precludes simple leafing and reading, necessitating way too many mouse clicks (sheesh, I'd go play StarCraft if that's what I want, a click-fest)....

  8. Do you mean you have to get the physical version (on disc) to get the manual? Not sure what you mean by "shipping," that's all.

    The online version, with that fancy Flash thinggy, is really annoying to leaf through! It doesn't even display correctly on any browser or machine I have, at home or work! I don't understand why y'all can't just keep it simple and have a normal .pdf for download. Now I finally played the demo a little last night and while I was pleased to see a tutorial game, it didn't really help me learn the controls right away. In fact, that's why I still need to go read the manual -- but it's a real PITA with the setup you guys have here. In order to zoom in, a call is made to your server for a marginally larger image of what should have been large and clear in the first place...et cetera.

  9. I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but I must ask (because my name's "ConfusedBuyer," after all)! :o

    Will I need two copies -- that is, make two purchases -- for "Theatre of War 2: Kursk 1943" and "Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy" in order to play with my girlfriend? (No jokes, please.... :P)

    She lives with me, FWIW. We've been together for almost four years now, living together for almost all that time. We're basically family. So what I'm trying to say is, does Battlefront.com have the kind of policy a big company like Microsoft or Rosetta Stone have, where two or three installations of one copy can be made?? :confused:


  10. i dont know what is near where you live but i find its cheaper to go to one of the mass photocopy places, they can usually print out a couple of hundred pages plus bind them very cheaply. where i live im looking at probably $30 in ink plus binding. or i can go get the whole thing done for around $10 or so with comb or wire binding(wire is great for opening flat ) :D

    That's pretty expensive considering the game's just $30-$50...besides, economies of scale should translate into savings (I'm assuming more than just a couple of hundred copies in sales). Besides, I really really dig real binding!

    Anyway, I guess I'll just have to, uh, "soldier on" here....

  11. Wow, some real food for thought here (or cannon fodder, as it may be). Thanks, everyone!

    I think I'll get ToW2:K because to move in the opposite direction would be setting myself up for disappointment. ;) Besides, I'd like my new rig to show me some eye candy!

    Seriously, thanks for the thoughtful replies. Long or short, they all make me want CMBN right now! But like I said, I'm just eager to put my new machine through its paces....

  12. Battlefront.com is not called Big Time Software anymore. And in addition to asking here, "they" also told you that you can download free demos of both, and make up your own mind, of course :)www.battlefront.com/demos

    I'd still need to know which one to install first! :P

    Seriously, I'm also interested in others' more expert opinions because it's actually easier for me to just read a review than try out things myself. Like, even if a restaurant is giving out free samples, I'd still check my Zaggat's first! :D

  13. My 2 cents, having played both:

    CMBN is much closer to the old Close Combat experience, only much better and in 3D. TOW 2 has been an admirable series in certain respects, but it's more of an eye-appealing clickfest (and Kursk isn't even gorgeous if your computer can't deliver a good framerate).

    Interesting...so Kursk requires serious hardware, then?

    I've got an overclocked 4.5 GHz 2nd-Gen iCore 7 with 16GB system RAM and AMD Radeon 6950 with 2GB of video RAM and a Crucial SSD...hope that's enough for years and years!

    Funny, I would have thought CMBN is the more "academic" of the two, with Kursk being the more videogame-y!

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