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Posts posted by Collingwood

  1. Guys please don't rush BF. Rush released software's never good. Debugging takes tons of patience, and some Zen if you will... it's best to leave them alone to finish.

    Look, we could absolutely flood the forums and BF still would not rush the game. Don't worry - all these posts are simply signs of intense anticipation. As Steve said, the Game itself is done. We're waiting on the scenarios to be finished apparently.

    Although if we are Zen, there is no game.

  2. Would you like to do some WEGO TCP/IP games when CMRT comes out?

    Cheers (for real)!

    Sounds like we could start a 'Combat Mission Down Under' group. Sure, I'm interested although I hope you're not expecting quality opposition because I've only ever played around against the AI. :o

    Yes, cheers!

  3. Who remembers playing games on their Commodore PET? Warlords anyone?

    Will CMRT ever get released? The March deadline has come and gone. I'm so sad.

    Yes! I wasted many happy hours playing Warlords.

    The first computer I owned was a Sinclair ZX80, it came with a whopping 1KB of RAM. Not to be limited by this, I bought the amazing 4KB expansion module!

    Later on I got 16KB. All very well, except a complete program took forever to save to cassette, and oh the frustration if 15 minutes into loading a program it errored and you had to start again.

    My earliest computer game experience was playing Star Trek on an IBM system 360.

    I too am ultra-sad about the tardiness of CMRT. It's April 1st in my timezone. I believe the reason for it not being released is despite the game itself being ready, not all scenarios are. Which is ironic because the first thing I want to do is create a scenario or two to experiment with triggers - I won't be playing any scenarios at first. Give it to me without scenarios, I don't care! Scenarios can come later...

  4. Glantz's real problem is that he doesn't write very well. He conveys insights by cumulative impact. If you just keep reading and re-reading Glantz, eventually the conditions and human side comes through -- not that Glantz makes that easy -- but he puts in so much that sooner or later you begin to see a lot. My favorites are all the STAVKA comes to visit and where are you? Stories -- Phone calls, teletyping, Army Commanders not at their HQs etc.

    I agree with this. For some time I wondered if I could ever cope with Glantz's denser works, but I kept at it, kind of like medicine - yes it tastes terrible but it's good for you ;)

    While waiting for CMRT I've been reading his latest Stalingrad books - I'm now into the 2nd volume. Third/fourth is on pre-order but not released yet. Either he is becoming better at writing or I'm getting better at reading Glantz. I'm certainly gaining a greater understanding of what went on and why.

    Like you I enjoy those Stavka exchanges, and that he included much more information about the German side than some of his previous work, this feels like the most balanced (in terms of presenting the dispositions of both sides clearly) eastern front history I've read. The two Smolensk volumes were good too.

  5. No need for anyone to fear a rushed buggy game - there's no way BF would release the game when they're not happy with it, just because we start getting anxious. That is one prediction I'm happy to stand by.

    I too had assumed 8 weeks at most for release after pre-orders but perhaps that was optimism. From my records CMBN was 67 days after pre-orders, or 9 1/2 weeks.

    Since we only have history to go by, let's not hold our breath just yet ;)

  6. I've been monitoring the battlefront front page. I was convinced the next time it changed would be to announce the release of RT. I checked this morning - yay it has changed - Oh, it's about a review of CMMG.

    I know Steve recently said they are "close" and it was just a matter of dotting i's and crossing t's, but we're now closing in on 8 weeks since pre-orders. There must be more dotting and crossing needed than expected, or something has come up/gone wrong.

  7. I threw some silver at an old lady, she spilled some tea-leaves over a ouija board then said she just has a feeling: battlefront will not release CMRT until there have been at least 7 false alarm threads with titles such as "zomg guess what I'm downloading" or "wow it's out now?"

    We've had 3, so we need 4 more to make it happen.

  8. Oh man, but wait doesn't that mean the BFC's Combat Mission are also in violation of the app store rules?

    From what I've seen in the past from posters complaining about the tardiness of update availability for app store bought combat mission games, it's no loss if the app store doesn't sell future CM games.

    The walled garden idea of controlling what is sold has some merit - but only if the people implementing the policies aren't ignorant. They'll have a melt-down if they start reading history of conflicts between different nations, religions and ethnicities - humans have been such an un-politically-correct lot ;)

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