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Everything posted by zulutwonine

  1. Thank you YankeeDog. #1 and #2, understood. (I used the 20 and 37 cannon in fire support role, and my panthers as taxi's for my grenadiers for the first move or two, in the original games, both pretty useful!) #3, In the panzer grenadier infantry company, 81's have an ammo truck with an additional supply of 81 ammo. However, In the heavy weapons company, the 75mm infantry guns have a truck, but with no further ammo?
  2. Thank you battle front, combat mission Normandy is a great game, and a worthy successor to the original games. However, a couple of questions, 1. Flak, why no flak vehicles or flak guns? 2. Why can’t soldiers ride on tanks? 3. Why do mortars have ammo trucks, but infantry guns don’t? My apologies if these points have be raised before.
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