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Everything posted by FatherOfSeventeen

  1. I don't think it's right that those of us who have NO INTEREST in WW2--if I wanted to play WW2, I'd have bought a WW2 game--have to wait on a needed patch in order to optimize the WW2 campaign. I saw what was said earlier in this thread about this...but if this is seriously going to be a couple of months, release the patch already and then let people deal with having to start new games when the WW2 campaign is released. Anything else isn't fair to those of us who bought a WW1 game because it's, duh, a WW1 game.
  2. Why should those of us without any interest in the WW2 campaign be penalized by having to wait for the patch? We paid for the game too, and we shouldn't have to wait for this for the WW2 campaign. Release the patch, then release the WW2 campaign.
  3. Long time lurker, first time poster . I understand it takes time...but this seems to be taking an awful lot of time without a lot of communication from Battlefront. Where do we stand on 1.02--how much longer?
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