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  1. Hi all I am a big fan of CM series since the very beginning. Back then in my country there was no free market, so I had to buy this game from a doggy looking Russian guy at the bazaar (I have the retail copies now ). I would like to gear up for this game and a few pointers would most appreciated. Now I have a laptop with 2 core 2,5mhz processor and Radeon 3870 CS. I have played the 'going to town' demo mission (1920x1200, best, no shadows) and got 16-20fps playing game with elevation 4-5. Recently I went to fix my little cousin's rig. I have done a fresh install of Win7 x64, and installed the demo, same scenario. I was shocked to see that with AMD 925 x4 and Radeon 5970 there was no performance difference at all, and game still lagged. So, could You please advise what should I get to run this game @30fps most of the times. Cheers Luke
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