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Posts posted by PJMaybe

  1. Personally, I think this game could be hugely improved if it allowed some way of saving and replaying a battle with units from both sides visible.

    I can't see how it would be so difficult as I am already able to save every minute of a turn game and then play them back. I'd just like to have them all joined up for watching the battle unfold in it's entirety (and with the enemy revealed throughout).

  2. I'm no programmer so I may be (and accept that I very much likely will be) well off the mark here but I would have thought it would be quite an easy addition to the game as each minute-by-minute is already being calculated and implemented (I play mostly turn based). What happens to that replay when you go into the next order phase? Why can't it just be saved somewhere? The only real change I would like to see in addition to that is that the hidden units and events are all on display.

  3. I have been wondering if there is any way of showing a replay of the battle I have just played? When a battle is over I would really like to be able to watch a replay of the whole thing but with all units visible so I can see how it panned out 'as it happened' from a spectator's point of view, enjoying the action and close ups of the units instead of having to concentrate on winning.

    It's no different really to the 1min of action for each turn on the turn based game but without the breaks for issuing orders. If I can't do this already, would it be so difficult to add?

  4. Thanks for your help. Made some adjustments and checked with the port checker - it says it is open and pinged successfully. Still getting stuck on 'connecting' though??

    portforward.com explains how to create a static IP - which we both did - but that includes making up an IP that is similar to the router's IP. Have I understood this right - the router's IP is the one you use in the browser URL to access the settings. And it is this made up static IP that I put into the virtual server settings for the router? This is doing my head in :-/

    ...and is the external IP of any relevance? Because that's not the IP I'm told to give to my opponent in the game.

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