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Everything posted by damici

  1. I ran it as administrator and got all sounds. I only played the training campaign but all seems to be working fine. so I'll play play the other campaigns and some scenarios and will keep you posted of any thing that I notice.
  2. I uninstalled my CMSF reinstalled it patched it to v1.10 then reinstalled the mod bundle. Still no sound. Version 110.brz is on there. The reload sounds work fine the bullets going by you can hear along with their impact. But opfor small arms,mg's, cannons do not produce any sound. Neither do U.S. Mg's.
  3. I've been right up on the units to quite a bit away still no sound. I bought the 3 for 2 bundle package of mods just about a month ago and they installed automatically when I downloaded them so If they were installed in the wrong order then they were set up in the wrong order but I don't think that is the problem as you said. Idk if the .BRZ file is damaged or missing I've opened the data files but don't know which one is which. The only thing i can think of that might be an error or problem is when it starts up it's just a solid white screen then the game options pop up and the background goes normal. Other than that it's just the sound.
  4. More info: the Mk19 sounds fine, M240B no sound m4's are fine all opfor weapons are "muted" M2's are also. I'm going to check on opfor armor and light armored vehicles next and will post if they are working properly or not. alright Tanks and bmp cannon sounds are on their mg's aren't. combatants and fighters also are out.
  5. I just noticed that I can't get any weapons sounds for U.S. heavy weapons or any OpFor weapons. Has anyone else had this problem or know how I can fix this? I've been playing the TF Thunder campaign but I have all the modules. The problem only started recently I haven't played in about 5 days or so but last time I played it worked fine. Also there is ambient sounds, you can hear the bullets whiz by and can hear the units reloading just no reports from the weapons themselves.
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