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Maciej Zwolinski

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Posts posted by Maciej Zwolinski

  1. 22 minutes ago, AlsatianFelix said:

    300,000 Russians are about to have to make individual choices. Do they go to the front like sheep? Or do they fight Moscow like lions and take control for themselves. History has shown that they have the collective ability to do either. 

    We will see, but the intercepted phone calls from Russian soldiers which the Ukrainians post from time to time on the Internet show the Russian soldiers to be EXTREMELY resigned to their fate, apathetic and tolerant of abuse. They expected to be sent on suicide missions, not fed, not supplied, etc. They grumbled about it freely and some of them talked about trying various beaurocratic excuses for getting back and not fighting, but nothing more energetic. No talk of mutiny, no talk of desertion.

  2. 39 minutes ago, JonS said:

    I agree, obviously.

    "Some" posters here do not, and are pushing hard for collective guilt and collective punishment.

    You see the issue now?

    1 hour ago, Huba said:

    But we are punishing them collectively already, just not in an "eye for an eye" way.  Even though some posts are full of venom (to a point of tediousness sometimes), nobody called for atrocities against russians here, it is just your interpretation of "reap what they sow".

    Sure. Wars emphatically are about collective guilt and collective punishment, which is assumed to happen in war. If you are an enemy combatant, the other side is presumed to be trying to kill you with full intent and premeditation, yet legally . Solely because someone in your country told you (even forced you) to put on the uniform, without any relation to your individual actions. This is preciselys what differentiates war from law enforcement.

    Murder of civilans during war is morally wrong an/or morally prohibited but not because of the "collective punishment" angle, which is a concept from a different order of affairs, but because it exceeds the level of violence culturally considered to be acceptable in order to resolve conflicts between groups, by targeting people who are generally considered to be ineffectual in that conflict.

  3. 9 minutes ago, panzermartin said:

    Kraze has been posting stuff like this since the beginning of the thread. He hasn't received any warning, although in the written official rules here, it is cleary stated as hate speech and a reason to ban someone. On the contrary his posts often get multiple upvotes. Yes, the best war forum on the net... 

    The man is from a country fighting a war against genocidal enemy. His is a different perspective. I think that this would be the case for many other forum members, if we were in his place.  War is by definition collective violence and by definition makes people guilty by association and enemies for no other reason, than their nationality. This extends to emotions about the enemy, which of course tends to be hate. 

    The imperative not to say anything racist or "hate-speachy" is something for people not concerned with life or death or, yes, feelings of revenge for the destruction of their country and barbaric murder of their compatriots.   Let us respect that this is a different situation and move along. Nobody is required to support what Kraze is saying but it should be acknowledged this is something else than trolling about WW2 war crimes or Middle East ethnic issues, which the forum rules are intended to prevent.

  4. 32 minutes ago, Huba said:

    In the meantime, Putin's speech is being delayed for some reason. My guess is that it's for dramatic effect. My second guess is the coup is ongoing :P

    He will very dramatically commit suicide just before going on air. His last words being the traditional farewell speech of Soviet/Russian suicides: "Comrades, don't shoot, I too am a Communist !"

  5. 26 minutes ago, dan/california said:

     Every attempt was made to massacre as many "politically unreliable" people as possible under the cover of war time conditions. Katyen Forest, and allowing the Germans to crush the Warsaw Ghetto before continuing their offensive are merely the best known examples. Ukrainian, Polish, Belorussian, and Baltic civilians were treated just as awfully as German ones. 

    One small correction - it was not the Warsaw ghetto, but Warsaw entire. Warsaw ghetto fought in 1943. The rest of Warsaw in August 1944, which is when Russians got close, but stopped on the other side of Vistula (some say: were stopped by effective German defence; I would say that they were stopped initially, but then took their sweet time to get back moving.)

  6. 1 hour ago, Haiduk said:

    Crown lands hystorically were only on modern Halychyna and part of Podillia - this caused several wars between Poland and Lituania in 14th century for fromer Rus' legacy. Rest (Volyn', Kyiv, Chernihiv, Bratslav, Cherkasy) belonged to Great Duchy of Lithuania. Though, in western documents as Ruthenians were called all inhabitants of former Rus' of Orthodox faith. Even Orthodox inhabitants of Vojevodstvo Rus'ke, belonged to Crown also initially in 14-15th centuries considered as Ruthenians, not Poles. In that times "nationality" mostly determined by faith and mores.

    Of course after Brest Union of 1569 Polish, when Polish magnats had been receiving lands in Ukraine, Lithuania influence gradually became to fade and name "litvins" became more use for modern Belarusians, though recently meant also inhabitants of novadays Ukrainain lands.

    Sure, I am only talking about the formal allocation of the land currently making up the Ukraine after the Union of Lublin 1568 mostly to the Polish part vs the Lithuanian part of the Commonwealth. Regardless of the administrative divisions, the original Orthodox population of those lands was described as gente Ruthenus, natione Polonus  and their Ruthenian identity was not in dispute. Although since XIV century there also had to be some ethnic Lithuanians who settled in Kiev or wherebouts, their numbers must have been small enough for them to Ruthenise quickly.

  7. 9 hours ago, CAZmaj said:

    What is "Macedonian Style"?


    It means that Prigozin is making early preparations to fight other oligarchs over posession of Putin's corpse, his wife and daughter and the ring with the inscription "to the strongest" as soon as Putin breaths his last.

    In other words, surely a reference to the Diadochi Wars.

  8. 12 hours ago, Haiduk said:

    Indeed this is Ukraine has hystorical tradition of private armies. Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth nobles (under Lithuanian also means local Ruthenian (Ukrainan) nobles), ruling in the Ukrainian landsб had own armies and contested with Polish central power for own old rights if seen attempts of kings to strenght own power.

    This is certainly right, I have only one quibble. Perhaps surprisingy, during the Commowealth today's Ukraine was mostly -if not entirely -  Polish Crown lands, not the Grand Duchy (Lithuanian) lands.

    The Lithuanian Ruthenians would be today's Belarussians.

  9. 9 minutes ago, pavel.k said:

    There won't be a civil war in Russia. Instead there will be new era: Oligarchs Wars 2022 - 2036.

    I am waiting for some guy from Königsberg or Karelia to establish himself in Tuva or thereabouts and redo the adventures of v.Unberg-Sternberg as his reincarnation (the good Baron was a Buddist and strong believer in metaphysical stuff). My life would be complete.

  10. 22 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

    I'll also add that it appears Russia has nearly no mobile reserves anywhere near what is required to arrest these advances.  Rushing a depleted company with a couple of armored vehicles into a settlement that has NO prepared defenses is just not going to work. Especially because the commander likely has absolutely no sense of the terrain and is therefore unlikely to deploy in a place that will matter once Ukraine gets there.

    For people wondering what an operational collapse looks like, keep reading this thread :D


    Où est la Masse de Manoeuvre?

  11. 10 hours ago, The_Capt said:
    14 hours ago, Grigb said:

    I sniffed around and the answer is they are used more as long-range direct fire support and less as shock force. They are used as mobile protected long range direct fire support.

    Sniffed around where, if you don’t mind me asking?  I ask because if your assessment is accurate then something has definitely gone wrong with RA armour.

    Hang on, is is not how we are supposed to use tanks in Combat Mission anyway?

    Infantry in the front to spot&make the enemy fire positions reveal themselves, tanks at the back, as far as the LOS/effective range of weapons allows, preferrably keyholed, APCs/IFVs as battle taxis, out of LOS most of the time. This is what I have read in the many tactics threads on this very forum.

  12. 9 minutes ago, Grigb said:

    Fighting continues for the outskirts of Peski. Although the enemy is suffering much greater losses during this operation, even the tactical successes of the "Third Effective Stage" in terms of moving forward are still humiliatingly minimal.

    What do you make of the Russian claims that the UKR forces are suffering significantly heavier losses than the RUS in the Donbass fight? This claim is being repeatedly made, at least by Strelkov.

    If this is correct, then the automatic assumption that RUS attacks are "frontal and costly", i.e. costly because they are frontal should be changed somewhat. They certainly are slow and require huge expenditure of ammunition, but if they protect RUS infantry, which is their most precious resource at the moment, this change of tactics is not evidence of stupidity, but quite reasonable adaptation. As opposed to men, RUS post-soviet stockpiles of 152mm ammunition are an almost unlimited and almost free (except transportation costs) asset.

    AFAIK, this is possible, the "bite and hold" tactics of 1917 (which I see as almost direct analogue, exchaning observation baloons for drones)  did inflict more casualties on the Germans than on the British, and the Germans found no direct counter to them. Their indirect counter was to take advantage of the slowness of this method and prepare a counteroffensive, which is a whole different kettle of fish; as far as I can see, the UKR have yet to find a method to deal with RUS defensive artillery concentrations which would allow them to attack in the face of determined RUS opposition. On the other hand, Strelkov does not directly see the extent of UKR casualties and probably relies on RUS reports. He may be completely wrong.

    What do you guys think?

  13. 1 hour ago, Grigb said:

    Due to lack of effective counters the drones can approach to a distance where no stealth help (literally can sit above you). Push them away (500 meters for cheat, 1 km or better for more expensive ones) or force them to observe only for a limited amount of time and camo skills, clothes and camo equipment open way to use bigger (relatively) masses of infantry and move them faster (relatively).

    The Ukrainians seem to have large numbers of MANPADS. Do the current missiles not work against drones? I have read that particularly the Martlet LMM is optimised against them.

  14. 2 hours ago, Grigb said:
    • Any concentrations are hit hard with drone adjusted arty. So, offensive actions tend to be smaller in scale, short and sharp from one place with cover to another (it could be settlement or enemy defensive position). 
    • Troops are already adjusted to this - as soon as ground taken everybody runs to various covers (One of the reasons fighting evolves around settlements is because in the settlements there are a lot of cellars and concealment from drone observation. For example, UKR observation posts are in cellars with cameras on the rooftops [something to add to BS2🙂]). So, losses of troops are lots smaller, but as soon as drones arrive no offensive movement is possible.

    This is incredible. Reads like a scene from the future in "Terminator" where  the human guerillas have a few minutes to strike and then hide before the killing machines arrive. Fighting like this could indeed reduce any offensive action to a modern equivalent of WWI trench raid, and if both sides do this to each other, then they are just fighting back and forth over the same small pieces of terrain. Has anyone proposed a way to break this stalemate?

    The only thing that comes to my mind in that situation is a massive air bombardment of the enemy artillery and having a ton of PGMs on call to immediately respond to any artillery which survived the air strikes and reveals itself in defensive fires.

    One more thought: are AFVs used (and/or useful) at all in this kind of fighting?


  15. On the Polish twitter there was information about protests by soldiers of Ukrainian 93  mechanised and 79 airborne brigades rotated out of line, who voiced their dissatisfaction with the conditions in which they had been fighting (lack of support, bad leadership). They had been fighting very hard, so some morale problems probably were bound to happen sooner or later.


  16. If you want them I'll polish them up a tad and put them on CMMODS.

    I have modded all three sets and tank crew. Normal inf are more brown. Guards are more mixed, and the cav are mostly green (and blue obviously), tank crew wear black.

    Re: Aris' vehicles - you could just run an action batch using curves and saturation to put a little more colour back in. 2 minute job.

    Could you be persuaded to release your Germans (ordinary Heer Germans as opposed to Totenkopf) as well? Your Totenkopf SS men look, for want of a better word, gorgeous. Even the most common Feldgrau uniforms look really good. It would be great if we could upgrade the Heer to the same standard.



  17. I have not ruled out doing them so maybe. I have been doing research on the different patterns so at some point I may jump all in and give it a go.



    If I may have a suggestion, please finish the Sumpfmuster first. It is a real beauty of a camo and sorely needed.

    Great mod by the way.



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