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Posts posted by lettowvorbeck

  1. The German-French NM disparity has narrowed incredibly fast. It sounds very French of me to say so, but the UK needs to shoulder more of the burden on the continent. The British manpower commitment is still tiny and with lots of NM to spare, while the French are bleeding like crazy from one end of the line to the next.

    I love this AAR. It is just as much fun to read as it is to play the game.

  2. I'm not sure you have the strength for simultaneous offensives in Italy, E. France, and Russia with time a factor (with all the while your right flank in the West crumbling). You might be better off putting off the France offensive (which will cost you heavily if your opponent is capably using his level 2 artillery) and use the savings to shore up your right there and accelerate the fall of Russia and Italy.

  3. One of the things that I liked in the early version(s) of SCWW1 was the ability to do real counterbattery fire from behind your own lines. At level 2, hvy guns had a range of 3. I support the possible reasons why it was reduced to range 2 (e.g. the unbelievable amount of width and depth one could manage on the offensive with range 3) but would it be possible to make a range exception just for counterbattery fire? I remember when I was a complete newbie to the SC system and in my first pbem game I didn't see any particular reason that level 2 artillery was so much more appealing than Level 1. My opponent disabused me of that notion with devastating counterbattery fire when I attempted a counteroffensive at the most critical juncture of the game. having artillery be able to pound defenses with complete impunity just makes the western front fighting especially feel wrong in the game.

  4. I meant Italy is as fragile as glass in Frank Hunter's "Guns of August". You smash them at the border (usually people sent a big Austro-German force early in the game) and advance a few hexes -- the hex scale is much larger in that game -- and they give up.

    Well, I lost to that strat.. admitetly, only because that game I played was the worst in a long time.(I messed up.. I am still not over it)

    (admitetly, I didnt quite get the meaning of your post. Did you mean italy was easy to beat or it was easy to beat that stratigy(which is what I thought when I first posted this, but on 2nd read I was less sure)

  5. Thanks for the explanation.

    I do agree with the Rumanians getting greedy if A-H is in the territorial giveaway mood! They had huge numbers of ethnic Rumanians within the empire.


    Regarding Romanian war entry, here are the relevant factors. Note that these don't take into account player's use of diplomacy:

    • Any surrenders to the Entente cause a 3-5% increase in Romanian activation towards the Entente.
    • From 1st Jan 1916, there is a 50% chance of a 20-35% swing towards the Entente if there are Russian units within two tiles of Klausenberg, Przemysl or Rovno.
    • There will also be a 50% chance of a 3-8% swing per turn thenceforth, for as long as there are Russian units within two tiles of Klausenberg, Przemysl or Rovno.
    • Finally, an Entente capture of Gallipoli would swing Romania by 30-45% towards the Entente.

    I've been immediately attracted to the idea of making Romania lean towards the Entente if Austria-Hungary gives away Trento-Trieste, as Romania had designs on some of the Empire's territory, e.g. Transylvania, and this move would have awakened their own ambitions.

  6. Is that really the consensus view that the game is "too easy to win as CP"? I've won all of my PBEM games as the TE (except the very first when I didn't know how the game worked, and even then I felt it was far more of a draw). Of course, my sample is small and it all depends on who you're playing but at least two of my opponents were obviously used to winning as the CP.

  7. K,

    I like your thoughts on this. Tying it to territory plus NM, with the latter having the cool dual effect of forcing the A-H player to think again about ceding territory to Italy.

    In terms of what territorial points to choose, I am thinking something like the oil fields (like you say), Lemberg, and Pryzmsl cumulatively starting a slow clock [like Belgrade does for Serbian intervention but even slower]. This gives extra incentive for the A-H player to retain or recapture these sites. There could also be big boosting triggers beyond the Carpathians that might tip intervention quickly.

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