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Everything posted by Saryk

  1. The reason I do not like Domination is the finite amount of units that are deployed and there are no reinforcements. If holding an area gave some kind of points to spend on additional units, I’d like that a ton more. Of course I am new to the ToW series (but I have played the MoW series) and I am only playing Africa maps now. And don’t know the full capabilities of mods and extra maps, plus I was playing versus the AI. My experience , I have been playing strategy games since the 80’s, Modem Wars, Dune, Steel Panthers (I still have them in the closet), etc. There are three genres that I prefer Strategy, RPG/MMO and FPS.
  2. I am having problems also. I have an AMD Quad 2.5, 4 Gig ram, and Nvidia 460. I went into the video file mentioned and changed the cpu number, didn’t help. As stated by someone else, I can run fine in ½, but this ticks me off, like a squeaky bearing. I can run every game (and I have a HUGE selection) at max graphics and very good FPS. Anyone else have any ideas?
  3. Thanks Vinnart for the reply. I went ahead and bought it for my son and we played a multiplayer match against the cpu. I didn’t like the Domination or the king of the hill, but we did enjoy the Attack-Defend (Africa). Wish there were more maps; I might have to make some or find some to download. Thanks again.
  4. I bought the Theater of War series off of Steam. I am thinking about buying my son a copy. However I don't know if I will buy a copy for my two nephews. So what i want to know, how many players can play a multiplayer match in ToW games? Thanks!
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