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Posts posted by shauny1987

  1. Imo his best bet would be to break away from BFC and offer the game on his own site for $15-20 while he continued to improve it in his spare time.

    I'm glad that people are still trying to offer ideas to Brit, but this one is stupid. EoS has too little visibility in the market as it is, going solo would mean only the hardcore fanbase (US) would follow it. It would be nearly entirely word of mouth, or it would cost more due to advertising costs.

  2. Interesting. I'm sort of doing an astronaut game as well. Is your game playable? Downloadable or just on the web? I didn't see any links anywhere.

    Noway! I'm a fail hobby programmer and this is my first project, not playable yet. I've got to rework how the program selects a astronaut for a mission then add a bunch of statistics in and it MAY be playable then :D

    Its getting closer though! I got this out of it today:

    A suborbital mission.

    Vostok 1 launching

    Launch stage successful

    Performing de-orbit burn

    De-orbit burn successful

    Performing re-entry

    Re-entry successful!

  3. I know this isn't relevant to EoS, but I thought as a new NASA contractor you might like to see my little amateur pet project!


    It's essentially a text adventure game where you play an astronaut. Simple. I've been teaching myself python extremely slowely over many years, and i'm finally at a stage where I can complete a program!

    Its not finished at all, within the week I'll finish up the basics and have a working Mercury/Vostok program. Once this is done however, it's largely entering statistics into the code rather than actual coding so it will probably advance to the Apollo stage very quickly.

    I'm making it for me, it's probably going to be too simple for anyone else to like anytime soon. But i'll be putting the code up anyway on that forum as people have helped and given ideas on it.


    P.S. people have had some good ideas programming wise, if any of you have any ideas whether they be programming or just ideas, feel free to chip in!

  4. Empire 2 wasn't exactly an Empire game regardless of the name. It was a wargame. It wasn't 4X. First you had Empire Wargame of the Century, then Empire Deluxe, then Empire Deluxe Internet Edition and then Empire Deluxe Enhanced Edition. I played them all starting 20 years ago.

    I look at EoS as a cross between EDEE and Civ, a bit closer to EDEE though. Better graphics. More features. Potential to be an all time great game.

    In spite of shauny's rants about my posts I really like EoS. If I didn't I wouldn't be so insistent Brit fix it and make it the great game it can be.

    *I did mean Empire 2

    I see what you mean, It is lacking in the Empire department. From my experiences Empire Deluxe is superior to all, including EDEE.

  5. So, despite Rich's ranting on ai, he did mention the older empire games. Which brought me back to thinking about them.

    While EoS is empiresque I think its in its own arena so they can be enjoyed side by side with EoS, rather than instead of. (as some may have said).

    I was personally wondering what peoples opinions were on these three. I liked Empire 2 personally, it seemed the most polished. But I cant say ive tested the AI considerably. EDEE I havent tried at all, but I've installed the demo for a test sometime!

    Empire 2 also had some nice scenarios!

  6. What an interesting topic, with implications beyond military training. . .

    I work in the transportation industry, and I wish all dispatchers would play Close Combat for awhile, because their job is kind of like a real-time strategy: They have to direct trucks in real-time, and drivers have varying levels of experience and ability, and just because a dispatcher "orders" a driver to go somewhere, doesn't mean he will do it! Too many stressful, low-paying runs into Brooklyn or Detroit and he'll defect to a competing company!

    A bad dispatcher runs his load board like a Korean kid playing Starcraft, or something like that.

    :D just funny.

  7. Rofl this 'AI iz broked' dead horse has been beat. Give it up guys. This is what happens when developers get too friendly with the consumers - some of them give themselves false airs and an aura of authority. There is no authority, you bought a game, you have no weight here to throw about.

    Your Ideas have been noted by all parties. Give it up.

  8. I can see that reason doesn't filter into your brain, so I'll be ignoring this thread from now on.

    'I don't believe this for a minute. Now you're just making excuses.'

    He provided a source, any educated individual knows to provide a source when claiming outrageous claims. If you provide one for this maybe someone will listen.

    I believe however it is more likely you are ill informed in programming and are infact planely wrong.

  9. I have bought unfinished products in my time. This is not an unfinished product, it is a product which was being improved AFTER release. Which is more than I can say for the majority of any developers let alone indie developers.

    I think some people here have mistaken Brits dedication to improving a finished product with pushing an unfinished one. Brit has stated his situation and no amount of whining is going to change it. Lets agree to disagree ;)

  10. Most of peoples criticisms of you Rich are not a total disagreement with your ideas, but the petulant and childlike way you castigate a decent developer who has put many hours and much effort into a solid creation.

    If you tried to show a shred of respect for someones work, then people might look at what you have to say.

  11. Turn 2 of war

    It appears the Soviets are breaking through in Europe.

    Nukes have hit the east and west coast usa, western USSR and Bejing. Interestingly, New york was saved due to a 'Laser air defence' Which shot down the incomming ICBM (you lucky sod jeep ;))

    *also Riyadh was hit by a tac nuke.

    Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran is taken by the Soviets. Taiwan is also finished off and occupied.

    more to come...

  12. It's unfortunate, but unless said person shares the vision with you, you have to dangle carrots in front of them at every opportunity. I've had zero success with volunteers over the many years.

    Maybe I'm just not good enough at cracking the whip?

    I think volunteers would be fine, but generally people bore quickly when they realise work takes time and effort.

  13. The fact that this game was sold for months without anyone knowing about this problem isn't good.

    The fact that this game sold for months without people knowing about the problem obviously means it isnt nearly as detrimental to the game as a couple of people here suggest.

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