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Muddy boots

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Posts posted by Muddy boots

  1. Apparently the average German foxhole in the Normandy fighting was built strongly enough so that a bunker might be the most realistic means of portrayal in CM:N, and so the problem of overcoming one was not so rare. Mainly it was done by grenades at close range or smacking an anti-tank round into the rear as a means of persuading the occupants to surrender, but we are forgetting the most effective method, which worked every time and which would be quite amazing if it was used in CM:N...*voice trembles with child-like excitement*....the flamethrower :D

  2. A little tweak to the friendly AI would be nice too, as too often I have seen 'veteran' troops react appallingly when their section is engaged by just two or three enemy. I'm not exaggerating, all it takes is one casualty and they turn tail and run for cover. Even if they are already in cover. And not the nearest cover mind you, but as often as not they run closer to enemy positions than firendly ones, a la headless chicken.

    Sorry for butting in with another little gripe, but if I'm taking my boys into battle I want to know for sure that they've grasped their section battle drills first :D

    Oh and my vote is for any 'operation' style that carries battle damage over and has lots of nice burnt out tanks left over from the previous battle. It's something to do with the smell of napalm in the morning I suppose...



  3. Hey, I'm honoured to be mentioned!

    I'd been thinking about it and saw that Chainsaw mentions in his building assault thread, that infantry won't enter a room without first chucking in a grenade then having the first man or two go in through the door firing away as they do so. Would be great if it could be done in CM, as windowless rooms = certain doom for attackers breaking in. Using the hunt option is a no-no, using assault means half the squad stay out of the room until the first half have been slaughtered, and using fast or quick is kind of like the section commander saying 'right lads, here's the plan: we all leg it into the middle of the room, then once we're in there we'll have a look for any enemy'....cue senseless slaughter :) Cheers

  4. As much as I will forever worship the designers of the CM breed, I find myself being mightily frustrated with the differences between the player movement interface in the first 3 CM games and that in CM Shock Force series; fair enough they do warn us in the manual that it is a case of 'unlearning' CM, but in my humble opinion the new interface is actually a step backwards from the original and makes for some frustrating and time-consuming play.

    If there is one thing I could ask for in the next CM game, it would be a movement command which allows you to have one unit follow the path of another. This is of course something I noticed in the original CM, but now in shock force things take even longer, for example when I select a group of vehicles and command them all to move straight ahead, I find that only the originally selected vehicle moves in a straight line; all of the others have their waypoints set to one side or the other, so when they start moving you have what looks like an unholy melee of angry cockroaches all trying to get past eachother, and I end up having to select each vehicle individually and move them that way. So in big games the setup phase can take a good half an hour longer.

    It's a bit like spoon-feeding spaghetti to a dribbling baby...only not so funny :D

    Another thing is the way the same hotkey is used for various commands, mainly 'k' being used for hunt and also for bail out, depending on the menu you are in. This has caused a good few amusing incidents.

    Am I the only one with this grump over the movement interface?

  5. Thanks for giving me some ideas Chainsaw. The lack of a 'room-clearing' movement style in the game is one of the few gripes I can find, they come close with the blast option for engineers, so its a shame they cant have a 'storm' option for room-to-room work.

    On the matter of friendly fire, well I have only played CMSF British so far so maybe it is an upgrade, but I did suffer freindly fire casualties when a rifle grenade overshot the roof it was aimed at and landed squarely in the pants of some poor squaddie, who was left firmly on the dead side of existence as a result. When attacking buildings, covering fire had the effect of causing the assaulting section to get their heads down and hug the floor once they had entered the building.

    Any suggestions on room-to-room clearance within a large building, where suppressing fire from outside is not possible? I'm asking this because on the last level of Brit forces there was a rather large 5-6 floor building which had to be cleared. First time I did it, well I thought I had cleared it and went on to take the other objectives..over an hour later I ended the game and it turned out to be a draw, because there was a single squad of sniggering Syrian infantry hiding away in one of the multitude of rooms. Bugger. So next time I razed three-quarters of the building with arty, and used 3 platoons of infantry to fight through. The same problem arose though, whichever movement method I used for entering a room, be it assault, hunt or simply rush in the whole squad, I would take awful casualties.

    In a way, I suppose it shows the game does accurately reflect the nasty nature of FIBUA, but not in a way that it means to. A simple 'storm' option alongside 'blast' and all the others would be wery wery nice :)

  6. Having installed CMSF and licensed it without problem, I found that upon launching the game, no mouse cursor appeared on the main start page; I could do nothing except exit the game to windows using my keyboard, and the only way I could shut the game down was by turning power off at the wall!

    That problem disappeared when I installed the marines and brit forces bundle, but now I have an issue in the game where the user panel at the bottom seems corrupted; at the start of a mission, part of the mission briefing remains imposed over the bottom of the panel and during the game there are clashes with the writing, for example when calling artillery strikes the commands are imposed over the background info, making them pretty much indistinguishable. Unit descriptions on the bottom left are blurred and clash with eachother so I can't tell which company / squadron they belong to. Also, not sure if this is related but infantry units have the same movement menu as vehicles i.e. no 'assault' option, just fast / quick / move etc.

    Any advice appreciated.

  7. Forgive me if this is a sheer oversight on the part of someone not too well aquainted with all things technical, but my problem is that I uninstalled CMAK a few years ago, deleting saved files and everything, and now when I try to re-install the game the message appears 'CMAK is already installed'...

    If I press play, absolutely nothing happens. I have fully re-installed the game and tried all means I know of starting it, but to no avail. I have not change my system in anyway since the original uninstall.

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

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