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Posts posted by Jonny(FGM)

  1. I don't think you'll ever see any of those features in CMSF, they are just too big a feature to be simply patched in.

    Multicore support won't be seen until at least the game (not module) after normandy from what i've heard from BF on the subject. But we will see a much improved QB system in normandy

    Oh and I believe there are plans for a CMSF2 set in a temperate climate

  2. The main disadvantage with my tactic was that only 1/2 of the teams had binoculars, and I didn't notice that until after i'd put one team up on a rooftop without a pair of binoculars and was moving my team that had them forward lol. If i'd deployed them properly with the 2 without binoculars moving forward and the other watching over i might have been more successful and not lost that leopard lol

  3. But in the beginning I had some immobilized Fenneks from the numerous AGS-17s around the map.QUOTE]

    I keep those Fenneks well hideen, i rushed them off to some trees or behind a house, in that mission i treated them just as (very lightly) armoured taxi for the recon troops.

    If it was a night mission I might be confident enough to use its optics.

    Amazingly for me I just reloaded once, got a bit over brave with a fennek when taking the fort lol.

  4. I played through the first mission.

    Wouldn't say it was easy but it wasn't that tough.

    Just moved half of my recce troops into spotting positions and kept them there, while moving the other half around with lots of hunt + hide commands. Got them to call in air support on the obvious targets such as the bunkers etc and calling in arty on anything else that reared its ugly head.

    Once the main troops arrive i moved around the right hand side of the fort and went in through that building. I got through the mission with no red troops, a few yellow troops and 1 leopard destroyed to an extremely lucky AT-3 hit.

  5. If you want years and years of play pick up CM:Afghanistan. That title goes from April 28 1978 through March 19, 1992. Wow. In CMSF you only get the summer months to play with. Set the CMA date to December 21 and the sun's down before 5:30 pm and doesn't come up til after 6:30. On June 21 its not dark yet at 7:30 pm and the sky's getting light around 4:15 am. :)

    Ok I know you probably can't answer this.But i noticed in CMA unit selection is not limited by date like it was in CM1, will this feature return in CM2 WW2? Makes life a lot easier when making historically(ish) accurate scens

  6. I am hoping they were holding back these conditions from the Afghan game because they want Normandy to showcase the BIG new features firt.

    Rain isn't that big of a feature when you think of it, it's effects on a battlefield are roughly the same as haze so i can't imagine why it would be that difficult to put in. Then again if that was the case why not have it in CMA?

    Personally I hope it comes in on a patch as i'm assuming there were a significant amount of scenario opportunities where rain/snow was involved. Please correct me if i'm wrong : )


    If Rain isn't in normandy it will be a major cop out : )

  7. If they don't ride those mules into combat, then they are out of scope in the game. Not to mention that mules are meant for places like really desolate mountain areas, not a flat Syria where everything is accessible by vehicle.

    I know there are stereotypes about germans, but that might have been sarcasm ; ), unless you're doing a double sarcasm lol.

    Noticed this little thing, not sure if its occurs on any other veh.

    Dutch G-Wagen.

    The soldier in the back is holding his rifle but it's invisible


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