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Everything posted by abulbulian@gmail.com

  1. How tough is Burma for units? What do they start with and where? anybody? Do they capitulate when Rangoon is taken?
  2. When should Japan occupy FIC? Does it have an effect on diplomacy when they do it?
  3. So I have a few questions about what Japan needs to do in late 41. The how and when are my main concern. 1) DEI: what has to be taken to conquer it? Strong units to oppose Japan? Shouldn't be too tough if historical? :eek: How much does the DoW piss off the US? 2) French Indo-China: does it not become Japanese colony at some point? If not, how does Japan get it? Opposed landings? 3) Burma: Does Japan have to come through FIC to get to Burma or??? Just have no clue because my game has not got that far and I'd like to know what to do to prepare. Japan starts with a few points towards Amphibious Landing tech, however, the landcraft units seem to still move only 4-5 hexes. Is that correct? What does no tech mean, 2 hexes? Thanks for any help/advice .
  4. What is the difference between a 1-3 and 3-3 German unit and others similar units differences? They both have 10 strength and are corps level units? What am I missing. Love the mod BTW, just trying to understand it better.
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