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Posts posted by Spinoza

  1. Devastating discoveries . One can almost see how the Nazi Scum founded themselves trapped in a nightmare they could not escape.

    Although , we have to be very careful here. Philosopher said -

    "Wer mit Speiseeiskampfwagen kämpft, mag zusehn, dass er nicht dabei zum Speiseeiskampfwagen wird. Und wenn du lange in einen Eiswaffel blickst, blickt der Eiswaffel auch in dich hinein."

    The descent into madness for the sake of science is neccesary. Yet , from time to time we need to see the light at the end of even the darkest cone :


    US Engineer decontaminating SS Göttingen Forest Test Facilities.

  2. Now before anyone writes angry letter to the Airfix : indeed, we seeing there a pair of Polar Bears. Yes , by the time they released the kit Airfix were fully aware that the old 'hapless inmate' theory has been long discredited.

    The second theory, of the fanatical volunteer 'suicide bomber' lacked any substantial proof. On the other hand , Nazis + Arctic Circle + Polar Bears ? You don't have to be Oppenheimer to be able to connect the dots.

    The incredibly deep research done by SS on the Ivan's psyche , on par perhaps only with the effort which Relic put in to the Company of Heroes 2, allowed the cynical Teutons to come up with this devastatingly simple ploy :

    when the Russian rank and file see Ice Cream van driven by two Polar Bears dressed as escapees, the one and only possible reaction is to leave the trenches and crowd around in excessive enthusiasm , thus increasing the casualties.

    This brings another interesting point: of course , the Boss was quiet big on the animal protection so the Himmler have to come out with the 'inmate ' cover , tactic which still have the power of misguiding researchers, even today.

  3. No need to change the thread . Anticipating the new direction Battlefront will inevitably take , I'd like to post a very simple yet effective recipe , courtesy bluehoney.org :

    '' If you put Psilocybe mushrooms in raw honey for an extended period of time (few months or so), the honey will begin to turn blue. Not only will it absorb the blue pigment from the mushroom, but the Psilocybin as well…the honey becomes psychedelic. So if you just can’t stand the taste of the mushroom, you don’t need to eat the caps or stems, just blue honey and crackers, or blue honey in tea…that is, if you can wait a few months.

    Fresh mushrooms contain water. Water is not compatible with honey, in fact, it makes the honey very runny and it will not taste very good at all.

    First, chop your dried mushrooms into little pieces and mix them with honey. Add enough honey to make the mixture about 1/3 shrooms to 2/3 honey.


    The “blue” honey is produced when you pick your mushrooms and they blue from bruising, they are then dried and ground, this bluish powder is put into honey. It is the amount of bruising while fresh that causes the color. If your dried mushrooms have not turned blue before you put them in the honey, your honey will never be the color blue, but it will still absorb the psychedelic properties of the mushrooms.''

    Thank You and happy Mushroom hunting !

  4. The future does look bright.


    Funny You said that. As it happpens , friend just call me with interesting story.His friend has a friend who's cousin slept with a barmaid who worked at the pub frequented by Steve and Charles. On one crucial night of 12th December 1997 (1 + 9 +9 + 7 - 2 / 4 = 12 , enough said) she overheard them planning a business model based on the Mayan Calendar , with drastic shift of development 1/2 year after every cycle.

    Exciting , the future , indeed.

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