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Posts posted by JuanValdez

  1. Thanks for the replies here. I have to admit I totally overlooked the fly by wire aspect of the projectile. I guess it just didn't dawn on me that the game is that realistic. With the information presented here, it is now obvious to me why my ambushes were failing. Had a few encounters that were too close and the missile went awry. I wondered at the time but the fly by wire didn't occur to me. Then one other situation was as mentioned above, a broadside ambush on a tank traveling down and urban road. The LAV never even fired a missile, now obviously because there wasn't a clear enough field of fire ahead of the moving target.

    In this context... I'm really impressed that the game designers have coded the AI that realistically. So as previously pointed out, chalk this one up to user error. As one of my co-workers puts it, the problem occurs between the keyboard and the back of the chair.:(

  2. I just finished a scenario wherein I started with 4 LAV-ATs. I had them all sitting in static positions watching lines of approach. Two of them were watching roads where approaching armor had to round a bend then come straight towards the ambush position. The other two were tucked in between buildings in position to take lateral shots as the tanks rolled by about 200m away. All four of them got destroyed without firing a shot. I replayed and watched while locked on to the unit and the enemy unit icon never even lit up before the LAV got blasted. I'm assuming that means that the LAV never even spotted the enemy before they getting hit. I had narrow target arcs set on all four of them.

    In the same scenario I've also noticed the accuracy of the Javelins is really bad. Three separate javelin teams fired on enemy armor and missed the first shot every time. I though those things were supposed to be accurate.:confused:

  3. The reason I'm reading this thread is due to frustration on this issue. I haven't done any organized tests but my experience is that different units act differently. Presumably must be something in the coded behavior of each individual unit. For example, from my experience:

    - If assigning a very short cover arc, snipers and other small arms infantry will position themselves behind cover and will only engage targets that come within the range of the arc indicated on the map (more or less)

    - jav team will take cover facing in direction of the arc but will engage any vehicle within LOS.

    - Abrams tank will honor the range of the arc and target aquisition/firing solution delay is greatly reduced.

    - Marine LAV will face in direction of arc but are "dumb as a post" and even in static ambush position never get off a shot before a mobile Syrian T-72 wastes them.

    Bottom line, it appears that different units are not coded consistently regarding how they behave for the various commands.

  4. I've been working on a scenario and having a hard time getting the AI to act the way I want them to. One of the plans I've made for the AI has then drive into an ambush (assuming the player has followed orders) in pickups loaded with irregulars. I'd like them to keep on driving if there's no ambush but to stop and unload if there is one. Any idea on if/how this can be accomplished.

    Also is there a way to make AI troops exit the map?

  5. How do I make a sniper team act like a sniper team? When I give mine a greenlight to engage, the whole team engages, not just the sniper. It is rather annoying to spend several minutes of game time moving them into position and then assigning a target and the spotter starts lobbing 40mm rounds at a target 500 meters away :mad: Plus the sniper is a REALLY bad shot.

  6. Thanks for the replies. It's not very user friendly is it? After re-reading the manual is sounds like there is some intentional variability in payload for any given aircraft at any given selection (i.e. heavy, medium, light). It would be nice if there was at least some type of indication what's showing up when you call them in through. I'll poke around with some more testing and see if I can glean anything from it.

  7. When calling in air support, one of the selections that has to be made is to choose Heavy, Medium, or Light. But also in the scenario editor when "purchasing" units, there are Heavy, Medium, and Light as well as "air support elements" and "antiarmor elements".

    It would seem logical that the antiarmor selection would use precision guided weapons and the "air support elements" would perhaps us GP bombs. But I've done a little testing (and I mean only a couple of selections) as time permits but thus far seem to get mixed results with the accuracy of bomb placement, therefore this premis is in question. I haven't notice any difference at all in the actual size of the ordinance whether selecting heavy, medium, or light in the mission so presumably that is set by what was placed in the editor.

    Thus far I have only figured out a couple of things. For example, selecting the Light Air Support Cobra or Harrier in the editor, then selecting "heavy" when you call them when running the mission results in strafing runs. I suspect they conduct more runs if you select heavy in the mission but haven't yet confirmed this.

    Anyhow.... has anyone created a guide for air and/or artillery support that explains all this???

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