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Posts posted by Emmeth

  1. Exactly. That " visual " is being triggered every time I select an air unit, that's the reason I thought every player had it and it was intended cause own cities are visible in a bright small circular area as you see in the screen shot.

    I call it green anyway yes it could be closer to grey and the problem is that it doesn't let you see pretty much nothing. As you can see it happens randomly also to other players, on my game it popups ALWAYS, even if I select a terrain unit or city.

    As I told you in the past the only workaround is selecting an own transport and click and order it to move close to shores, when doing that the map comes back to original state to come back eventually to the " grey " state the next turn. Rarely when placing a new trade may have the same beneficial effect but this happens once every 50 times roughly.

    If you need me to let you have a small movie recording the facts from a " dynamic " point of view plz just let me know.


  2. IMO the solution must be searched into the " trigger " of that feature.

    It simply triggers the function correctly at first turns then it triggers the function ALWAYS with no chance to untoggle it.

    Brit, please take a look carefully cause playing the game that way it is like crossing a road with sunglasses at midnight during a snow storm.

  3. Despiting the latest version and 9.12 drivers the bug still remain, I mean the bug of the green map. When you select the Zeppelin the map changes to green, that's intended right ?

    Well, this thing happens automatically and always after few dozens of turn despiting the unit you select and there is no way to get rid of the green map ( the same everybody see I guess when selectin an air unit like the Zeppelin ). I have sent you a new mail wuth a new screenshot but the bug is the same.

  4. Ah, but those drivers are ANCIENT (joking :D) - 9.12 was released yesterday

    Anyway, if the EoS update doesn't help, try the new drivers. In the 9.12 release notes they mention resolving an issue on Win7 with Corruption no longer observed with some DX9 applications when Antiā€Alias 8x is enabled

    Uhh...you are right....I am using ANCIENT drivers indeed :D

    Thanks for the info, I'll subito get rid of those fossils and let you know, with also the newer EOS version.

    See you soon

  5. Interesting. Is it always the same color, or is it different colors?

    No, no. The nuclear bomber is still there.

    Always the same color, it turns into islands coloured of a red background when firing nukes, in addition......

    I was pretty sure both the grey-green map and the red backgrounded one were intended cause they are associated with air platforms every single time I click on them , clicking on another platform and the coloured map disappears. Same speech for nuke with isles coloured of red........

    Anyway, that's really frustrating cause it happens on later stages and there is no way to get rid of it, the game becomes unplayable cause I can't see anymore .......if you need me to release save games when the bug is up and running just let me know, I have them. I can try to have a short movie and send it to you if it can help you to fix it.


  6. Looks like the AI gets instant unit upgrades without having to go back and upgrade. I was hunting a lvl I Transport on open sea, and at the beginning of the next turn it changed to a lvl II Transport.

    The AI doesn't seem to suffer from shortages either (food, oil).

    Yesterday evening it was late and I was quite tired but before quitting the game I fired few friendly nuke ICBMs on an enemy group made of half a dozen tanks class 4 sitting on open plains. They didn't get hurt , none of them get hurt.

    Was I too tired or does it happen for real in the game ?

  7. I'll see if I can get anything to happen like that when I maximize my screen and play. (I normally play inside a window that isn't maximized.)

    Another report, when radars start to play their role the bug surface in a huge manner, more radars are present the more the bug surfaces as well.

    I guess it happens to everyone having a 5870Ati

    thanks !

    PS : did perhaps the nuclear strategic bomber disappear after the latest release ?

  8. Reading your answer it seems to me there is no way to do that, right ?

    Yes, my suggestion is that it would be a nice to have feature having the possibility to spend money ( therefore resources ) to rush the production of a platform.

    10% IMO is too low, it is quite hard to let the money on stand by, you know they are always converted into research points but having the possibility of rushing a production it would be a nice feature, I would propose 250$ to rush of 50% instead, 500$ to finish the stuff immediately despiting the remaining time.

    It would be really hard also in this way IMO.

  9. I played really few games but I already was under the impression of an AI cheating, somehow, since the beginning.

    Do you know if reducing the tech speed affects every AI inside the game and also the human player ?

    Other then that I guess it is enough to reduce AI opponent's production rate of let's say 20-30% to compensate a bit the AI cheating, I think.

    Until now what irrititates me most is the fact that when you declare war against an AI player few turns later, pretty much everyone will be against you....why ????

    One can argue there are peacy treaties in place among AI players....that's not true, they simply want to **** you all together in a big party :)

  10. Version 1.01.1202 is the demo version, and Version 1.01.1203 is the full-game. So, there's no way to do that upgrade. But, otherwise, the demo has been upgraded (from 1.01.776 to 1.01.1202). The only difference between 1.01.1202 and 1.01.1203 is the demo restrictions. Were you asking about this for multiplayer games?

    Ah ok, if the release number differentiates the demo from the final only I'm fine and updated.

    Oh, I see your email. Very weird. It looks like there's some bitmap-loading glitch going on. I noticed that you're running at a very high resolution - the game window is nearly 2000 pixels wide. I wonder if that is somehow contributing to the problem. Does it have this problem if you run the game in a smaller window? My screen only goes up to 1280 pixels wide, so I can't reproduce your exact situation.

    Yep, I always use 1920*1080 having a 27" screen. That's very weird because it doesn't happen at the beginning of the game but it starts randomly after few dozens turns then it gets worse and worse till to arrive at the point where there is no chance each turn to fix it anymore, neither saving and reloading nor do whatever tricks. The only way I found till now is having a transport and move it accross shores at the beginning of each turn. Doing that, it temporarily turns the map to the original state, just to come back to the bug soon, a bunch of seconds later :(

    So it seems it is not on straight relationship with the screen resolution, it seems to be on relationship with the game stage instead..........

    Do you need me to send you a save game on advanced stages maybe ?

    Thanks for the support

  11. HI Brit,

    thanks for your quick support.

    I sent you an email.

    The picture will show a normal first turn where I selected the Zeppelin and the screen greened out. That's the normal and intended behaviour I know, the problem surfaces after a few more turns ( it gets worse and worse later ) , I mean this greened map pops up ALWAYS, despiting you select a whatever unit , city etc... there is absolutely no chance to get rid of the greened map even if you select a terrain platform.

    I found that saving, restarting a loaded game may help for 2-3 turns but then everything comes back to the green nightmare. It also happens than during the green time if you make a trade the map becomes normal for 2 seconds but then it comes back to green state ( like when you select an air unit ) for ever.

    When the " air " green map appears there is absolutely NOTHING you can do ,AFAIK, to get rid of it other then.....posting here :)

    Thanks in advance for the help

    Keep up the good work, this game is great indeed.


    P.S: didn't you state on some posts that the 777 update was intended also for the demo or am I mistaken ?

  12. I played for several hours too and I concur on everything, IMO also the battles involving let's say more than half a dozen platforms are impossible to understand apart looking at the report at the end. I suggest to speed them down a bit or try to find a solution to let the player understand what's going on, otherwise it is closer to the tangle you can see on comic stripes.

  13. It seems I can get rid of it with a fastidious way, anyway it seems to be feasible :

    Place a transport near a coast and each single turn I move it , this way ( moving the transport ) the game is forced to let you see the map and after the move the map keep on being on clear state, at least until the next tunr where I have to do everything from scratch.

    Thanks for the help.

  14. Hi,

    this game is simply a masterpiece !!

    There is only one show stopper ( demo ). During the game, expecially after a couple of turns, the map keep on showing the green version of itself , I mean the one you see when you select an airplane with only your stuff highlighted and all the rest is greyed/greened out.

    This happens despiting what section you click , platform or whatever action you take. The problem is that this happens all time long and the only way to get rid of this persistent huge bug is to save , exit and load again. Recently even worst this trick doesn't work anymore and I keep on playing with everything greened out. I simply can't go on anymore.

    I have demo version 776, I saw there is a 777 to try but I can't find a link to upgrade the demo and the dedmo itself still cann't find the 777 with the update function.....

    Could you please help me ? I have W7 64bit ATI 5870 I have no problems with all the games I have both old or new.

    Thanks in advance

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