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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by EoS

  1. unelegancy

    - Fertilizer Factory too long


    Info about bug report n.3 "Aircraft crash"





    12. In the National Summary - Unit list remove non used (only column dead is >0) units to bottom (like technologies list). Select units and show their on minimap by click in row.

  2. Bugs in 0.97.8806:

    1. ETA for sea groups is in 3 times more than really.

    2. Spy sees a submarine at resources.

    3. Aircraft crash by landing on a carrier with "out fuel" message even if range of flight is not exceeded.

    4. Barracks reduce food consumption always, not irrespective of a unit is inside a city or not.

    5. UAV tactic bomber need food (all other UAVs not).


    1. To exclude from the "Need Additional Orders" list units which have an order (fight, load, unload, build airbase etc.) after movement end.


    - To hide contents of "Sightings", "Combat Reports" and another lists on a first tab in link panel by click on a header. Bold header or dark grau background if contents of a list hide.

    - Filter by countries and unit type (ships, aircraft, land units) for the lists.

    3. All buttons on second tab in left panel should have hot key.

    4. World "Message" (over the link panel) is bold only if you have message on current turn.

    5. The order for the ship "to pursue" (for follow the submarines in a peace time).

    6. Zones control. Now it is possible to build airbase on island occupied with the opponent without declaration of war.

    7. Partially or completely (dependence from tech?) to hide units on transport.

    8. Carrier:

    - Co-ordinates of the aircraft concerning a carrier. It will be possible to set patrol order for aicraft based on a carrier.

    - Warning if on a carrier not more place. Or better, to forbid aircraft moving on a carrier if there not more places.

    - Do not show the pop-up menu by moving aircraft on a carrier if in group only one carrier (all ships from group are now shown in pop-up). If carriers in group more than 1 then to show only carriers in pop-up.

    9. Scroll map with down right mouse button.

    10. Timer increases with number of groups and cities.

    11. Reduce iron on map.

  3. Unfortunately, exceptions still happen and EoS shut down without any info. Without knowing the reason it is difficult to debug the program. Therefore it would be good to handle exceptions with try-catch construction and to show to us dialog for sending StackTrace with our notes.

  4. I consider correct that a battleship has the long rank of attack and easily destroys land units. Battleships are very expensive also their building occupies a lot of time. Maintain of a battleship is 3 food and 3 oil. Two submarines have chance >50 % to cope with a battleship, cost as much and can be built in 2 cities in 2 times faster.

    I would reduce AA attack of battleships so that carriers were really kings of the seas and protection of coastal zones could be assigned to aircraft. Now the carrier with 3-4 tactic bomber is weaker as a battleship though a battleship and a carrier cost equally.

    As a whole it seems to me that the aircraft is weak. Especially against artillery. There is not present flak in ruleset 1940 and power of artillery against aircraft is OK (artillery meet flak's engagements) but in ruleset with a flak, artillery and especially rocket artillery should be favourite dainties for aircraft.

    The infantry is OK against aircraft because the infantry is universal protective unit. Tanks attacking unit, it should be more vulnerable from aircraft fire. But not so strong as artillery.

    AI does not use absolutely aircraft, though...

  5. I had at first too problems with load/unload of troops. But then when I have understood how this is working I had no problems more. It really is very easy. I often give orders on moving and capture at once several islands and it always work.

    I think it is necessary to include in the manual and the tutorial a lesson "How load and unload troops from transport". It will solve many questions.

  6. There is. Bomber class4 (the B2-like one) doesn't have "Radar Visible" tag, which means radars don't see it. Simple.

    Even if it wasn't so easy, it would be simple to do with the ruleset. Just make a tag "invisiblebastard" and give all units a zero sight range against "invisiblebastard". Just like nothing in the game could see submarines until last patch.

    I had in view of not a total blackout of a radar but only decrease their possibilities. In stealth era they become useless in struggle against planes.

    As for diplomacy, I don't know. It seems ok to me, except that AI won't cooperate at all...

    It means that for the most players which will play only a single game, the diplomacy will be absent.

    I have an idea how should work diplomacy for AI. This model is enough simple and logical, so each beginner will master it intuitively. To continue? ;)

  7. Perhaps "advanced farming techniques" and "genetic engineering" as tech tree items, or just a background increase in one's ability to feed one's people at major technological milestones that aren't really tech tree items, but come in to play silently?

    Anything what you like, only please not workers which make irrigation. The number of groups should remain minimum. The best variant is a late science giving a building "Food storage".

  8. This is not really important as well, but I think it will make me sit down and write my own ruleset the moment I get the full game ;p

    And how it will be realised without property "stealth"?

    I am anxious about a weak diplomacy model in the game. Any ideas?

  9. Is B2 absolutely invisible for a radar? I would like, the characteristic stealth only reduced radar range. For example, pre stealth planes have stealth=1, class 4 bomber has stealth=2 => radar range reduced in 2 times etc.

    It is not important, though.

  10. Yes, the red-green indicator is there and it works. However there were other bugs.

    As I have understood technology trade will be fixed in the finish of beta testing. With these bugs is play by rules 1900-2030 almost impossible. I make arrangements in network game not to use these bugs. And all the same, as I have noticed technologies trade takes away a lot of time. Probably if to correct bugs the technologies trade will become simpler.

    But nevertheless, technologies trade is not finished yet and may be we can consider an alternative model. Sharing technology would easy in use but would not make game less interesting.

    This my opinion.

  11. Yes, the tech trading causes a headache.

    Your suggestion do not solve this problem. Let's assume, you have technologies A and B, AI has C and D. You want to exchange technology B on C. You request technology C from AI, AI asks technology A. Basically AI would agree to take B but it (or he?) is not able to read your thoughts and consequently a beret the first of the list.

    It will be similar not always a suitable exchange if you offer technology B. AI can offer technology D. The list of all variants of an exchange is necessary to you but such list will be very long if there are some technologies for an exchange.

    Therefore by tech trading you should have choice to take and to give technologies which you want. The indicator will prompt to you whether AI agrees an exchange or not. Now this indicator is green if AI agree and red if does not agree.

    If to add to the technologies list technologies cost and to make an exchange in one window like civ it would simplify.

    But it is not the main problem. The problem that by free technologies trading, the player who researched a technology the first gets the big advantage because he can trade this technology another and receives at once more hints.

    Research go on a principle "I research not what me required but what I can sell". This principle take a lot of time.

    What decision I see. What if tech trading replace with sharing technologies?

    You are sharing technologies with other player or AI and it allows you (and AI):

    1. at once to receive hints for technology which already your partner has researched,

    2. to see what technology research your partner (that do not research same technology with the partner without hint).

    You do not need to count exchange variants, consummate dozens of tech deals per turn, you research that you want.

    If relations between AIs is neutral AI will be inclined to conclude tech sharing with equal on development AI. More developed AI will reject the tech sharing because it will receive less than to give. If relations between AIs is good tech sharing between two AI can be possible always. On the other hand, if relations between AI is bad tech sharing is impossible.

    Technology sharing with AI influences on relations with others players and AIs:

    - it slightly worsens, if before was neutral (that prevent players conclude much tech sharing),

    - strongly worsens, if the partner has bad relations,

    - very strongly if is at war and

    - do not change at all if the partner in friendly relations with other(s) AI.

  12. I made 3 screen shots that to understand about what I speak.

    1. The submarine does not move. I send a battleship to join with sub and then to move a little bit to the north.


    2. Next turn. The submarine remained there where it was and it is in group with 1 ship (itself). The battleship moved to the north alone.


    3. Now if I send a submarine to join with a battleship, join will occur because the submarine is in group.


  13. Some bugs which not be corrected. I informed about them from option "Report a Bug", not sure whether you have received them. Therefore I write here.

    - ETA for groups calculate false.

    - The number of turns until finish of ship building is displayed in the "City List" incorrectly if in a city there is a shipyard (calculated without shipyard bonus).

    - A ship does not move if it participates in a battle with land units.

    - If a player has chosen not the first country in the list he cannot operate technology in a single game. He see technology from first AI. In MP game, if the host has chosen not the first country, he cannot operate technology too.

    - The ships can not be grouped on the sea. Though if the ship is in group other ship can join to it.

    - The militia do not dig in.

  14. Very intresting. I had at once some questions:

    1. Whether it means that each unit does 100 shots (if battle last full turn)?

    2. What probability to destroy unit for one shot?

    3. If a plane flew over enemy units twice, he attacks only 1 time but will be attacked twice. Is it right?

    4. How changes a radar the mechanics of air fight?

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