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  1. Any news on CMSF for the Mac. This thread seemed to imply there would be a version made back in 2008. Has that idea been scrapped?
  2. I'm early on in the British campaign and new to CM as well. Finding the Brits pretty challenging to play with. If anyone has any tactical suggestions it'd be much appreciated. All I've picked up so far is engaging at a distance with Schimitars to keep their soft armour out of the way. (I'm still getting used to CMSF realistic engagement distances so probably half my own fault there.) Infantry seem to get mown down entering/clearing buildings, even if I rake them with canon and MG fire first. [This is very noticable with the smaller Brit infantry sections.] Is my best bet to pay attention to threads like the very informative strategy guide above? I.E using smoke - some have pointed out how good the 51mm mortar is for this use in other posts on the subject - suppress with one group and flank with another? Any good tips with the Brits, or anything relevant I blatantly don't know from my newbie ignorance much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  3. I'm new to CM, having only downloaded the demos before. Having trouble in CMSF (with Brit add on) getting diverse, or sensibly mixed forces in QB. Even using 'mixed' setting seems not to provide a well rounded force. Any tips or suggestions? N.B This is NOT a thread for people to bash the CMSF QB system for its lack of cherry-picking. I don't like its omission, most people don't like it, but get over it and ask the developers nicely. They've put enough man-hours into an excellent game without getting slated all the time. (Gripe over.)
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