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Götz von Berlichingen

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Posts posted by Götz von Berlichingen

  1. Considering they originally planned to have it out around Xmas time means I am having major withdrawals.

    I have purchased CMSF with both the marines and british forces modules, but I have to say that I have grown a little tired of the hand of god like weapons.

    Please dont get me wrong, I think Battlefront are AMAZING!!! (yes I really did need capitals to emphasize that). These guys are making the sort of games I could only dream about growing up.

    Basically, the shift back to Normandy and WW2 cannot come quick enough for me. Here is to many a long hour spent handing the Allies a can of whoop-ass on in the Normandy countryside.:D

  2. The last bone is an update on where we are right now with the game as a whole. We currently have one major game element remaining to code. Namely the new Quick Battle system. It's designed and should go into production in January. There's still a lot of things which have to be added, tweaked, and fixed... but we have 30 active testers working to help us with all of that now. Their initial reactions to hunting tanks in the bocage has been very positive (understatement!).

    Happy Holidays!

    BFC Guys


    Normandy Tester Dudes

    Im thinkin' we aint gonna see this baby til April at least...

    Keep up the great work BF.

    And a Merry Christmas to you and all your families.


  3. I have CM:SF + Marines + British Forces modules...

    It would have been good to have the Aussie SAS in with maybe the UK forces considering they are the best modern day troops around (Yes I am biased)...

    We are still technically part of the commonwealth (unfortunately) but definitely not large enough to warrant our own module, so maybe we could come in with UN forces...??? :D

  4. Elmar said it best:

    I've explained many times now that the delays we're seeing are a continuing part of the up-front costs of having a true "engine" instead of a linear one game at a time made by one team. It's taking us longer than we would like to get the code, tools, and personnel setup to make this happen, but we're making progress on all of that *and* Normandy, *and* Afghanistan, *and* NATO all simultaneously. There's even been some work done on Normandy's Modules.

    The bottom line is that the past is not a good yardstick for the future for two reasons:

    1. A lot of the last 2.5 years was spent making basic fixes/improvements to the game engine in addition to adding tons of new functionality. From now on we'll only be adding stuff, so much of what happened in the last 2.5 years won't be repeated.

    2. Much of the delays getting ourselves setup for consecutive development is behind us as well. Not entirely, but lots of one-time investments are checked off and won't be repeated.

    Our fear isn't about having too few releases over the next year... it's having too many. I'm sure you guys, at least, don't fear having too much to choose from :)


    Sooooo, can we still expect CM:N out by April....? :rolleyes:

  5. Will HMGS like the mg34/42 provide a bit more supression than the MGs in CMSF? Sometimes I feel its rather easy for your infantry to make 50+m sprints from cover to cover under constant MG fire with no noticeable supression effect. While I think in CMBB it was a bit exaggetated with infantry pinned down and crawling from very long distances, I expect mgs to be more capable of area denial in CMN compared to what they are now.

    Surely back then the psychological impact from a rapid firing gun in a "rifles world" was bigger than it is today and maybe one of the reasons they seem dumbed down in CMx2. I admit I do miss that extra tactical puzzle when faced with a scoped MG42 and more the sense of security when having a couple of these on your flank ;)

    I couldnt agree more... Their lethality should be more true to life than is currently depicted in CM:SF.

    The necessity for taking out MG nests should be as important in CM:N as taking out RPG and other AT units is in CM:SF.

    Having a halftrack with a mounted MG42 being able to hold off a company of soldiers down a street, it will give rise to alot more flanking attacks etc...

    Given that the effective range of an MG42 is around 1000m, geeez its gonna get messy...

  6. Well, if it helps I knew you were just happy to get the uniform and not applying to the National Socialist Party LOL.

    Its just a shame that there are weak minded people that shout Nazi at anyone interested in the German forces and Waffen SS. Glad to see you rise above all that. :D

    By the way, what'd that set you back? Is it a reproduction or actual WWII uni? Even the reproduction stuff costs and arm and a leg now a days.


    The Dot44 Tunic + trousers set me back $295.00 USD. Very reasonable, considering I have spent $3500+ on a complete Waffen SS - Normandy Impression.

    I have bought alot of the stuff I have from 'At the Front' a Kentucky based company that is very highly regarded amongst the reenacting community (they sell original + reproduction items)

    uniforms are all reproduction, but very accurate - and no I dont reenact, just a collector.

    Here is one of there comparisons with the real thing, they make amazing stuff right down to the minute detail.


  7. Put it on and walk through Berlin-Kreuzberg, if you have balls. Otherwise go to play with something else (preferred something poisonous...)

    Thats not very nice!

    Just a collector of WW2 Militaria etc... But if I had said I had a wehrmacht uniform it would have been a different reaction!

    I have been to Berlin many times, and no I havent dressed up for it! :rolleyes:

    You wouldnt happen to know Terry Brewer or Preston would you? :cool:

    And no I wouldnt be caught dead in 'Little Ankara' Kreuzberg in any SS regalia.

  8. Maybe their just working hard to get the game finished before taking a break. If they post a screenshot of german infantry Steve will have to spend the next two weeks explaining why the style of chin strap on the German helmet or the shape of an officers belt buckle is correct for the Normandy theatre.

    Just got my DOT 44 Uniform in the mail the other day - So I can scrutinise the crap outta the Waffen SS boys come module 1's release :D

  9. Not exactly bones, but here are the fairly recent quotes from Steve:


    As for CM: Afghanistan's delay... it's the typical problem we developers have! Finishing that last 5% takes way, way longer than anybody expects. We're working very closely with our Russian partners to get it done ASAP.


    There are only two significant things left to code for Normandy. The rest is the normal pile of odds and ends, ranging from time consuming (scenarios and campaign) to the easy (2D weapons icons) and from the cool (vehicle textures) to the mundane (manual). The detail stuff takes a lot of time, but not 10 months


    We are still aiming to have the game itself done before the beginning of the year. Meaning all the features we plan on being added should be in the game. How long it will take to get the game released after that... we're not sure. But a couple of months is certain. Therefore, it won't be January. However, none of us want it to be April either. I haven't had a relaxing summer off since about 2004. Daddy needs a tan.


    Version 1.21 will be along shortly. We're not exactly sure if NATO or Normandy will come out first. Right now I'd say it could go either way.

    Hmmm! there goes my holiday plans with CM:N

    At least appease the masses with a CM:N forum and Bones along the way. :rolleyes:

  10. You can increase to "Best", shift ] on my keys, and it will render out further.

    Not totally though.

    I will try this, thanks.

    If anything it should have scalability of min. to max. so that those of us with higher end machines can get the best out of the graphics.

    I dont know about others, but I tend to spend the vast majority zoomed out to get the overall picture - only zooming to get a better view of hot spots and line of sight etc...

    This rarely gets the best out of the detail that Battlefront have put into the game which is a shame - hence why I started this topic!

    Having at least 1 - 2km+ draw distances would greatly enhance immersion also.:)

    The whole concept of scalability means that those with lower spec PC's are not left out of the equation.

  11. Is there an option to increase draw / depth of field distances in the game so that trees will render from a greater distance? If so where?

    I remember asking about foliage etc. for the Normandy game and Steve said that it was beng improved upon. Will this include having a greater depth of field (rendered)? Or is this hard-coded to allow smooth gameplay?

    I realise we cant have everything, but greater viewing distances with foliage etc. showing up as it should would add alot to immersion.

    Its almost November, hope we can have a decent bone thrown our way between now and Christmas :rolleyes:

  12. Short answer: landscape damage isn't carried through in to the next battle.

    As far as the engine is concerned, it is a new scenario with a new map. There is currently no way of using the same map (or sections of) for a second scenario with persistent damage. It's one of the many things on the wish list.

    Must have missed that one!

    I hope they put this high on the list of things to include for the WW2 games.

    To have linked battles with accumilative damage is very high on the immersion factor...

    Then again - to have the battle move to a completely new map immediately adjacent the previous battle map could also suffice (then what I just said is worked around).

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