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Posts posted by MattMulder

  1. The alternative to an 80% solution now is amply illustrated by Duke Nukem Forever - 12 years of development, eventually leading to a cancelled project (in 2009). Repeated shiny and impressive demos, but no actual progress because the entire code base was repeatedly scrapped to move it to new, shinier game engines to make it look even better. That's what striving for perfection gets you. The alternative is accepting that you are releasing a game with some bugs and not all the features that you want.


    If you think seriously about it, can you prevent yourself from laughing out loud ????:P:D

  2. usually, the next minute you cna spot what hit you, as the hit draws attention from your nearby troops.

    ATGM teams are often killed like this. they fire a couple of missiles and then sombone in my ranks spots them, unleashing a moment later a hellstorm that litterally blows them away.

  3. a flamethrower is efficient in defense...because when you put him in front of your troops the 2 guys handling it will receive enough suppressive fire to get themselves killed.

    IMO the rushing tactic is risky, because the HT can get a shot from something you did not see and disembark the FT in the open, or the FT will have serious close range fire to deal with when he faces the house occupiers.

    my 2C

  4. i got the same problem during an assault, a jav team was ordered to fire one round in the 2-story building 150 meters away, but they only used their rifles.

    I guess that's because of the enemies they see. If the OPFOR is likely to shoot at them, the Jav guys won't target anyone. Once the enemy fire is gone or suppressed, then they use the big bang :D

  5. i have tons of ideas for scenarios, however I'm quite new on CMSF, and I have a limited knowledge of the editor.

    1. (map already done) Prison attack

    (okay, i've seen upper that somebody has already done a prison-scenario, but that's pure coincidence

    A group of militants has successfully carried out a suicide attack on the Prison gate. A neighboring US patrol is diverted towards the scene and arrives when the militants are seizing the prison.

    For this scenario, I put a XL crater where the "gate" was supposed to be, and

    put holes in the surrounding buildings. I scattered debris everywhere around to make it look like an actual explosion...

    2. The dead river

    A US SpecOps force is tasked with destroying an insurgent hideout, located near the remains of a former water retaining building. They come from the muddy bank of a river and attack the position by night.

    3. Seize Rama Al Jazaar :

    A US stryker platoon has to capture a small village and destroy any resistance. The Red force has a dangerous amount of RPGs and the Blue force will soon learn how to run and hide, using the terrain to attack on two sides and crush the entrenched enemy.

    4. Live from Hell !

    An Al Qaeda informant has been busted by his "friends", and is being questioned in a heavily occupied small town. The US forces in the vicinity have to silence him by destroying the supposed hideout of the militia leaders.

    ( yes, no artillery or air support,only Bradleys and a couple RPGs...hehe)

    I got tons of ideas, but I suck at scenario designing. I'd rather create maps, let my imagination run. I tried some "forest" maps and a couple of them are pretty cool.

    If you have scenario design tips, I'd be glad to trade them for any map you want. Just tell me what kind of general idea you want, and I'll come up with a playable map. I hope so, anyway :D


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