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Posts posted by imij0607

  1. just stopped in to see if there was any new info on the expansions for CMBN - glad to see the new expansion is right around the corner.

    stopped playing for a while as the quick battles were becoming very predictable and dry -

    not much of a campaign player unless i can build them myself --

    so just wanted to say keep up the great work gang!

    looking forward to dropping some cash on the new expansion when it's released and playing with some new toys =)

    cheers ~

  2. I play on iron level difficulty and win against the AI quite a bit. range varies from minor to major victory. maybe i find the loop holes? 105mm howizters are great on an attack against armor - mu hu hahaha top shot a tiger is quite fun =).

    for me the game is great - playing a lot of blood bowl at the moment, and can't wait for further expansions into CMx2....


  3. I'm considering purchasing CMBN for a friend of mine as an early bday present...seeing as how were both strategy game buffs, figured it would be a cool give since he upgraded his system.

    Question: if I start a quick battle, and then save the file after deployment can I email him that file so we could almost do a co-op game against the AI by passing the file back and forth?

  4. I think lines like in the old CM for C2 would be really cool --

    More flavorful AI - example: patrols for AI on the defense -- seems very static --

    Random campaign generator -- creates a campaign file from drop down selections made by the user. I looked at the campaign text file example - seems like there might be a few shortcuts to creating something like this (i.e. setting up reinforcement points, repair points etc. from drop down)

    dedicated game lobby for people to chat it up, talk smack, play in real time or meet people for pbem games --

    pbem game tracker application built into original application --

    the ability for CMBN to do my luandry, pick my kids up from school, and walk the dog =)

  5. Interesting enough thread - there is deffinitely room for improvement on commands. maybe there could be an alternate menu that sets up certain behaviors like the infantry shooting at tanks - maybe you could turn this off. i know in one of the other BF games, and I can't remember which one off hand (it's late), but you could set engagement ranges and behaviors when certain situations were encountered. As it stands CMBN is really cool - i love the cherry picking and hope to see this in CMSF at some point. As far as the way tanks behave without any altering to the code, maybe plotting multiple short paths with pause commands might help mitage this>?

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