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Posts posted by jimll565

  1. I'm sorry I keep bugging you guys, you've been a great help. I posted this question on the Tech support forum but that doesn't seem to get as much traffic so I thought I'd throw this question out here and see if anyone could help.

    I created a mission in the battle generator, and then I edited that mission with the mission editor to polish it off. I added a few more units and all the units I added in the editor have 0 ammo. When I ran the game I couldn't figure out why these tanks would just run head long into the enemy without firing a shot, and my entire anti tank crews would instantly abandon their guns. I clicked on one of the Panzer IV's and it had 0 ammo. I thought that was weird so I checked all the units and everything I add in the mission editor was at 0.

    Any clue what's going on?


  2. Well it works now but I have another question...or 2.

    First I wanted to modify the Cherbourg map but when I went to the /map folder there wasn't a Cherbourg map in there. I just got the basic maps, clear summer clear winter, clear fall and so on. Not that that was a totally bad thing it gave me a blank canvas to work with, but does lead me to my second question.

    Roads, I read the directions in the guide that comes with the Uber patch, but I can get it to work. I pull up the roads tool I hit alt+left mouse button (or is it right I can't remember) to place a point then move to the next point and hit alt left mouse again. Problem is no points appear and the road doesn't draw. What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks for your answers and you patients.

  3. I just ogt ToW and really want to make some missions for my friends and Iso I have a couple of questions.


    1) With the builder can I only modify existing maps, or can I create my own from scratch?

    2) I edited an existing map now how do I load it into the mission Maker, with out loading a previous mission? I other words I want to make a mission from scratch I would think the frist step is to load a map but I can figure out how.


    This game is hard as hell and I love it! :D

    Thanks for any help!

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