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Everything posted by jimll565

  1. Ah ha! Well I'm an idiot. Thanks fo all the answers. I think I've put toether a fun little mission for my friends and I, thanks to your help. Couldn't have done it with out you! Thanks again
  2. Here's something weird, Under mission properties my options go from 1) mission conditions to 5) I can rember what that is. I don't have a 2) Diplomacy or 3) Support or whatever #4 is. Any thoughts? I just had an idea is it because it's a MP mission with more then 2 players?
  3. jimll565


    I'm sorry I keep bugging you guys, you've been a great help. I posted this question on the Tech support forum but that doesn't seem to get as much traffic so I thought I'd throw this question out here and see if anyone could help. I created a mission in the battle generator, and then I edited that mission with the mission editor to polish it off. I added a few more units and all the units I added in the editor have 0 ammo. When I ran the game I couldn't figure out why these tanks would just run head long into the enemy without firing a shot, and my entire anti tank crews would instantly abandon their guns. I clicked on one of the Panzer IV's and it had 0 ammo. I thought that was weird so I checked all the units and everything I add in the mission editor was at 0. Any clue what's going on? thanks
  4. Thanks! That really helped! Any clue as to why any units I add in the mission editor do not have ammo? It's kind of hard to fight a battle when the Tanks have to run into each other.
  5. In the Mission editor how do I add air support and artillery? Thanks for you help!
  6. When using the mission editor none of the units I add have ammo. Is there something I have to do to give them ammo? Thanks!
  7. Thanks for all the info, I'll post some pictures as I progress. And Sneaksie I'll grant your wish...Done it'll take 5 months but you all have all the summer you want for 3 months.
  8. Well it works now but I have another question...or 2. First I wanted to modify the Cherbourg map but when I went to the /map folder there wasn't a Cherbourg map in there. I just got the basic maps, clear summer clear winter, clear fall and so on. Not that that was a totally bad thing it gave me a blank canvas to work with, but does lead me to my second question. Roads, I read the directions in the guide that comes with the Uber patch, but I can get it to work. I pull up the roads tool I hit alt+left mouse button (or is it right I can't remember) to place a point then move to the next point and hit alt left mouse again. Problem is no points appear and the road doesn't draw. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for your answers and you patients.
  9. I just ogt ToW and really want to make some missions for my friends and Iso I have a couple of questions. Questions 1) With the builder can I only modify existing maps, or can I create my own from scratch? 2) I edited an existing map now how do I load it into the mission Maker, with out loading a previous mission? I other words I want to make a mission from scratch I would think the frist step is to load a map but I can figure out how. Comment This game is hard as hell and I love it! Thanks for any help!
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