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Posts posted by Alex

  1. Some new IDEA:

    In game we already have bunkers, but it's a "vehicle" game class and enemy can spot and hit it very fast, and because so you can do like it:



    This 'bunker' give good protection for infantry, and don't looks dangerous for the enemy, until infantry start fire :)

    Also I want give a link on good on russian site about field fortification (many picture there): http://army.armor.kiev.ua/fort/index.shtml

  2. I know MP7s are in use in Afghanistan with infantry, I don't think this would be the case in a conventional war, like the one in CMSF.

    Why not? I newer hear that PDW it's weapon for unconventional wars. PDW (personal defense weapon) it weapon for personnel, whose direct official duties do not include small-arms firefight with the enemy (like armored crew or High command). And bay the way syrians don't have bodyarmor in most subdivisions.

    I think BF stopped adding pistols after the Marines module, they were a bit strange and not very useful, so they're just giving the crews in new modules carbines or something (for example no British pistol). The Syrians and Americans have pistols since they were in the base game.

    I don't think that it's correct, most of syrian weapon is not useful against blue force, and so? I don't remember, US subdivisions with pistols... Who?

    All army's have TO&E and if someone mast have noneffective pistols, it mast be so, I think.

    Eh... G3 it's cool...

  3. Afghan








    it's not hard to fiend some else photos

    If be a honest, I don't understand, why for Blue forces all pistols in arms was changed at rifles, but for syrians was stay in arms PM? If logik of this was in wartime, like for war all blue forces take a good weapon, than I don't understand, why syrians don't did so?

    Also to bad, that no G3 in Germans arms, has I know they steal use it sometimes.


  4. Need not so many new units for Syrians, it's:


    one for Syrian army and one for civilians (for example ZIL-131 or Ural4320 and Hino or TATRA)

    and may be GAZ-66 for airborne troops.

    ZSU-23-4 'Shilka'

    and maybe ZU-23-2 or ZPU-1 (or ZPU-4) like static gun or/and mounted in truck

    And new heavy weapons crews (on foot) for unconventional forces:

    SPG-9, Dshk HMG and AGS-17 (also not bad to see it mounted in toyota).

    maybe it more interest to do Toyotas with Heavy weapons like brits WMIK, I mean dismounting possibility.

  5. There would only be one man remaining in 4th Militia Group (Mulazim Al Sahaf) and in the Downtown Farms, and that would be Mulazim Al Sahaf himself.He has lost his Militia, but he has stayed to continue the fight,and for now he remains hidden, waiting for the enemy to pass by.

    Damn, he is a brave guy! :)

    Looks interesting, keep up in same way ;)

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