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Posts posted by Stitch

  1. 3)

    When Hawaii gets under the control of the Japanese: shouldn't in this case the red arrows in front of the US coast turn grey or dissappear?


    Shouldn't (if they aren't already, not sure about this one) the exit tiles from the red arrows in front of the US West coast put ship always at a more or less random position when they reach the target area?

    North of Hawaii, south of Hawaii, east ot west, but not always at the same point where i can place a trap or one spotting unit?


    I totally agree on 3 (aka the unstoppable Hawaiian Express). US should have to fight onward to Hawaii after losing the city of Honolulu. They shouldn't be granted a cheesy free 3-turn pass that would allow them to mass up on the West Coast then drop 5 carriers in the Hawaiian waters because of a reason which sort of negates point 4 above.

    Arriving units via the Hawaiian Express get placed on or near the island south of the Eastern port, then get to *move*. This makes any Japanese trap at the Hawaiians useless because they are spotted immediately upon the placement. I have lost many IJN boats sitting in dock refitting or laying in wait, watching each US carrier decimating 1 naval unit. (Oh Musashi!) After the airstrikes, the carriers run NE of Hilo, which puts the IJN split-up fleet at a severe disadvantage, as opposed to just concentrating their fleet and search efforts to the East of Hawaii.

    Further game note: I'm in '43 and the US has already researched Naval Warfare (3), Long Range Aircraft (4), and ASW (2). :eek:

  2. Ah OK, thanks. Puts a framework around the things you guys are up to.

    Love those carrier planes too, but they do tend to go down quick.

    Sometimes the hunter becomes the hunted, and the trap one sets turns on oneself! That's a pretty bold move down there in NZ, very interested to see how that plays out.

  3. Dates, where are the dates!

    UK getting mobilization this early is something. But one has to wonder at what cost? Was a lucky 1 chit investment or an overload? UK has precious few MPPS and their factory situation helps them not.

    Oh there will be a Battle of Midway, but somewhere else and another time...with much more decisive results.

  4. It is impossible for Japan to win in this game... you can NOT defeat the enemy. All you can do is take as much land as you get, ramp up your MPPs and then plan how you will survive by holding key points until the end date and THAT is the victory, getting the Allies to agree to peace terms on equal grounds.


    In my first Japanese game I find this to be true. Barely won a tactical victory because it's hard to even take far flung enemy capitals/main cities and then hold them. I found Japan to be hampered by the lower research limit and the limited amount of ground troops using hard troop caps. (partisans ughh!)

    Even though I had won every US naval engagement, attrition had me down to 1 battleship and 6 carriers by end game. I could not stop island hopping nor the atomic bombs. I killed over 90 naval vessels, and yet the US had easily over 20 more ships to throw at me.

    I pretty much followed the historic Japanese strategy, and was executing it much better than they could hope. Even so, it barely pushed me over a stalemate.

  5. @Van Altair --- Garrison units would be nice to keep the civilians in line :) Nobody can afford to protect all their territory (in any of the SC games).

    More importantly, they would keep those 5 strength Chinese partisans from popping up all over conquered China. The Japanese corp limits are much too small near the end game to continually garrison the handful of those special cities.

  6. At least it's easier than assaulting a 2 tile island...

    And those reinforcements do drop the experience level of the unit, making it a tad easier the next time.

    But like you, I would have thought a "zone of control" around the surrounded unit would have made any such reinforcing very difficult at the least. Too much Panzer General for me I guess.

  7. Page 34 of the manual states "In solitaire games against the computer, fog of war will provide the computer opponent a slight advantage in addition to the game difficulty settings."

    Does this mean the AI plays the game in a normally FOW off mode? Or is this slight advantage due to the fact a computer opponent never 'forgets' where things are during the turn, or something else entirely?

    I have been able to 'suprise' the AI, so I am inclined to think the AI does play with FOW on, but perhaps it's just a randomized chance of a normally unseen enemy given an advantage.

    On the flip side, I have also experienced a camping but not silent running sub 3 tiles SW from the port of Honolulu being discovered out of the blue (several turns into Op Z) and not knowing how it was picked up. Intel upgrade would be very low for the US...I sure wouldn't be betting on the 2% chance. :)

  8. Yep, if any air units land on a 1 tile island surrounded by water..it's over.

    I did the exact same thing as the OP, trying to scout out by air JPN fleet movements at the first turn. Is there a way that air units could exert their scouting abilities by skipping their turn (patrolling) than having to relocate to another tile?

  9. My issue with China isn't the manpower, I have 3 HQs and over 2 handfuls of units. It appears that there are only 2 avenues of approach to the capital, and I'm not able to surround and conquer.

    I end up with alot of unmoved but 5+ supplied units not being able to navigate through the mountainous terrain.

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